Saturday, March 5, 2011

the biggest cock in Hollywood

the biggest cock in Hollywood
The Largest Penises in Hollywood
By Erin Donnelly
Published: Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 19:01

Since a male full-frontal nude scene happens, oh, every five years or so, it’s a little difficult to determine how male celebrities “measure up” against each other. Luckily, the randy reputations of the superstars below precede them. From Old Hollywood icons to today’s hottest actors, we’ve got the dirt on the 15 fellas who are famed for “going the distance.”

The Largest Penises in Hollywood #1: Daniel Craig

This just in: Daniel Craig has a large penis. Just ask Judi Dench.

The distinguished Dame Dench offered this not-so-distinguished quote after catching an eyeful of her Casino Royale co-star’s, er, “License to Kill” thanks to a conveniently placed trailer opposite his: "It’s an absolute monster! Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. How uncouth of me!"

Craig’s snug bathing suit scene should also eliminate any doubt that he’s more of a 009 (at least) than a 007, don’t you think?
Gary Cooper.
Freddy Franks-

Freddy Frank is mentioned in several books by actors and agents of the 1930s-1960s, and also in several interviews given by noted celebrities of the time, such as Abbott and Costello. Frank was an extra, kept on the payroll of the studios, to perform sexual services to starlets and more than a few female stars of the era. He also was known for serving as a waiter at many hollywood dinner parties where the hosts would set up a "gag" on unsuspecting guests. Frank would serve a salad bowl, with a hole cut in the bottom, and he would carry the bowl at below his waist and offer "salad" to an unsuspecting, usually young and new to hollywood, female guest. Frank would have inserted his limp penis in the hole in the bottom of the bowl and his limp penis would be in the bottom of the hole. When the unsuspecting starlet used the tongs Franks provided for the lady to serve herself salad, she would invariably find that her tongs came out with his penis and it was shocking to her and a laugh all around for most of the guests who were in on the gag, many of whom had previously had the gag performed on them. This gag was also recreated for the 1984 film "Bachelor Party" which was a very early comedic film staring Tom Hanks.
In the film, the waiter is serving hotdogs instead of salad, and the lady asks if they have any foot longs and the waiter answers, "yes, and then some"...and she won't let go of his penis with the tongs when she realizes what she had found...poor slapstick but it was based on real life incidents invoving Franks.
Also, Franks was in several movies as an actor with the great actor Errol Flynn. Flynn had several "measuring contests" with Franks using quarters laid end to end to measure each man when their penis was laid on a bar top. Flynn was always a loser as his erect 12 quarter, hence 12" penis was always a couple of quarters shy of Franks limp penis length.
It has been reported that Flynn always made the excuse he was intoxicated and that's why he never "won". Mae West, a notorious "size queen" all her life stated she had never seen anyone like Franks and not even close. The great Milton Berle, who had the 2d biggest penis in hollywood of the time, 13.5" erect, was several times cajoled and asked to put his endowment up against Franks to settle the issue when he claimed he was the largest and Berle always declined. Franks was reported to be endowed somewhere from "more than 12 inches" to other reports stating he was "14" long fully flaccid" and his fully hard erection was widely reported to be 18" long. That is why Abbott and Costello, Mae West, and several other women of the era all repeated many times that Franks was the biggest they had seen or heard of and he was the "eighth wonder of the world".
But this not the end of the story.According our urban myth network and BS Annonymous Associates,one while Abbott and Costello were visitting Freddy Franks,in a hostel room,he displaying his freakishly huge penis to them.Budd Abbott left the room,but Lou Costello stayed behind.
Outside,Abbott began to hear his partner screamming.''wohh.Abbott.''wohh.Abbott''wohh.Abbott.It's just too''
The guy on first.What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!
Budd Abbott enters the room and see's Lou Costello pantless,bent over the bed,making his weird breathing noises.hhsttnnnn,while Freddy Frank was trying to stuff his freakishly huge dong back into his pants
''Lou,what happened here?''
''I don't know.Abbott...nothing happenned here.I've just been a bad boy,thats all.''

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