Is there such a thing as too big?
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Mar 8
Penis size preference ?
Mar 7
Penis too large for pleasurable sex?
Mar 7
The Big Book of Breasts
Mar 7
Puma Swede
Mar 7
Pandora Peaks
Mar 6
Eye of the Beholder?
Mar 6
large peter large bust support group
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Fuko Fan Club
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Eye of the Beholder?
Is there such a thing as too big?
Ask a male or female Size Queen and they say no such thing. Ask a man or woman into big breast, and you get the same answer.
Still, I will ask this. Me got no problem women with big breast or men with big ones. It kind of makes apart of a special club, the normals will never understand. As a big man, I got more in common with adult film stars than the small or average sized guy. And I bet the big girls feel similar. I’m turned on by big men screw big women. If the normals think that makes immaturte, then fuck em because they are just jealous and think because the average is like, we all must fall in line the norm-all is the norm. Comform like that Twilight Zone Episode-Eye of the Beholder. If those moron had their way, anyone that isn’t them, would rounded in put in Nazi Death Camps. Think that’s a joke? I don’t. Give certain people power and they abuse it 24/7.They’d put adult film stars, with big meat and big breast in camps-just the Nazi’s did the Jews. That’s the point of the episode. A beautiful is treated like ugly, because she doesn’t in a world of ugly people. who think they are normal. Tina Small, Chelsea Charms, Maxi Mouns, John Holmes, Dick Rambone, Peter North, Ron Jeremy, Lexington Steel, Owen Williams, whoever-all treated as celebrities, but freaks of nature, would there, treated like so much useless meat-in the way of the normals eye of beautiful standards.And then they turn fans and lovers of such people.Count on it.
Me, I think anything, from plastic surgery, penis pumps, self help books, whatever is ok by me. If one wants improve ones physically or mentally, I’m ok with that. It isn’t shallow to improve your physical or mental being. I was called shallow by a girl, because I wanted a female as good-looking as me. And I prefer well endowed as. I didn’t agree then and still don’t. It was ignorant then as today. And that hasn’t changed and won’t anytime soon. Star Trek teaches us to get along with different people-different societies, religions, cultures; philosophies.Phyisical perfection and extra size should included. Time for the world grow up.
I do believe,that some day,if nano technology really works and isn't just some simple type of thing to clean up trash or something,there will nano plastic surgeon making women with breast as big as Tina Small or Chelsea Charms and men with monster peters,big as bigger than John Holmes or Dick Rambone-and Owen Willians.And will only be for starters.You already adult film stars trying to get monster sex organs,for their professional careers,so nano plastic surgery isn't far behind.Normal and extreme proportions will happen,as long one does not get so big as hurt someone or themselves.Count it.
I know I’m making big Jim Kirk Speech.Well,Gentlemen.Spock-Bones.
Still, whats your opinion?
Doc Thompson
Friday, June 09, 2006
Eye of the Beholder?
The classic Twilight Zone Episode, "Eye of the Beholder", profiles a young woman, desperate to belong. Desperate to be included as just normal, in a society that views her face as non aesthetically pleasing. She has endured, at that point, several operations to remove what she sees as her facial deformities. She has been isolated accordingly in the society and yearns just to belong. Her most recent (and according to the doctor, her LAST) surgery, is the last ditch attempt to finally belong. Anyone who is a twilight zone fan, knows the outcome of this story. In short, the woman is drop dead gorgeous, and in fact, the people who are treating her, as well as everyone else in this futuristic society, look absolutely horrendous (according to us).
That leads me to the question. Does size matter? Oh, um, we're not talking about that, wrong subject and wrong blogger - I must be near my cycle. Now normally, I don't segway into these philosophicizing culturally sensitive topics - I generally leave that to the two experts designed to handle those types of requests. But sometimes, in the pipeline, the owners of K-PAT FM have to interrupt regularly scheduled programming and discuss the elephant in the room topics that others speak on so well.
Does.Beauty.Matter? To THEM? To US?
We take great pride in taking care of our bodies, our faces, and our minds. Yes, that is to be expected. Most people in this world try to do two things: Look good, and avoid looking bad - both personally and professionally. They are NOT one and the same. So, we take the appropriate measures to ensure that we, often times, look head and shoulders above the rest. This can include
- Waxing (Or Threading) Hair, Nails, Facials, Gym Memberships, Exfoliating, Toning, Keeping up with Trends, Carb Crunching, Fat Counting, Gloss Buying, Tanning (well, for our melanin - challenged readers), and a partridge in a pear tree. And any other cosmo-lucky mag, vibe vixen, inspired technique to get purty.
Brother's I have not left you out. In this metro-sexual driven culture where men's grooming styles are no shorter than any cast member of Queer Eye, you, too, are expected to aesthetically please on both the physical, and the financial front.
Before I go into my spiel, I want to say that there are always exceptions to the rule; however, exceptions prove the rule. With that said, aren't receptionists generally attractive? Are the people that work in marketing, or business to business sales physically appealing, if not in face, in dress, body style? Are the retail employees that work at Bloomingdales, Charlotte Russe, and a You-Name-It store on Rodeo Drive attractive? All the girls at hot dog on a stick have a great ass to waist ratio? Do all the men that work at Fed-X, UPS, have nice legs, abs, and bodies (Lawd, thank you, YES).
Are the employees that work in customer care, finance, quality assurance, and other non customer facing jobs more likely to be, (as society deems it) less physically pleasing those in the other categories mentioned above? That doesn't mean that you don't come across your residential foxes, but likka said - always exceptions to the rule.
Us included. Men and women are attracted initially by the physical possibilities. But are the physicality’s subject to the interpretation of the interpreter, or not? Yes, I know we all have types, and I know that there are universal pretties and fineness, like MY MAN Isaiah Washington, Aishwarya Rai and the like. But, are we too, not only subject to beauty being in the eye of the beholder, but also perpetrators of such behavior?
We used to teach a class at the company that I work for called behavioral interviewing. In, it we used to provide them with the measuring criteria on how to rate someone on whether or not they were a suitable candidate for employment. Time after time, we received pushback on how they looked (piercings, tattoos, height and weight, etc), as opposed to their general qualifications.
"Now the question comes to mind...where is this place and when is it, what kind of world where ugliness is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm? The answer is: it doesn't make any difference. Because the old saying happens to be true. Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence, on this planet or wherever there is human life, perhaps out among the stars. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lesson to be learned...in the Twilight Zone." - Rod Serling
So - IS beauty in the eye of the beholder? Subject to the interpretation of the interpreter? Of just a social construct designed to eradicate where true love lies - where life lies - at the soul.
I think everyone has done it, and everyone has been susceptible to it. So with that, K-PAT would like to open up the airwaves to the audience. Open Forum.
What other jobs do you think that "Attractive" people get, versus "Non Attractive"? Have you perpetrated this on a regular basis? Have you used your manly/feminine wiles to get something you want because you knew it was admired? Do you think this is an active practice - from a hiring and personal perspective - Anything goes!
Doc Thompson
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