Monday, April 22, 2019

Quest for a Bigger Pair

 Mavericlion Productions,LLC

Quest for a Bigger Pair
by Carl Edward Thompson and Joseph Gilbert Thompson
Quest for a Bigger Pair character and related characters  featured in these stories and all the rest are copyright and trademarks owned by Mavericlion Productions,LCC.©®™ 1973- 2019
Mavericlion Publications,Inc.Mavericlion Publications,LLC.Mavericlion Entertainment,LLC.Mavericlion Entertainment,Inc.Maveric Characters,Inc.,Maveric Book,Inc.,Mavericlion Cartoons,Inc.,Mavericlion Animation,Inc.,Mavericlion Entertainment,LLC,Mavericlion Entertainment Group,Mavericlion Adult Entertainment,Inc,Maveric Comics,Inc.,Sarkhon Toreus Properties,Inc.,Mavericlion Worldwide,Inc.Mavericlion Publishing,Inc.Mavericlion Magazines Management.,Quest for a Bigger Pair Properties,Inc.
Maveric Comic Studios ,Inc
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Quest for a Bigger Pair.Part One
To Harold Brown life has good.We had encountered some of the world's biggest breasted woman from all over the Earth.Twenty years before his birth,some and scientists,who also freakishly huge bust fan and biggest dick fans,had polluted the waters of the planet with a specialized nano virus,that expanded a well endowed woman with tits only imagined by cartoonist Bill Ward,
The average bust size of any woman was comparable to 71 to 84 inches and the average penis length was something 16 inches.Pussy got big enough to accommodate the monster socks and balls as big as grapefruit could hold cum big enough to cover these massively huge breast easy.Harold s mother had an 84 inch bust and his father William spotted a 25 inch cock.
What he discovered,that there were allot of men and women into big cocks.Really big cocks.

By far Harold Brown primary sexual urge was to have sex with a woman with enormous breast.The world 's biggest breast ever recorded and that unfortunately belong to one,who may have existed,but was forever out of reach by him.Despite having a 16 inch classic penis that grew to an unbelievable,breathtaking 35 inch proportions,he could not find this woman.He took all the money,he had made as the world's most well hung gigallo and porn star to run Big Bust Stop-a porn shop/special design clothing for very well endowed men and women.Here could be found the largest bras ever.Oversized dresses and t shirts fitting for the biggest boobed chicks.Here could also be found extra big pants,underwear,condoms and cock ring for biggest ducks about.Harold Brown,of course,used his merchandise.
Harold sat his bed room jerking his meaty monster.His had to bend forward for right hand to make it up the 35 inch length of his elephantine cock.It was a big,monster.Big veins wrapped it,like a tree trunk had with vines.Below two monster balls as big as eateries melons hung below between his legs.He had examining pictures of the legendary British model Tina Small,who at the time of This magazines printing spotted an amazing 284 inch bust.She had complained for her amazingly huge tits were way to big and still growing.She also reported to be filling up with much breast milk.
Harold knew that some mysterious British had called him up last night.She seemed nervous on the phone. asked
"Is the Bust Stop ?" she asked
 "It is ."Harold repronded,playing his big 20 inch near flassid cock in one hand and phone in the other.The Harold got exited by the sound of her breathy voice,that resembled Tina Small.The very thought of the possibility of any woman having such freakishly oversized huge tits made his already mammoth penis grow longer and fatter.
" Oh...Um,I might need your help.I seem to need a new bigger bra. "
 "Bigger !How big !" Harold Brown 's big dick grew to 32 inches as he became exited.
 "Big.Really big.!
" Don't know.I can imagine really big.
 "Not as big as mine.I am bloody huge.
They must be." Harold penis throbbed to it full 35 monster inches.It was thick and hard in his left hand.It felt hard and tight in that hand.He looked down in amazement.Look at the size of that big bastard.You got one monster cock there,Harold !
 "Well...when can I see you.?" the very well hung stud asked.His dick resembled a long meaty elephant cock in his hands.The very thought of meeting her,got exited.

Quest for a Bigger Pair.Part Two
Harold Brown always shot his tremendous load ceilingward,as his beloved moved into the room tethering stop the longest high heels he had ever seen.Heels that were so long,they pushed her beautiful was upward.Heels that were impossible to walk in for any distance and were obviously made for the bed room..only.Christina was wearing a long ,flowing negligee,that was so diaphonous,that it only enhanced the wonderful hills and valleys of the awesome figure beneath.The negligee opened in front,barely counseling twine gigantic freakishly huge tits,that bounced about like two bags of jello.They were in fact so enormously huge,that they stretched beyond the perimeters of long arms and hung downwards beyond her waist,nearly towards her lovely knees.Her nipples are as big as small flassid dicks,backed up desert plate areola.She was wearing  long black stockings,that were attached to a black barter belt affair.The
To say Tina had really massively huge Boobs was an understatement.She has breast so huge,that they appeared so out proportion to the rest of her sexy frame.They often needed to be carried about in two baby carrages,lashed together and flopped into each,over flowing to the brim.
Quest for a Bigger Pair.Part Three

Harold Brown always shot his tremendous load ceilingward,as his beloved moved into the room tethering stop the longest high heels he had ever seen.Heels that were so long,they pushed her beautiful was upward.Heels that were impossible to walk in for any distance and were obviously made for the bed room..only.Christina was wearing a long ,flowing negligee,that was so diaphonous,that it only enhanced the wonderful hills and valleys of the awesome figure beneath.The negligee opened in front,barely counseling twine gigantic freakishly huge tits,that bounced about like two bags of jello.They were in fact so enormously huge,that they stretched beyond the perimeters of long arms and hung downwards beyond her waist,nearly towards her lovely knees.Her nipples are as big as small flassid dicks,backed up desert plate areola.She was wearing  long black stockings,that were attached to a black barter belt affair.The
To say Tina had really massively huge Boobs was an understatement.She has breast so huge,that they appeared so out proportion to the rest of her sexy frame.They often needed to be carried about in two baby carrages,lashed together and flopped into each,over flowing to the brim.

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