Best Answer: 3 inches is smaaaaaallllll
average is 5-6 inches.
hung is 7-8
well hung is 8+
average is 5-6 inches.
hung is 7-8
well hung is 8+
Connor · 1 decade ago
Well, I'd assume by definition, "well hung" would be anything above the average adult male size which is about 3-4 inches flaccid and 5-7 inches erect. I think 7.5 or above is hung honestly, but the male really doesn't need that much, for the female vagina is only about 5-6 inches deep and too much more will hurt the woman, depending on how much she can take. Hope this helps.
The ‘average’ length of an erect adult penis is about 6".
It’s worth remembering that the average adult penis is 'designed' to fit the average depth of the adult vagina which is also about 6".
There is no normal or average size for a soft/flaccid penis because they vary enormously. Some guys ‘shrink’ a lot more than others when soft. You can NEVER judge how big a guy will be when he is erect from his soft penis size.
The ‘average’ girth of an erect adult penis, that is the distance AROUND the penis measured at the thickest point, is about 5". Anywhere between 4.7” and 5.2” is normal.
Most penis growth happens between the ages of 12 and 16 with a subsequent slower rate of growth until the age of 17 or 18. Sometimes up till about 24 or 25yo.
Approximate lengths for under 18’s are:
At the beginning of puberty 2.4”
12 to 13 ....... 3.0" to 4.0”
14 to 15 ....... 4.0" to 5.0”
16 to 17 ....... 5.0" to 6.0”
To convert to cm, just multiply the number in inches by 2.54cm. For example, 5 X 2.54 = 12.7 So a 5" penis is 12.7cm
I'd assume anything over 6.5 inches would be considered "well-hung".Source(s): · 1 decade ago1
Ha ha, no. Hung well is in the 8" category by 1 3/4" thick.
Every man is hung but, how hung (as in how many inches) is and will always be the main question.
8 inches is considered above average, so I would say 9 inches and above would be considered hung.
- How To Go To Heaven
1. Realize you are a sinner Romans 3:23 exp. lying,cussing,gossip,
2. Punishment for sin-Lake of Fire Revelation 20:15
3. Salvation is not in good deeds,baptism.or religion Titus 3:5
4. Salvation is 100% in Jesus Christ, The True God John 14:6 Jesus Christ loves you!
5. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all your sins,shed His blood,
buried,and came alive. Romans 10:9
6. Trust in Christ and His shed blood on the cross only for salvation.
7. Right now pray,"Dear Lord Jesus Christ,please be my Savior and Lord,
I trust in your blood at the cross,you were buried,and came alive,please
come into heart and save me,I am a sinner,Amen." Romans 10:13
8. If you prayed and accepted Christ, heaven is your home. John 3:16
9. Go to a Baptist church next Sunday
10. Read the Old King James Bible everyday
11. Every day pray to the Lord
LightHouse Ministries
peacewithgod.netAnonymous · 2 years ago0
6 inches or more is hung well. Mule size, 8 or 9 inches, is really rare and scares away most females.
7" is hung
Anything above 7"+ is well endowed.
8+ is very well hung. -
9" here but never considered myself that hung
just never wore shorts because they were not long enough to keep my privates covered
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