Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tina Small

Biggest boobs on earth

Tina Small was real

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  • Tina
    Message 1 of 1 , May 19 8:44 PM 
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    World's Largest Fake Breasts
    Is Titanic Tina otherwise as Tina Small or Christina Jane Small-ultra top-heavy model-1980's Blond with 83 Inch Bosom ... Tina Small claimed to suffer from the medical condition known as from the medical condition known as Virginal breast hypertrophy (VBH) is not a medical name, but the more known name for juvenile macromastia and juvenile gigantomastia- that causes excessive growth of the breasts during puberty and has a much higher frequency than the rare cases of breast hypertrophy in pregnancy.
    Tina Small wasn't a hoax .Her nose originally was big like Jon Pertwee and not small and cute as it was in later photos. And despite rumor, by dimwits, there wasn't two or three different models-just one. She put on a short haired blond wig to hide long, golden blond hair so people know it was her. Unfortunately, people recognized giant hooters despite the fake blonde wig-so modeled without it. Got nose job and boob work done. Wrote a book and did acting.
    Sorry, the truth is stranger that stupid theories of fake jugs, different models with different fake hooters and such. The person going around saying such things is lunatic who used stalk me in 1980's .He mad at me because I rejected him. So now, he's spent decades trying to expose me as a fraud.I wrote my autobiography myself.No man wrote.Any fool can see that it was written by a woman and not a man.

    Sorry to disappoint those out there. But I was real and still am. I had work done my nose. Nose job as some put it. I wasn't created for the Sunday Sport. They just published parts of my book and ran a few articles with illustrations or rather pictures. Although airbrush did exist, Photoshop to my knowledge did not. So John may air brushed or touched up photographs, but he didn't Photoshop. And last the breasts were my own and not something strapped on. Whoever the fool or group of fools posting up these kinds of things is just fools. Jealous, hateful fool out for revenge and bitterness, that beautiful busty women have years rejecting them. They live in their mother's basement jacking off my pictures and other top heavy women, because no real woman will touch. They sit around watching other well endowed men and women, getting what they can only dream of getting.
    And I'll tell I'd not touch blokes like with a hyper warp pole-let alone anything closer.

    Nose job. But no you'd rather believe in some JFK Conspiracy, that everything was fakes from the moon landing to Tina Small.
    don't you think if she was real she would have been found, Tina Small is a tabloid soft porn Sunday Sport/Weekly World News fiction created for the newspaper--- 'Re: Tina Small' looks like some of those pics are photo shopped. I don't believe photo shopped boobs really deserve to be on this site cause well macromastia all natural.

    She was not Photo shopped it didn't exist back then!!
    Nose job. but no you'd rather believe in some JFK Conspiracy, that everything was fakes from the moon landing to Tina Small.
    Don't you think if she was real she would have been found, Tina Small is a tabloid soft porn Sunday Sport/Weekly World News fiction created for 'Re: Tina Small' looks like some of those pics are photo shopped. i don't believe photo shopped boobs really deserve to be on this site cause well macromastia all natural.

Tina Small 1979

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