How to Tell How Big a Guy is Without Seeing It: Endowed or Not?

As they say, size isn’t everything. But when you’re seeing someone new, curiosity can run wild. Here’s how to tell how big a guy is without seeing it.
Some women prefer a man who’s a bit smaller and some prefer men who are huge, but if you ever come across a woman who says she’s not interested in what size his package is, she’s lying.
Penis size can factor into how sexually compatible you are, and how you view your mate, so it can definitely be a concern when you’ve started seeing someone new.
Here’s how to tell how big a guy is without seeing it
So, how can you tell how big a guy is, without having to get him naked? You don’t want to spend quality time investing in him emotionally, only to have him drop his trousers and be disappointed.
There are ways to find out without sleeping with him, and they could potentially save you from killing the passion of your budding new relationship. It only requires a little bit of snooping…
#1 Watch how he walks. Sometimes the most obvious sign is if he walks as if he’s got something big between his legs. Does he have a bit of a bounce in his step? Does he shuffle?
How he walks could be a dead giveaway of what he has concealed, because he’ll move in a certain way to accommodate what he has. Most guys with not much to brag about walk quite casually, as it’s obviously a lot harder to walk easily if you have a third leg that’s always getting in the way! [Read: 18 fascinating and unknown facts about the penis]
#2 Check out the size of his hands. If you really want to know how to tell how big a guy is without seeing it, one of the things I’ve noticed that is almost always spot on is the correlation between hand size and penis size. It almost never fails! The shape and size of his hands are an indication of how big a guy is, and there’s even science to prove it.
It turns out that when in the womb, the amount of prenatal testosterone that men are exposed to directly controls both the hormone production in hands and penises. Therefore, higher doses of testosterone that lead to bigger hands can lead to other things being big too.
#3 Notice how he carries himself. A lot of guys who are confident and caring are the ones who have the most impressive package. If he’s incredibly passionate, affectionate, or constantly trying to find excuses to brush past you or touch you, then chances are that he knows he has nothing to be worried about.
When a man knows that you’re not going to gasp when he takes off his pants, he acts far more relaxed around you and has no need to not be confident or make up excuses to not be flirtatious around you. [Read: Why are men so obsessed with their penis size?]
#4 Make sure he doesn’t have grand delusions. A man who is constantly exaggerating his accomplishments or abilities is one to be wary of. It’s a dating rule in general to avoid people who tend to lie or overuse hyperbole in all situations.
But it’s also an indication that he may have an over-amplified view of himself. If he’s exaggerating that much about something you can fact check… what else is he exaggerating about that you can’t see?
#5 It’s all in the fingers. Besides the size of his hands, it turns out that the way his fingers are shaped could give you an indication of what to expect. If his fingers are short and stubby, chances are so are his penis.
If they’re long but not very thick, then it suggests that he’s got length but not a lot of girth. There is also research that shows that if a guy has a shorter index finger than ring finger then he is above average, size-wise. [Read: The 13 types of penises women love… or laugh at]
#6 Beware of the gym hulks! If you want to know how to tell how big a guy is without seeing it, don’t base it on how muscular or ripped he is. Base it on his natural body type, because any man can pile on muscle with enough hours at the gym to disguise what his true body looks like.
See if you can get hold of an old photo of him before he started getting into lifting weights, to check what he used to look like. Because if you want to know how big a guy is without seeing it, sometimes his current outer appearance can fool you.
On top of this, sometimes super beefy men who practically live at the gym are only sculpting their body to appear more attractive to overcompensate for the parts of their body that they can’t change. Unfortunately, there’s no physical exercise that you can do to increase penis size!
#7 It’s not just about hands – check the feet too. As with hand size, you can figure out how to tell how big a guy is without seeing it by looking at his feet. It may sound like a cliché, but it has been known to be accurate.
Almost every single man that I’ve dated who has had huge feet has turned out to be well endowed. Every now and again you find men who have massive feet but not much in the penis department, but it’s quite rare. [Read: Do women ever get penis envy? The truth revealed!]
#8 Don’t go for guys that brag the loudest. If he’s constantly going on about how amazing he is in bed, or how big his penis is, or how awesome a person he is, it’s most likely all an act. It seems that if a man is incredibly cocky *excuse the pun* he doesn’t have much going on down below.
This is because he wants to distract from the insecurities he has, and puff up his chest to trick you into thinking he’s some sort of sex god. This classic tactic of overcompensating is not only there to try and fool you into believing it, but to fool himself. Go for a humble, modest guy, and you’ll have better luck if you want to know how big a guy is without seeing it.
#9 Geographical location plays a part. It may seem like a stereotype but it’s a valid one, that is backed up with scientific research. It’s been shown that men from certain parts of the world have larger penises, due to their heritage and the genetic makeup of their ancestors.
The research notes that men with larger penis sizes hail from places like Colombia, the Congo, and Bolivia. Whereas men that hail from places such as Thailand, India and Korea aren’t as well endowed. Results of this research may not always be the best indication, but it’s still something to keep in mind. [Read: The average penis – 10 answers that’ll make you a real know-it-all]
#10 Look for the quiet ones. In my personal experience, I’ve found that a lot of men who are generally quite shy, unassuming, or quiet are the ones who are packing the most. I don’t know why this is, but it’s been accurate almost every time.
Something about a shy man equals a large penis, possibly because he doesn’t feel that he has anything to prove. He knows he’s well endowed, so why bother shouting about it? [Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised penis – Who makehs the sexy cut?]
#11 Get up close and personal! Sometimes if you’re out dancing on a date, or just Netflix and chilling, you may get a bit close and get him a bit excited. If this does happen, and he’s wearing something that isn’t hugely loose, try and brush past him as you may be able to feel a slight outline of what he has hidden away. An unmistakable erection is one of the best strategies for how to tell how big he is without seeing it!
Ultimately, there’s no 100% foolproof way to judge how big a guy is until you get up close and intimate, but these tips should help you attempt to unravel the mystery.
There you have it – how to tell how big a guy is without seeing it. But just remember that how big a man is isn’t as important as the connection you have. If he’s not packing much, then chances are he’s packing a hell of an amazing personality. So don’t be discouraged!
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Becki is from the big city of London, but is a small island girl at heart. She is of mixed-race heritage, and has wanderlust flowing through her veins. She work...
Becki is from the big city of London, but is a small island girl at heart. She is of mixed-race heritage, and has wanderlust flowing through her veins. She work...
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