Penis enlargement that works!
Authored and contributed by "Avocet", a pumper quite successful in achieving marked permanent gains in penis size. He researched and planned his efforts, then documented them as he progressed. He is generously sharing his regimen and history through the PumpToys Library- showing you how he succeeded.
Penis Enlargement- can it really be done? Indeed it can! Here's the means and method that I have used to gain over an inch in 90 days, and I'm still growing.
The equipment you buy is your choice and may be limited by what you can afford. However, when you have an objective such as permanent enlargement, you will want whatever you buy to support your objectives, and that may mean doing some research before you buy anything.
I did a lot of reading about vacuum erection devices and decided that two elements were especially important to me: a pressure gauge and the size of the cylinder I started with. I purchased a hand pump with a gauge from a company which believes strongly, as I do, that one cylinder size does not fit all and that gains will be more consistent and pumping will be far safer if you start out with tube designed for the erect dimensions of your own penis. Several pump companies offer a sizing chart and measuring instructions (Do Not Cheat, guys; your goal is not to impress the pump manufacturer; they don't care.)
I admit that I am pretty paranoid about changing the shape of my penis or damaging it in any way. I like my existing appearance very much, and I also like having good firm erections. While a "showpiece" cock may be a nice locker-room device, from my point of view it's got to be one that also goes up and is rigid for sex. Further, I did not want to end up with a "doughnut" (a thick, fleshy ring beneath the head (glans) that develops from over-pumping), or even the beginning of one. And, having read posts from a lot of guys who complained of having had painful blisters, abrasions, skin hemorrhages, and odd protrusions of flesh along the shaft of their penises- I wanted none of that, either. I just wanted more of my own dick.
The pumping schedule I've used is considered very conservative, but as a result of it I have had no distortions or skin damage. I started this with a 6" length and a 6" girth. By the end of the first three months, I had gained a full inch in length and over half an inch in girth. Length is not as easy to gain as girth, and I attribute my own length increase to a careful and very regular program. I seldom exceeded 5 inches in pressure on my gauge in the first months. Most men are comfortable between 3 inches and 6 inches of pressure. You will need to find your own comfort level, but make it comfortable. You can pump 4 days a week and still get gains, but I pump nearly every day.
Here's my outline- first, the basic procedures.
Trim up:
A day or two before you use your pump the first time, it's a good idea to clip pubic hairs at the base of the shaft of your penis then shave (very carefully) with a safety razor a narrow ring around your shaft and about half way down your testicle sac if you are hairy there. Doing this ahead of time will give any tiny nicks time to heal before pumping. The clipping/shaving will provide a clean surface for obtaining a pressure seal with your cylinder rim. In my experience, a few hairs can ruin a good seal. This will not change your pubic appearance much, and a bonus is that it will give you the appearance of being longer before you've even pumped once. When you start itching during the day, it's probably time to shave again.
Prepare Your Cylinder:
Have ready: an indelible ink felt pen and a clean, dry wash cloth.
Connect the male and female couplers of your cylinder and air tube.
Spread a thin layer of lubricant on the bottom rim (or flange) of the cylinder. Apply and spread a small amount of a good, glycerine based lubricant around the bottom, inside, two or three inches of the cylinder.
Apply a thin layer of the lubricant to the glans of your penis and to the shaft, but not all the way down to your testicles. Slippery testicle sac skin makes it easier to suck one of your testicles into the cylinder under pressure. This is not the end of the world, but it doesn't feel good to me when it happens. I don't like the sensation at all and it means I have to re-establish a seal before I can continue.
It's easiest to get an initial seal if you go into the tube erect or semi-erect. You can also pump up if you are flaccid. If flaccid, increase pressure very gradually as you achieve an erection under pressure. Hurrying is not good for your vascular system and penile tissue is very sensitive. When you have a normal erection, you don't achieve that in a mere 20 seconds. Take your time, work up slowly.
Wipe your hands dry with the wash cloth. Sticky hands make supporting the cylinder or manipulating the handles of a hand pump a slippery problem.
Place your penis in the cylinder. With your free hand pull your testicle sack down a bit to accommodate the cylinder rim. Fit the bottom rim snugly against your pubic bone and twist the cylinder a quarter rotation, then back, to create a firm seal. You are ready to pump.
I think timing is very important in pumping. As you begin to pump and know that you have an adequate seal, check your watch and begin your timing.
Pumping feels different from anything else I've experienced. When I did it the first time I was not prepared for the sensations; it all got out of control before I could release the pressure, and I ejaculated into the tube. Semen under pressure has nowhere to go but everywhere within the tube and I was sure for a few seconds that I had blown myself up. Not so; but I learned quickly that I'd have to take a more distant and scientific attitude. I haven't had that problem since.
The first thing to learn (besides not cumming in the tube unless you intend that) is to understand the difference between pleasure and pain. The line can be very thin. Do not go beyond pleasure to pain, ever, because pain brings tiny skin hemorrhages, major and nasty blood blisters, and flesh distortions. If you bruise or blister, you will have to quit pumping altogether until you heal. There should be a firm sensation of pulling and a not-unpleasant sensation of expansion of your shaft and glans.
Toward the end of your first session, take your felt pen and mark the outside of the tube with a line indicating the top-most point the that very tip of your glans has reached inside. You will use this as a marker to indicate your gradual progress during further pumping sessions.
For beginning pumpers especially, when your session time is up- QUIT, no matter how much you like what's going on in the tube, or how good it might feel to you. You are stretching your skin and the tissue of your penis in ways they have never been stretched before. Do not get carried away with that. Just stop and look forward to the next session.
Each time I finish a session, I add some lubricant to my penis and spend a couple of minutes doing massage of the entire shaft and glans, paying attention to all surfaces. Massage has the effect of evening out any blips you may have created by being over-enthusiastic with your pressure or timing and assures complete blood flow, and blood exchange within the penis. Massage will NOT make abrasions or blisters go away, though it may help some in the healing.
Next, let's talk about a second part of the regimen- Jelqueing.
Following massage, I jelque for several minutes. Jelqueing is no mystery; it's a penile exercise that's been around for a very long time. Here's how it's done:
Form an "O" with your thumb and forefinger; grasp the base of your lubricated penis; squeeze and pull firmly (not painfully) up the shaft to the base of the head (glans). You will notice that the glans will engorge as blood and lymph are forced up toward it. As you squeeze and pull, you are also stretching the core tissue that runs from the glans down into the pubic area. This is the tough "cavernosa" or blood chamber that makes an erection point up. By stretching this core tissue firmly but not painfully, you can increase the rate of length gains. Unless you misuse this exercise, it will not cause your erect penis to point down rather than up.
Following some minutes of jelqueing, I wrap my penis in a warm wet wash cloth, as warm as is still comfortable. I add more warm water as I need to and do this for a few minutes. Men who have pumps which allow for warm water pumping can skip this step. Heat relaxes tissue and some believe that heat promotes cell division. This "break" time usually lasts 5 to 8 minutes for me. I believe that breaks between short sessions are important: Newly oxygenated blood enters the penis and with good frequency (this does not happen to any great degree while you are under pressure). If I plan another pumping session, I follow the same lubricating steps as when I began the first session and then continue.
Now- here's the schedule I use:
This is the schedule I adopted having talked with sensible pumpers and after reading their advice. These sessions are always at moderate and comfortable pressures. I know a lot of guys are into high pressure and long sessions, but I'd compare my own gains so far with any of theirs.
Week 1: One 10 minute session per day
Week 2: One 15 minute session per day
Week 3: Two 10 minute sessions per day
Week 4: Two 15 minute sessions per day
Week 5: One 20 minutes session, one 10 min session, per day
Week 6: Two 20 minute sessions per day
Week 7: Three 20 minute sessions per day
A few things to expect:
Pumping pressure causes the Cowpers glands to produce more fluid than you would normally experience. "Pre-cum," the clear, slippery fluid you may have during sex foreplay, may ooze into the tube. You may also have some oozing after your sessions are over. Don't be concerned about this.
It is common for the penis to remain longer and fatter after a session. You have filled it with blood and lymphatic fluids. Your penis will have a "spongy" feeling. In the beginning of your pumping experience this flaccid increase does not last very long at all, but it's fun while it's there. Slowly, over weeks, you will find that you are hanging longer and heavier for hours, then all day, then for a couple of days between pump sessions. You are beginning to see permanent gains. Unlike some, I do not believe that pumping gives fully permanent gains. But a minimal maintenance schedule of pumping 3 or 4 times a month will let you keep what you've worked for. That, to me, is permanent enough.
If you find that your normal, non-pumped erections become soft or spongy instead of the rigid ones you used to have, you are overdoing pressure or session timing. Cut back. Having good sexual erections should be one of your goals.
If the frequency of your nighttime/waking erections increases after a month or so or you are more aware of them, you are going the right thing. They may also be thicker and longer.
You may find that you can last longer during sex. It's not that you are de-sensitized; it's just that pumping has trained you to handle more sensation without ejaculating as soon.
Final Cautions:
Do NOT go to pain. Pain cuts progress and causes damage. Limit your session times and be sure to take breaks at least every 20 minutes after you have some experience under your belt. I believe that if you build up slowly, you will build up larger and healthier.
Nearly every day we get email offering some way to permanently enlarge your Penis. The vast majority of these are not designed to enlarge your penis at all- they are designed to separate you from your money. The latest wave is herbal formulas, and many of these people have truly vivid imaginations. For example, we have an advertisement here for a product called "Xtend", sold by a company calling itself Bristol Medical. 60 day supply-$40. I quote:
"Most men experience a significant increase in the size and girth of their penis in as little as two to four weeks. In 60 days, you can be up to two to five inches bigger"
five inches? FIVE INCHES?????
Guys- that is ABSOLUTE HOGWASH. If there was any such benefits available from a pill, companies like Pfizer (maker of Viagra) and other pharmaceutical companies would be on it like white on rice. Viagra sells at around $10+ per pill- and is incredibly profitable. If people will pay $10 for a better erection, how much would they pay for a longer penis? Thousands. If it could be done that way, the pros would be doing it. But by selling this crap as a natural (herbal) product, these marketers don't have to contend with FDA rules, which require them to test the product and prove their claims. They are free to say whatever they wish.
In Fact, penis enlargement is possible, but there's a lot of "if" involved. The two most consistent truths are (1) There is no quick way, and (2) There is no guaranteed way. The vast difference in genetic characteristics of men's tissues creates a number of variables that affect the possibility for each individual. Some men have the kind of tissue that just won't stretch and restructure, and some have have tissue that responds and changes. So far, we don't know how to determine what your potential is other than by the way you respond to the efforts to cause change.
At PumpToys, we have the pleasure to deal with and talk with thousands of pumpers. Those who have achieved permanent gains are invariably using a regimen, a plan that is maintained consistently. While the details vary (and should because people vary) the general approach is a combination of pumping and Jelqueing exercises. The combination is used more often and considered more effective than either one used individually, by a significant margin.
A vacuum pump causes enlargement from the inside out, by creating a pressure difference between the inside and outside of your penis. There are two effects created by that differential. The first is physical tension that works to force the extension of all the inner tissues- the penis core, all blood vessels, anywhere fluid can reach. This force is applied in all directions except backward into the body. This happens immediately; you feel the pull and pressure as soon as vacuum is applied. The second effect is engorgement of the cell structure. This is the accumulation of fluid within the cells and any available space between tissues. This occurs over time, and creates the enlargement that remains temporarily when vacuum is released. The longer the period of vacuum lasts, the greater the engorgement.
Without question, the physical tension is fundamental to permanent size increases, as it forces the limits of the tissue to new levels. Ideally, we want to direct those forces; focus them where we want change and apply them reasonably. The engorgement is different. Engorgement is useful- IF it's used correctly. Engorgement is a kind of inflation by fluids. The cell walls and tissues are stretched by engorgement. Stretching just past the existing limit tends to promote extension. Stretching substantially past it tends to create scar tissue, and that makes the tissue less flexible in the future. What we need to achieve desired permanent enlargement is to retain stretchable tissue characteristics as the process continues. We also need to direct that stretch primarily toward length. This would indicate that we need to limit the degree of engorgement, and especially limit the lateral (sideways) stretch that engorgement will create first. Lateral expansion also tends to be unequal, as several kinds of tissue are present along the length of the penis... thus the source of the well-known "doughnut" bulge developed when pumping in too large a tube. In other words, we need to control (A) exposure time, (B) vac levels and (C) physical directions of expansion.
The penis cylinder in the primary tool you need for this process- and they DON'T all work the same for this purpose. Here's what the cylinder has to do for you to play the proper role in Permanent Enlargement:
Be comfortable enough to wear for the length of time your regimen calls for. Reverse-flange cylinders tend to bite and be uncomfortable, even painful. That does not encourage the person or the process. Proper exposure time requires proper comfort.
Keep the flow of fluids open- not just the blood vessels, but the shallow veins and lymphatic systems too. If the fluids can't circulate (and they do despite the vacuum in the tube provided they aren't restricted) this blood and fluids will become stale... short of oxygen! Compression of your body under the cylinder rim can block this flow. Distributing the cylinder's contact over a wider area reduces the compression of fluid passageways. Utilizing a soft contact surface instead of a hard one avoids extra compression in harder areas of the body such as those over your pubic bone or tendons.
Prevent testicle intrusion; that painful experience where a nut is suddenly pulled past the rim by vacuum. Reverse-flange cylinders do this fairly well, but at a price. The purpose of the sharp edge is to intrude more deeply into the pubic tissue. It must do that to limit intrusion, because it can't flex over the hard places. The price is loss of comfort and circulation.
Be only slightly larger than your un-pumped diameter, to limit your lateral expansion- and promote lengthwise expansion. In terms of area, there a lot more square inches on the side of your penis than there are on the end; the bulk of enlargement will be focused laterally unless you limit it. Tissue pulled sideways pulls backward on the penis length! Girth enlargement is far easier to acquire than length, and you very likely will develop some. As you do gain permanent girth changes, you will occasionally need to move to a larger tube. This is why PE tubes are made in 1/4" increments.
The only penis cylinder made today that fully addresses these needs is PumpToys VelSeal cylinders. The cylinder and seal are unique- not adaptations of existing products. They were designed from the beginning to work together and meet the specific needs of enlargement pumpers.
Jelqueing is usually described as a ancient middle-east technique, but little is really known about it's development. There are numerous places online that sell the instructions to do this technique, but there is a lot of equally good information that is free- including some in this library. The basic process is that of pulling the penis outward in such a way that blood and fluid is forced ahead of the pulling point. The result is a mechanical force pulling in a lengthwise direction and a hydraulic force resulting from compression of the fluids that tends to elongate the tissue as it's being pulled. A major aspect of Jelqueing is repetition. A lot of repetition of the exercise each session, and lots of sessions... Thus Jelqueing is a time consuming process.
One of the major aspects of Jelqueing is the "conditioning" of the tissue, working it to promote the elongation. This somewhat like a warm-up you do before a strenuous physical activity; you are preparing the body for greater demands than usual. Jelqueing combines the conditioning and stretching demands simultaneously. As the tissues are conditioned to stretching, the directional aspect of the exercises focuses the way in which the tissue is asked to respond. This is why extensive repetition is required; the most effective part of the session is the last part, where tissue conditioning is at it's best. At the same time, strong Jelqueing soon irritates the penis, thus imposing a limit on the extent of the session. Irritation is best avoided, since it can carry over and limit following sessions as well. Controlling irritation and focusing the vac pressure on length both require the same thing- a really good lube that won't break down. PumpToys GLYDE is the ideal lube, designed specifically for pumping.
When pumping and Jelqueing are combined, the pumping does much of the conditioning, and does so better than Jelqueing alone. This make the Jelqueing more effective at an earlier point in the session, and takes advantage of the pre-stretch that pumping has developed, focusing it more toward length than it otherwise would have if not subject to the directional exercise. Of course it provides lengthwise stretching, but also adds controlled lateral (girth) growth that Jelqueing alone does little for. Size and effectiveness are not measured by length alone!!
If you pump or Jelque casually, you may see some permanent change- but it's far more likely that you won't. If you decide to pursue permanent enlargement, you need to be serious and committed. You need to develop a regimen, or regular and repetitive practice just as you would if you were body building. Because we all are different, you may need to vary the regimen to suit your responses. You need a starting place, and one of the best we have seen in terms of Jelque method and schedules is right here in the PumpToys Library, written by an MD who is an effective Permanent PE pumper.
You also need the right equipment. That means a reasonably good vacuum pump and the right cylinder. Get yourself a "VelSeal" cylinder, sized 1/4" larger than your erect penis diameter, and get some Glyde lubricant to go with it. Then get some clear scotch tape, the kind you can write on with a sharpie or permanent marker. Put a strip of this tape lengthwise on your cylinder, and on your first pump put a line across the tape at the end of the penis. That's your baseline; your reference to compare change. Now set yourself a strong but reasonable objective- say a 1" change in 6 months. Put another line 1" above your baseline. Each time you see a noticeable gain, put a dot at that point with the pen, and watch your progress.
One final reminder- if you don't start now... in 6 months you will be right where you are today!
This is a very common question, and one that is fairly easy to answer.
It's great!
Here's a few things to consider.
Penis pumps are Approved by the FDA as a means of treating Erectile Dysfunction. Hardly what they would do if it were a dangerous practice!
Much of sex revolves around curiosity. For example- women wonder what it would be like to have DD breasts. They usually don't want to own a pair, they just want to experience them for a while. For men, it's the same thing, and we can experience feelings we are curious about through pumping!
Most men don't pump for permanent growth, so changes are temporary- but what a change! It is a sexual interest builder, and a confidence builder too!
The bulk of pumping has effects that show in an erection even after it has disappeared in a slack state. An erection perhaps 6 hours after a pump is a real brute, and your partner will definitely feel it!
Women are fascinated with cock and ball size, just as men are fascinated with breast size. Your partner will love fondling the oversize nuts, and trying to get that fat monster in her mouth.
Pumping allows you to "size" yourself; to whatever extent you or your partner wishes to experience. Remember, volume is what fills an opening, not just length. A fat cock does just as much to change feeling as a long one, except that it doesn't cause pain!
Most men find that pumping increases the volume of ejaculation, and many partners find that to be another super turn on.
Of course, there is one drawback. Masturbating when your cock is so large you can't get your hand around it is a difficult job- but somebody's got to do it!
Author: Trevor Roberts, M.D.
This article is contributed by one of PumpToys' regular clients, who is also a M.D. and an experienced pumper. Note that "Dr. Roberts" is a pen-name for obvious reasons; you won't find him listed in the phone book... and he does not have time for personal correspondence. As professional points of view about pumping are somewhat hard to find, we are especially grateful to Dr. Roberts for the time and sharing of his expertise.
This article contains not only his observations and reasoning, but his methods. We know that he and some other pumpers who have worked together with him in refining these methods have made quite impressive gains in penis dimensions. We consider this some of the best directive for enlargement you will find anywhere.
For eons, men have used every describable contraption to make their penises bigger. Now, there are pumps and tubes and valves available that make enlarging the penis easy- by placing it in a vacuum. The questions this occasions are:
What are the benefits?
What are the risks?
Almost all men like the idea of seeing themselves with a larger penis. There isn't a man alive who hasn't checked his size against that of others in the locker room, bathroom or shower and realized that his was a puny second or third when compared to some others in the room.
Add to that the complete rejection in today's world, by women of the statement that: "Size doesn't matter." This is now an occasion for derisive laughter. Size DOES matter!
Pumping up to 5"- 8" vacuum for a period as short as ten minutes can enlarge the penis for a period of time up to approximately an hour. This is a significant increase in size for the purpose of having sex.
Despite all the claims of instant enlargement with herbs or pills (also known as snake-oil) permanent enlargement is indeed possible- but it can't be bought. Like most things worth having, it's neither instant nor effortless. You work for it; It takes time, discipline and dedication, combined with methods and equipment that work. This is my method.
Using an adequate size vacuum tube and with a well lubricated penis (not oil or oil based) lubricate the first two or three inches of the tube, and the glans and shaft of the entire penis. Placing it under a vacuum is mechanically pulling the penis and the structures in it up the tube by means of hydraulics. This means that the blood vessels, which may be so occluded as to cause E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction) will be dilated immensely and forced to stretch along with all other tissue. Over time, this will improve blood flow in the penis so that erections may increase in number or indeed return to the man who has not had a spontaneous erection in years.
With the advent of web sites teaching penis enlargement techniques, there has developed a way to incorporate gains from pumping with gains from P.E. (other Penis Enlargement techniques) that afford a permanent enlargement if a steady routine practice is done.
Jelqueing is a Middle East technique, which enlarges the penis in both length and girth. The technique recommended to be used in combination with pumping is slightly different than the recommended standard Jelque, but is highly effective.
Grasping the base of the penis between index and middle finger of one hand and gathering up all the loose skin (if uncircumcised) between those two fingers, press them against the pubic bone. (This will probably cause a mild erection.) With the other hand -thumb nearest the abdomen- make an "O" (as in the o.k. hand sign) with the index finger and thumb. Now squeeze very tightly and slowly, and over a period of two to three seconds move the "O" down the shaft forcing blood ahead of it into the head. Slide back with no pressure to the starting point, and repeat. Then repeat this again up to 100 strokes or five minutes, which ever is first.
Now, switch to the vacuum tube. Pump to the pressure you tolerate best (this varies with the individual) for ten minutes. Then repeat the jelqueing process, and continue alternating these steps until you have made 500 jelque strokes, finishing with a ten-minute vacuum pump. Such a session will require approximately one hour.
The growth will be in both length and girth, but by far the greater in girth, which women say they prefer anyway- because more of the clitoris is stimulated. In addition, more girth adds volume to the penis, just as length does, and the vagina accommodates the added girth by shortening- thus resulting in a "fuller" feeling and stronger contact with the deeper portions of the vagina.
There is little to be gained by anyone going beyond 15" of vacuum, especially for prolonged periods. Most men will feel a very nice pull somewhere between 5 and 10" of vacuum.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: high vac levels; i.e. above 5-6", can cause tissue damage to many individuals. You MUST consider your own physical limitations when using vacuum!)
After being in the vacuum for a length of time it quite common for there to be fluid in the foreskin and around the glans like a doughnut; occasionally, there may be blood blisters. These happenings are temporary and not anything to worry about, but are inconvenient and make jelqueing troublesome. Such occurrences are dependent on the vacuum level, the length of time in vacuum and the tissue of the individual. By adjusting the pressure (and time if not performing the exercise routine) they may be eliminated. If a small amount of blood comes from the urethra, lower the pressure you are using, and suspend your exercise for the day. This is also nothing to worry about other than making the proper adjustments in technique.
Another phenomenon is the fact that your first bouts of urination after pumping may go east when you are pointing north, or may go in more than one direction simultaneously. This is also a temporary condition caused by tissue swelling.
I recommend this combination method of penis enlargement especially because there is no danger of penile nerve damage.
Trevor Roberts, M.D.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Serious Inquiries regarding this article may be directed to the Doctor, C/O They will be forwarded to him, however his time and/or the nature of the question may not allow any reply.
Article AO2
Pumping as a Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction
Authored and contributed by "Avocet", a successful enlargement pumper, with an interest in erectile dysfunction problems.
So much emphasis is placed on the size gain aspect of pumping that another very important benefit is rarely discussed.
The time comes for nearly every guy when foreplay begins, sex is going to be a sure thing, and your dick just will not get hard. Or, you get hard but at the moment when you are ready to penetrate whatever orifice, that hard-on deflates. If this happens once or twice or even a few times, don't panic. Just accept that the time isn't right and don't beat yourself up about it. Look forward to the next occasion.
But if this becomes a regular occurrence, and you notice that you seldom wake up to a hard-on in the night or the morning, don't spin your wheels; see your doctor or a urologist. There are so many acceptable solutions now to erectile dysfunction (ED) that it's foolish to postpone doing something positive about it.
One major cause of ED is vascular in nature. The veins and arteries of the penis can become clogged in the same way that the vascular system of the heart can. Nighttime erections serve the purpose of cleaning out our plumbing and keeping the penile blood system healthy. In fact, the average healthy guy has 4 - 5 nighttime erections during REM sleep, each lasting about a half hour. That's a lot of plumbing maintenance that we're missing if nighttime erections are absent or rare.
There are few men now of any age who do not take prescribed medications for health problems, and many use prescription drugs in recreational ways. But many of these drugs also cause limp dicks. Smoking also causes limp dicks. Alcohol, overused, causes limp dicks. Prostatitis can cause limp dicks; prostate cancer therapies also result in some form of ED, at least for a time. Diabetes often results in erectile dysfunction because of vascular damage. There is a "laundry list" of other reasons why erections stop happening when we want them most.
But- the good news is that regular use of a vacuum pump can, over time, not only mimic the function of normal nighttime erections but also bring about their return.
My case is anecdotal but is a good example: When I was 42, my doc (a good doc) put me on a medication for mild hypertension. My blood pressure returned to normal and for a couple of years everything was fine. I had good sexual erections, and I had a lot of nighttime erections. But gradually things went downhill. I'd get hard for sex, then lose it. Morning "wood" was no longer ordinary for me; it became rare. When I talked with a new doctor about this, his feeling was that the blood pressure medication I was taking had also taken its toll sexually. We changed the medication to one which has less or no sexual fallout (there are many options), but the vascular damage had already been done in my case. The new med only prevented it from becoming worse.
I initially started pumping for several reasons, one was the hope that dependable erections would be easier to get. I had kissed spontaneous erections good-bye. The surprise to me was that after about six weeks (your mileage may vary), I was having night-time erections again with the added bonus of a heck of a lot more erotic dreams. I need far less Viagra than I used to use; I'm also having some random daytime erections (think some filthy thoughts?) again.
There is some hope here, too, for men who are premature ejaculators. Many guys have emailed me that pumping has helped them last longer during sex. It doesn't seem to be that one's dick becomes less sensitive, rather that pumping regularly seems to allow more tolerance to stimulation. And, if you get bigger from pumping, too, will you complain?
Bagman's Advanced Pumping Techniques: Effective Time
From The Bagman at
Many pumpers feel that they grow fast in the early part of a pump session, then seem to "Plateau" or reach a point where enlargement either stops or greatly slows down. It would seem logical to say that the longer you pump, the larger you would get. Not necessarily true!
The question is one of effective time. "Effective" means any time when the flow and gain of fluids that cause enlargement is taking place at the desired rate, and that is not something that occurs continually. Effective time also varies in the level of efficiency- as the flow reduces, the level drops. Pumping up faster or larger is a factor of effective time only. Time spent in the pump that's not effective is totally wasted.
This fluid flow and gain process that creates enlargement is restricted by the pumping operation itself, in these three ways:
As swelling takes place, tissues are engorged- including those of the passageways bringing fluid in, actually reducing the diameters of those passageways.
There is a pinching pressure attempting to close these passageways right at the point where the cylinder entry meets your body. The passageways are part of the tissue being compressed by the sealing surface of the tube.
It is further complicated by another easily demonstrated process, that of "vacuum collapse". Take a soft tube, and connect it to your vac pump. With an open end, it will suck indefinitely. Now squeeze the tube down in the middle. As the opening gets narrower, two things happen. One, the flow through the restriction reduces- and two, the vac level on the restricted portion increases. There comes a point where the internal vacuum itself pulls the tube closed- and all flow stops.
All of these conditions combine to either restrict or stop the process of enlargement. The longer the condition lasts, the tighter the restriction can get- and thereby further reducing the level of effectiveness, ultimately ending effective time altogether. The issue is one of making all the time in the pump effective time, and maximizing the level of that effectiveness.
We did an experiment to try and measure the extent of this. To determine exactly what gain was occurring, we went to Displacement Pumping. (Explained in another Advanced Pumping Article) Two pumpers who run close to the same in size and usual enlargement rate provided the comparisons. We selected the one that usually pumped up faster as the control subject; and the slower one as the test subject. Both used STJ's as cylinders, and both pumped wet with precisely the same level of water in the jar. Both jars were marked for measurement by adding water that had been precisely measured and creating a CC (Cubic Centimeter) scale on the side The scale started with the zero set at the water mark with the jar vertical and inverted, with enough water to cover the pumper. As the enlargement develops, it displaces water and raises the level on the scale- precisely measuring the volume of change. We did this experiment on four occasions using different schedules each time, with substantially different results.
The control subject would pump at a vac level of 5", and hold it for 60 minutes.
The test subject would pump at the same vac level, but would interrupt the session with an alternate state as called for by the experiment schedule.
The result is measured in relative terms:
The change in volume (actual gain) of the test subject, as compared to the control subject expressed as a plus or minus percentage. The volume of the control subject's gain over the zero mark would always be 100. If the test subject developed 10% less gain, the test score would be 90%. If the gain was identical, the score would be 100%; if the gain was 10% more, the score would be 110%. The "Relative effectiveness" is the score points gained per minute; obtained by dividing the score by the time at level.
Four test schedules were tried, as follows:
Break at 15 minute intervals, exit and massage 2 minutes, return to vac level. (3 breaks)
Reduce vac level to zero once every 15 minutes, hold zero for 1 minute, return to level.
Reduce vac to zero every once every 10 minutes, hold zero for 1 minute, return to level.
Reduce vac to 1" every 5 minutes, hold for 30 seconds, return to level.
Here's the scorecard of the test subject for these tests:
#1 108 54 MINUTES 2.00
# 2 111 57 MINUTES 194
# 3 121 54 MINUTES 2.24
# 4 133 54 MINUTES 2.46
In every schedule, taking breaks to restore circulation and relieve the closure resulted in faster net gain. Frequent reliefs of vacuum for short intervals are the most effective overall. The indication is that a sort of pulse-pumping with intervals is far more effective than constant pressure. It's also logical to conclude that if the test had run for a two-hour period, the second hour score increases would have been greater than the first, because the loss of effectiveness in the control subject would be somewhat accumulative or progressive.
One other note- the subjects were sitting and not active during the tests. Activity would help relieve some of the restriction problems. It's commonly recognized that being erect while in cylinder is more effective than a sitting position. This is due to the weight of the cylinder pulling downward, helping to reduce the pressure the vacuum can exert against the body in the seal area, thereby creating less restriction to fluid flow.
If you feel you have reached your "plateau", try the take-a-break system; get your fluid passages open again, and- pump on!
NOTE: NEVER use the BRK or any rigid restriction around you while pumping! That risks serious loss of circulation and injury as well as great difficulty in removing the restriction after body parts have enlarged. FlexRings are often used while pumping, but be advised that these also have a limit of elasticity and can create a loss of circulation. Unlike most rigid devices, Flexrings are easily cut to remove should the need arise.
NOTE: NEVER use the BRK or any rigid restriction around you while pumping! That risks serious loss of circulation and injury as well as great difficulty in removing the restriction after body parts have enlarged. FlexRings are often used while pumping, but be advised that these also have a limit of elasticity and can create a loss of circulation. Unlike most rigid devices, Flexrings are easily cut to remove should the need arise.
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