Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wishing for Big Bust Bras.....Your wish is my command!

Wishing for Big Bust Bras.....Your wish is my command!

I've done a ton of pages on big bust bras, from strapless tosports bras and everything in between (I hope you'll check them all out!). THIS is the page where I talk about everyday bras.
These are your 'put on every morning, go to work, clean the house, fix dinner bras'.
Their sole purpose is to support you through the mundane.
These bras aren't fancy, they're functional. They'll be your go-to bra.
All of the bras you'll find on this page are underwire bras.
If you're more of a softcup bra kind of lady I've got you covered. I talk all about soft cup bras on this page.
I happen to LOVE underwire big bust bras. I like the shape they give me, and the support they offer.
If you haven't done so yet you should do is visit my 'bra'ology' page. This section of my website will teach you everything you need to know about finding a great bra. This information is especially important when shopping for a bra online because you can't try it on before buying it. My tips and guidelines will tell you what to look for when you're looking at pictures and reading descriptions.
Here's the low-down on what you should look for when shopping for big bust bras.
  • The straps should be adjustable. Also, the bigger your bust, the wider the straps should be. Wider straps mean better comfort and more support.
  • Pay attention to the fabric and seams on the bra cups. If it has alot of lace and seams you run the risk of it being itchy and also showing through your shirts.This doesn't mean you should never buy a bra with lace on the cups or shaping seams. Just be mindful.
  • Notice how much coverage the bra cup provides. Does is cover the entire breast or is it designed to be a half cup bra? Again, it doesn't matter either way, unless you want a full coverage bra and accidently buy a half cup.
  • Good quality big bust bras are going to be pricey. Plan on atleast $40.00-50.00. When it comes to bras you get what you pay for. Sometimes it seems too expensive to pay that much for a bra, but a good bra (that is worn daily) should last a good 18 months.
    When you do the math it's not that bad.  50.00 bra worn 540 days = 10 cents a day. It's worth it. 
  • Read the reviews. You can learn a lot from reading reviews. 
  • Color is important. Brightly colored bras are so fun, but not if they show through your shirt. If you find a style of bra that you love make sure you get atleast one in a white or nude color. 

Here are some great, everyday BIG BUST BRAS that you should check out.

(All of these bras are found at I love this store and have bought many bras from them. The service is excellent and they are dedicated to being the best bra store online. That's why I'm affiliated with them)
"Incredibly comfy, very good support, virtually invisible under any shirt, gives my breasts a lovely natural rounded shape." ~ Size 32G
Approx. Price $50.00
This bra must be good because it's been reviewed by 477 women and received 4 out of 5 stars.
A couple things about this big bust bra. The band tends to run big and the cups small. Take that into consideration when ordering.
Also, this is a balcony style bra which means the cups won't come up quite as high on the breast. Here are some reviews....
"Wonderful fit and very comfortable to wear, and I love that there are no seams to show through clothes or bother my nipples. Makes even my large bust look more perky, and makes my waist look smaller because my breasts are in the right place. Good color selection for a plus size bra. I love it" ~ Size 36F
"One of THE most comfortable bras I've owned and I've been wearing bras since the age of 9. I read some of the comments for this style and went up 2 cup sizes (36J-L) and Man! what a difference a good bra makes. I'll probably purchase this bra again and again, if it remains available..."~36L
Approx. $45.00
If hundreds of women recommended a bra would you be interested in buying it? Well sit up and take note. This bra has been reviewed over 600 times! And a large majority LOVE this bra!
I totally recommend this bra for those of you who are a G cup or bigger. It's available for women all the way up to size N cup! Awesome!
The unique thing about this bra is the 4 piece cup. It's designed to provide maximum lift and support. I worried a bit about the seams being itchy, but they don't seem to bother many women.
"Oh, where have you been all my life? I was a bit skeptic about it because usually bras with this cup style are too big in the top, and I end up going to my specialty bra fitter to find something that is "about right." The moment I put it on I knew this is the bra for me - please, please, please don't stop making it!!! The girls are happy, my back is happy, and the straps are nice and wide and don't cut! Thank you Goddess and HerRoom." ~40G
"Separation is excellent; also light lining minimizes nipple show-through. Smooth, seamless, supportive. "~38 D
Approx. $55.00
This big bust bra is perfect for wearing underneath anything that you might decide to put on. It's ultra-smooth so it's undetectable under t-shirts.
One cool thing is that the cups are made out of 'spacer foam'. This super thin foam won't add size to your breasts (We don't need that!), but it will smooth your shape and help prevent nipple show through.
"This bra is the best bra I've ever owned. It provides the much needed support I need, comfort and it's very beautiful. It's extremely difficult to find all three of these in one bra due to the size I require. Thank you so much! Love the matching panties."~ 34G
"Very nice. Good coverage for tee shirts without enlarging the bust" ~36D
Approx. $58.00
I really like the breathable band on this bra. You can't see it on the picture, but it's kind of a meshy material. It's a very simple bra, but sometimes the simplest things can be the most beautiful.
The straps are non-stretchy so it will minimize bounce. (That's a plus for us!)
This is a newer big bust bra, so there aren't as many reviews as some of the other ones I've posted, only 26. You can read the reviews here.
Fits perfectly and gives me a nice figure. Be aware, this is full coverage. Very plain so it looks great under t-shirts. Very comfortable for me on the first wearing." ~34F
Approx Cost: $39.00
So So Pretty! Love the floral lace. And it's one of the 'cheaper' big bust bras I've found. This bra doesn't come in the wide range of sizes some of the other bras do. Mostly carried in D, DD, DDD and some G cups. 
"I love love love this bra! I will be purchasing more in the near future. I have told my many family members and now they are ordering it as well. For me, it helps my "eighth" wonders of the world defy gravity. Thanks!" ~40DD

Does a Good Big Bust Bra = Super Powers?

Does a Good Big Bust Bra = Super Powers?

I don't know about you, but when I'm wearing the right big bust bra I feel like I can leap small buildings in a single bound and rid the world of evil & corruption.
Okay, I might be exaggerating a little bit. I spend most of my days cleaning the house and trying to figure out what's for dinner. One time I killed a black widow spider. That's about as exciting as my life gets.
...but wearing a good bra can make my outfit look amazing, even if it's just jeans and a t-shirt.
The NFL legend Deion Sanders said,
"If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they pay good."
And that's kind of like being a super hero right? 

Whether you're a stay at home mom or a top level executive you want to feel your best! And the right bra is the first step.

I've written many pages about different big bust bras; Sports brasminimizerssoft cups bras, and even strapless bras.
I know there are women out there that hate underwire bras. In their opinion they are uncomfortable, but I believe that's because they're wearing the wrong size, or perhaps the wrong brand. I love underwire bras, but I've worn my fair share of stinkers.
Confession Time: I had one bra (years ago) where the wire had worn a hole in the bra fabric and the wire would wiggle it's way out into the middle of my cleavage. I would have to push the wire back into place several times a day. If I forgot, then about lunch-time it would look like my boobs were pitching a tent. Awkward.

What makes a good underwire big bust bra?

Wearing the right size!! I don't have to tell you how important this is. I actually wrote a whole page about how to find your bra size so I'm not going to repeat myself here. Find your bra size! If you happen to live in Virginia you can visit the Bra Fairy. She's great at helping you find your bra size. She even guessed my bra size just by looking at my picture! She's good. If you don't live in Virginia, I'm sure there are bra fitters near where you live.
The picture below is from See what I'm talking about!?
Bra=Super Powers!
FIND THE RIGHT BRA! She looks like she's lost 15 pounds and got a breast lift! (There are more before and after photos on her site.)

Alrighty then, here are some big bust bras that could quite possibly transform you with their super powers!

Prima Donna Madison Full Cup Bra

Price - cringeworthy @ $117

Okay, I'm going to be upfront right from the start and tell you that the price tag for this bra is STEEP! I debated whether or not to recommend it because quite frankly I can't afford it right now, but hey a girl can dream right!?
UPDATE: I Ordered this Bra and wrote a whole page reviewing it! It should answer all the questions you have! Read My Review of the Prima Donna Madison Cup!
This bra has stretch lace along the top of the cups, which allows for a perfect fit for each breast -- even if one breast is larger than the other! (It's pretty common.)
This bra is perfect for women with full breasts and extra breast tissue under the armpit.(Which is also pretty common ;)
The reviews for this bra were glowing!  Seriously glowing. But then again, for a $100.00 bra they better be. I might have bra envy.

elomi Caitlyn Underwire Side Support Bra

Price - Reasonable @ $55

Look at the support, lift, and separation. This is about as close to a perfect big bust bra as you can get. And apparently there are about 600 ladies that agree with me. This bra has been reviewed on over 630 times. And 95% of them are positive. (Especially among our big busted sisters)
Here's one of the many reviews for this bra.
"I just purchased this bra and I HAD to come leave a review! I absolutely LOVE IT! This is probably this best bra I have ever purchased. Bad boob genetics coupled with pregnancy and nursing my son for a year had left my girls in bad shape, but in this bra they are perky and back where they are supposed to be. I absolutely love it and will probably be buying one in every is that awesome ~ sized 38DD"

Fantasie Smoothing T-Shirt Bra

Price - Reasonable @ $60

The other bras on this page are 3 piece cup bras, which offers a lot of support and shaping, but can also leave you with visible seams when wearing thin material like t-shirts.
This bra is seamless and therefor perfect for wearing under t-shirts. This bra is also very lightly padded. Don't worry it doesn't add any bulk to our bust. The thin, foam padding is perfect for hiding those embarrassing 'bumps" when you're cold. ;)
This bra has won numerous awards and was recently inducted into the Herroom Hall of Fame.
You can read the hundreds of reviews here
One woman (size 32F) said, "Love this bra. I had issues with spillage so I went up a cup size and now it fits perfect. It lifts right where I need and smoothes everything out so it could be worn with any type shirt. I have large breasts with a small back and it is hard for me to find a bra that fits right. I was very happy to find this bra."
Well There you have it, 3 big bust bras that will make you invincible (I'm exaggerating. Don't go out and try to stop a truck with your breasts.... Actually, you probably COULD stop a truck with your breasts. See, the right bra really does give you super powers. ;)
Go have some fun. 

Bras for Large Breasts!

Bras for Large Breasts!

(A Whole Collection of 'em ;)
Looking for bras for large breasts? Pretty sure you'll be able to find something here. Or at least get some good ideas!

Welcome to my Library of Bras for Large Breasts!
Underwire Bras

Read about 3 underwire bras that will give your breasts super powers! ;)
Everyday Bras

Sometimes we just need a reliable, bra we can wear to work everyday.
Minimizer Bras

Some girls stuff. We minimize. I talk about minimizing bras here.
Strapless Bras

Strapless bras for large breasts are almost magical. There are some that actually work.
Wireless Bras

Everything is going wireless. Why not choose a wireless bra?
Plus Size Sports Bras

More sports bras, just incase you haven't found one yet. ;)
Sports Bra Tips

Find out what makes a good sports bra
Big Bust Sports Bras

Here are some great sports bras to get the year started off right.
My Panache Sports Bra Review

This is one of the highest rated Sports Bras. How did I like it?
Cheap Sports Bra Review

This sports bra was $25.00. How does it compare to the expensive ones?
Sports Bras For Men

Believe it or not, lots of men wear sports bras!
My Bra Review

Read my review of a $124 bra. Is it worth it?
Nursing Bras

Women with large breasts NEED good nursing bras
Teen Sports Bras

More teens are developing larger breasts. They need sports bras too.
My Sports Bra Comparison!

I take 2 very different sports bras and compare them!

We might not need THIS many bras, but when you have big boobs you definitely need more than one.
The funny thing is, when you have a big bust you can't just use one bra for everything. You need specific bras for specific purposes. It's kind of like a chef or a mechanic needing a specific tool depending on what they're fixing.

For example, we need a very good sports bra. Some ladies are lucky enough to be able to run and jump and frolic about while wearing their everyday bra.  We busty gals however would knock ourselves out if we tried such foolishness without locking our 'girls' down tight first.

Also, it doesn't hurt to have a lounge bra, otherwise known as a sleep bra to wear around the house after work. As good as it feels to go braless, it's not always the most flattering, or most convenient.

I've done hundreds of hours of research studying different bras and eliminating the ones that won't work for us and finding the ones that will. I give you tips on what to look for so if you don't like my picks you can find a bra that's perfect just for you.

Bra Collection
Fashion Guidelines
Junk Drawer
Healthy Boobs
Mom Boobs
Meet Me!
Big Bust Blog
 Learn to Love, Dress, and Flaunt Your Curves

@ Big Bust

What is this big bust site about? Well, I'll give it to you straight!

Sometimes it's HARD being a woman with large breasts.


Yes, I'm actually saying out loud what big busted women have privately thought and whispered about for decades, maybe centuries!

Yes, men love them, (and thank goodness they do!) but we still have to pack them around. And that can be hard work!

But as my mom used to say,

"Quit Your Boobin!"

You've come to the right place!

Everything on this site focuses on our 'above average' bustline and how to live with (and maybe even learn to love) our hourglass figures.

This site is 'busting at the seams'with information for you!

My Big Bust Categories!
big bust fashion guidelines
Big Bust Bra Collection
all the funn, crazy stuff about boobs!
Health Problems caused by big breasts
Pregnancy and Breasts
Things to know about Bras
So what will you find on

Well, in my fashion guidelines section I walk you through a complete woman's wardrobe, analyzing each genre of clothing and point out tips/rules/ideas for clothes that look good on our figure. I cover it all shirts, pants, sweaters, jackets, wedding dresses, lingerie, nightgowns, and even accessories. No more wasting dollars on clothes that make your body look less than stellar!

This wouldn't be a proper Big Bust site if I didn't cover bras. And boy, do I cover bras here. All types from sports bras to strapless and everything in between. I even have a sports bra page dedicated to men!

I love to laugh and there are a lot of funny, weird, and crazy things when it comes to boobs. Jokes, comics, celebrities, outrageous products, I can't get enough!

Having big breasts can certain put a strain on our body. Does your back hurt? Are their grooves in your shoulders? How bout heat rash? And is it possible to reduce your breast size naturally? Lots of great questions and I do my best to answer them.

Did you know the whole reason bigbustsupport was born was because I was a nursing mother and my boobs were out of control big? I figured there needed to be a site to support us! Pregnancy and nursing really does a number on our breasts.

There's a whole bunch of information that's important to know when it comes to breasts. How to find your bra size, for one. Also, did you know that the bra size you order varies depending on the country the bra is made in? You'll need a bra converter for that! Also, I'm not sure that anyone cares but me, but the history of the bra is fascinating. If you have a minute you should check it out!

So anyways, that's like a super fast summery of just a few of the things you'll find here. Thanks for stopping by and please come back soon!

Copyright 2008~2014

large breast support group (cuz we actually need it!)

> large breast support group (cuz we actually need it!)
Options V
 post Oct 18 2014, 03:45 AM
Post #1

Posts: 1

It's hard to pick a size if we are not a standard sized. I had some problem getting the right dresses for my bridesmaids because they all had different figures. So I tried online and ordered 6 custom made dress from azazie. All the girls were very happy because the dresses were so flattering. I just sent the girls' measurements, and azazie had done the rest of the job.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 4 2013, 01:09 AM
Post #2

Posts: 1

I also need large breasts, and I support it.But my chest is very small, sometimes on the outside, I am humbled, I had to wear a wig, so that others do not do not know me.I buy it on tongue.gif
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 7 2013, 03:22 AM
Post #3

Posts: 2

Ah, I really like sexy clothes also want to try to get closer to my husband, I hope this is useful and can make us more love.

Spray Paint Art Secrets
how to spray paint art
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 14 2013, 03:57 AM
Post #4

Posts: 12

I think you have to also try Sexy dresses and attractive clothes which are really useful for getting close to your husband. If you want designer lingerie than you can contact Webshop.hoffbyhoff which is biggest store.

Buy Designer Lingerie at Hoff By Hoff
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 5 2013, 08:03 PM
Post #5

Posts: 1

I can feel that you love your husband very much. You can try some breast enhancement surgery,it will make you more sexy.
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 7 2013, 11:58 PM
Post #6

Posts: 5

QUOTE(buttercups @ Dec 28 2010, 01:38 PM) *
Hi sweetcharms,

I usually post in the small breasted support thread, cause yeah I'm like 99.9% F. L. A. T., but I found that I can relate a lot to what you said even though we have opposite problems here. I don't feel sexy either because of my breasts and I am so ashamed of my body that I don't even want my bf to see my chest naked, much less touch it- even though I am extremely sensitive there. I feel the same way as you, that even though my bf might truly love me, how can he get turned on by my complete lack of a chest? I have struggled with this for many years and I've decided that it's finally time to just give it up already! I think it's great that you talked to your bf about it and opened up to him and let him know what you want. He doesn't want you to wear a bra during sex, he wants to be able to feel your body and he IS turned on by you- that just proves it! You are a beautiful, sexy woman and feeling sexy has to start with you. I don't like my body either, but I've decided that I have to learn to love it. The more you accept yourself, the sexier you will feel. Why not try some things that will make you feel better about your body overall? I started running and I'm going to start doing work-out DVDs, and exercising has helped improve my body image a lot. No exercising has not made my chest any larger, and they might not make yours back to how they were, but it will improve how you see yourself, I promise. When you are active and in touch with your body, you will just feel better about being in that body and start to feel like the hot mama you are! The issue here is not with your man, who is undoubtedly attracted to you and completely in love with you and your body, the issue here is with how you see yourself- and that is something that I believe can be changed for the better.

Hope this helps at least a little bit.

<3 buttercups="" flatchested="" p="" sister="" your="">
thanks a lot. i agree with you.

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Have a good day.
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 30 2012, 08:07 AM
Post #7

Posts: 3
From: Arizona

Helpful Overall Breast Care
The following are tips & hints that will hopefully be simple, understable, and easy to apply,practicably. I am a Lifetime Lover of Large Breasted Women,yet these tips can be used by any woman;regardless of Cup size.
First; ensure U perform your monthly Breast exam. this is your first line of defense to protect your Breast. unless you've had previous issues,ensure you get a Mammogram,every 1 to 2 years after age 40.
A majority of Breast issues occur when women wear the improper size bra.A proper bar fitting is Crucial. there should be shops in just about every area that provide bra fittings;typically ,free of charge. I'VE taken ladies to a local Lane Bryant.
to perform your own fitting;make sure you purchase a Seamstress tape measure. they cost about $3 to $5. they are available at Wal-Mart.
measure under the breast with the tape measure.if the whole number is a 1/4",then measure down to the next whole number.if the number is at a 1/2",then go up to the next whole number.
if your measurement for your band is below 28",then add 3". if your measurement is 28" and above,then add 5" to get your correct band size.
for Cup size;use the tape measure to measure around the fullest part of the bust.same applies as above;1/4" down or 1/2" go the next whole number up.
next,deduct your Band size measurement from your Cup size measurement.the difference will equal your cup size; 1"=A, 2"=B,3"=C,4"=D,etc.
for accuracy;bend over at the waste,make sure your back is parallel to the floor,then measure the fullest part of the bust.don't have to breathe in like your suppose to above;forgot to mention that.then do the same by deducting the Cup size from your Band Size.a helpful tool that is free is
Large Breasted Women pay pricey amounts for there bras as there not as readily available as common,petite sizes. proper care is crucial,to get your moneys worth.
1)use a lingerie bag or a netted laundry bag .this prevents the bras from getting tangled.also ensure to hook the eyelets as to prevent the bras from getting caught on anything in the washer.
2)if available,use the handwash or delicate cycle on your the water temp. at the cold water,wears down the bra material and causes shrinkage. if a delicate/handwash cycle is not available,it's best to wash your bras by hand.
3)start delicate cycle;do not add detergent,but add a 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the cycle.let agitate for a few minutes then stop cycle.let bras soak for about 15 minutes.white vinegar whitens without the harshness and residue of bleach and also kills bacteria and eliminates odors.when 15 minutes are done then continue wash cycle. when completed;run another rinse cycle to be sure you have got all the vinegar out of your wash load. start the delicate cycle again;then add a 1/2 cup baking soda,good for odors,brightening along with your delicate detergent such as Woolite or something comparable such as shampoo or hypo allergenic(sensitive skin) dish soap(not as harsh as a typical laundry detergent but will suffice), if Woolite is not available.let wash cycle complete then run a last rinse cycle to get all the baking soda out of your bras.
4)DO not Use a Dryer for your Bras. this literally destroys them.AIR DRY ONLY!
Heat rash under Large Breast:;
under certain conditions,moist,warm conditions,a heat rash can develop. the moisture due to perspiration,heat & humid enviroment,along with a Poor Fitting Bra,can lead to a rash similar to that of a yeast infection.
To minimize or avoid acquiring a rash;try the following:
after showering;make sure you pat dry under the breast want to pat as opposed to wipe to minimize stripping the body of its natural oils.ensure there completely dry before continuing.
Next;apply a light coat of baby powder or baking soda under the breast. I caution against using cornstarch! some said it has worked wonders;others have said that it actually feeds the to avoid cornstarch;stick to the baby powder or baking soda(also eliminates odors).
Some women have stated they place extra material under the breast also,to help keep that area dry.I'm assuming something along the lines of a handkerchief or maybe a cut piece of an Ace Bandage(my guess is that this material might be a better absorbent for moisture).let me know if this works. then continue on as usual.
For those that have already got the rash;try the following.
wash as above;then add either one of the following,Monistat vaginal cream has been said to be the best at curing such a rash;again it's similar to a yeast infection under the breast.a diaper rash cream that contains Zinc Oxide will also help to clear up the rash under the breast and its also safe enough to use on babys.Antifungal creams are also available.I'd try the first two methods first. If these don't help or if it worsens;consult a Physician or Dermatologist.Also,ensure you check your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can also cause infection that breeds infection.make sure your blood sugar levels are typically between 100 to120 this is considered about normal.
Wearing a Cotton Bra can also help in very high temperatures.the Cotton fabric allows better Air Circulation as opposed to other materials.

Improper Bra Fit can also cause rash;a proper bra fit is very important.
if the bra is loose;can cause rubbing. a bra that is to tight can also cause rash also.if you have a proper sized bra and still have some rubbing or chafing;try the following.most products listed below were for use by both men and women.some offered a female version.most of the the following are easy to use,and non staining,with some as easily removed as using soap and water.check manufactures instructions.
Sportshield(made for athletes)considered to be the best available. prevents rubbing and chafing in virtually all parts of the's available on line for about $12.should be available in most sporting goods stores also.very slick with little odor.apply between bra the skin that it comes in contact with.should feel and see a Huge difference.
Bodyglide(was basically second best) is similar as above but this one offers a Bodyglide for Her it was running about $8.
Mission 5 hour anti chafe cream or stick; was another that got good reviews.same as above and it ran $8 to $10.this ones claim to fame was that it had a higher melting point. no one complained about the aboves melting point or efficacy,but this is really the only supposed difference.
For Maximum Rash or Chafing;try the following:
EVERSTRIDE(similar to above mentioned)this is the product you want to use if you have an Extreme rash.aside from the Anti-friction,Anti-Chafing benefits the above can help with. this product claims it can Help Restore,Dry,Cracked,Chaffed skin;even to the point of Saddle sores and Blistering.this product claims it is safe enough for pregnant women to use.
Petroleum Jelly;not as effective as above,but can get some benefit.use Caution as it is difficult to wash from clothing and not as effective as the other Anti -Friction,Chafing products. basically a temporary fix.
In Conclusion;These are ONLY Tips that may Hopefully Help.This is in NO Way sought to Repalce Professional Advice.
Things to remember;
1)Proper Bra Fitting is CRITICAL.
2)Perform Breast Health Exams when Prescribed.As well as taking care of your overall Health Regularly.
3)Take steps to Avoid getting a Heat Rash/Yeast Infection.
4)If Home Remedies don't work;SEEK Professional Help IMMEDIATELY!
5)Maintain Your PRICEY Bras by Caring for them Correctly.
6)Some of the Products mentioned above were what I found to be the best or well known.Do Your OWN research and see what's Best for YOU!
Alot of the above mentioned issues were either brought up here or else where.MY Love of Large BREASTED Women;inspired Me to compile the best,most useful information available(on the web) without having to search this site,that site. regarding these subjects;in a simple,easy to use format. Not only Just for them,but for all women.
Your Respectful Responses are Appreciated,
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 4 2012, 04:08 AM
Post #8

Posts: 1

I don't know if this thread gets looked at much, but I've been having some problems lately finding a comfortable bra since I gained, like, uh 5 cup sizes. I find separation really uncomfortable... I'm a 34-36 G-H, and I really, really don't want a bunch of wire (or really anything else) between my breasts. I also need a lot of support. This bra was my favorite, but I'm way too big for it now,pd.html ...anyone have ideas?
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+Quote Post
 post Feb 7 2012, 10:11 PM
Post #9

Posts: 10

Life is not a sanjoseasianescorts trap set for us by God so that he sanjoseasianescorts Life is not a spelling puzzle, where no matter how many words youve gotten right, you're disqualified if you make one mistake. Life is sanjoseasianescorts more like a baseball season, where even the best sanjoseasianescorts team loses one third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance. Our goal is to win more games than we lose.
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 30 2012, 02:12 AM
Post #10

Posts: 1
From: Sydney

QUOTE(missladyj @ Dec 28 2010, 10:01 AM) *

while saving up for a breast lift I would suggest doing exersizes that work your pectorals which are muscles under the breast push ups are awesome as well. it may provide some added support. plus it is fun to show off how your boobs bounce up when you flex them.

I agree with the importance of breast exercise after the surgery. I think some surgeons will suggest some breast massage techniques. In the same way, it also prevents capsular contractures that happen when the scar capsule around your breast implant/lift tightens. Your surgeon will specify the duration and frequency of this massage.
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+Quote Post
 post May 30 2011, 07:18 AM
Post #11

Posts: 1

I'm new here. I packed on a lot of weight so I could finally be a big breasted woman. From the time I began to develop, I dreamed of being a full figured woman, but being very small framed, I figured it would never happen. I always stayed somewhere in the mid-30's but couldn't get any bigger, so I packed on 30 pounds of fat and voila, I've FINALLY achieved my lifelong dream of being a big breasted woman, a good soild 40D! Now the problem is that I have got to lose those 30 pounds of fat because it's causing a host of medical problems like high cholesterol and carrying close to half my body weight in fat, but I do not want to lose my beautiful big breasts in the process. I'm proud of the fact that I am finally big breasted and have something to show off, but not with 30 pounds of fat hanging on my waist and hips and giving me a pear shaped body.

I've also discovered that bras and swimsuits for women with big breasts are nearly impossible to find. Does anybody have any suggestions about where a 40D sized woman can find decent bras and bathing suits? As long as I am sporting all this fat around my midsection, until I lose 30 or so pounds, I want to hide it. As it stands, I've been wearing big baggy clothes to hide the fat I gained and I want to get back to my old slender body but keep the nice big breasts I worked so hard to gain weight to achieve. Anybody know any secrets as to how to do that?

I'm THRILLED to have full round breasts, my lifelong dream, but the price paid to get 'em is too steep. Gaining weight by eating a high fat diet so my breasts would grow has caused too many problems. I also found out that I now have a higher risk of breast cancer from eating a high fat diet to gain weight and since my mom recently had breast cancer, now I'm REALLY freaked out because my risk has suddenly gotten frighteningly high. My knees are also killing me, something that, given how much time I spend on my feet each day, isn't fun. I wish I could have found a more natural way to achieve my big breasts, but oh, well, now that I've got them, I want to lose weight but keep them even though I am discovering the hell of being big breasted while shopping for bras and bathing suits.
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 post Jan 6 2011, 02:37 AM
Post #12

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 294

Hey sweetcharms,

So glad to hear that you're finding ways to feel sexy! Also, thanks so much but I think you should know that I would trade places with you right now if I had the chance! I don't have small breasts- I have virtually no breast tissue, so anything that would set my chest apart from a man's I would more than welcome haha. I don't care if they hang down to my ankles I just want breasts, so I guess we have to realize that the grass is always greener and try to love what we got right?

"Floopy tits...flat tits...who the hell cares, let's just have great sex! Get busy, sisters! " - strongirl I absolutely loves this, right on!

Hope you keep having the great sex and enjoying your body more every day!

<3 buttercups="" p="">Go to the top of the page

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 post Jan 5 2011, 11:22 PM
Post #13

Posts: 7

before this i had no sex for ten years! :<< //
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genghis cunt
 post Jan 4 2011, 06:22 PM
Post #14

Posts: 60
From: Florida

Ugh, I wish I had this kind of a sex life!
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 post Jan 1 2011, 07:30 PM
Post #15

Posts: 7

ok everyone: the update. (im kind of feeling like this might be better in the general sex thread or something, so if this is off topic hopefully someone will let me know)

oh my boyfriend is so brilliant... so.. i went and got a bunch of little panties and made a special spot in my drawer for them and stuff.

he came home from his trip and we had all sorts of lovely fun... and honestly, what was really brilliant about it and what im not sure if he did somehow on purpose.. which wouldn't surprise me.. was that.. the thing is.. considering im almost 45, the fact that i still can wear a thong made out of a stripe of lace, and look really extremely good in it, actually made me feel an awful lot better about the rest of myself.... //

and i wonder, brilliant as my bf is, if that wasn't a little bit his plan. // (oh, and thank you strongirl for the nice comments too.) XD

we still have a lot of talking to do about the breast thing though. and buttercups, honestly if it helps you feel any better, please know there is at least one girl seriously wishing she was you right now.. // and im really not kidding. i would give anything to be sensitive and small again, so i could be on top and move freely and all of that. literally, anything. // so.. i envy you. and i hope you have some great sex and enjoy yourself for me!!! cause i sure do wish that i was you right now.

he and i still have a lot of talking to do. its stil incredibly frustrating for me.// i am trying what i can to look at myself differently and i did quite a lot of exercise which really really did make me feel super better so thanks for reminding me.... i will continue doing all of that.

but the truth is.. we still have a lot to figure out about how to make these things 'work' for sex and that will be ongoing. much as i try to have a good attitude the truth is that having hot sex with my breasts this way is like trying to talk after coming out of the dentist office, or trying to walk with your foot asleep.. nothing moves right and everything is half numb.... it really truly is very annoying in a physical way, and its very hard to get them to actually feel pleasurable... so there is still going to be a lot of figuring out how to work with that.

in the meantime though.. panties = big thumbs up ^^ (really big) and thank you guys all so very much for your encouragement and stuff. // thank you genghis cunt for being my first friend here. hope you are doing well.

hope everyone's new years is going to be really, really wonderful & thanks again so much for your encouragement.. :}}}}

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 post Dec 28 2010, 05:47 PM
Post #16

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 295

Wow, I love how things can take an unpredictable turn! I also post mostly in the small busties thread but I do check here from time to time and Sweetcharms, your posts make some great reading and the last is particularly uplifting! Buttercups offered some great advice - none of us are ever going to be physically "perfect" in our own eyes but that's no reason not to have fun in bed! And gosh, your recent discovery about this new "kink" is pretty exciting! I love your attitude about it - no wonder this guy wants to be your lover. His "ability to be turned on by a wide variety of things" (I think that's how you put it) and your ability to embrace a new kink with enthusiasm bode very very well for a long and happy erotic union.

Floopy tits...flat tits...who the hell cares, let's just have great sex! Get busy, sisters!  smile.gif
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 post Dec 28 2010, 04:37 PM
Post #17

Posts: 7

thank you so very very much you guys! :HUG:

i totally and completely agree with you buttercups, its so much about how you feel, and actually, he actually said this to me, quite a bit... //

i was looking at myself today trying to figure out a way to describe to you all how truly awful it is.. and then i thought.. god.. maybe it isn't that awful.....// its really true they are extremely floopy and very ungraceful and im not exaggerating.. its -not- just they are a little unperky or something..// but maybe.. because he is so young (hes 27 you know and im in my 40's) and really super hot, and i know that he really extra loves breasts.. (hes a breast man for sure) and because im so very, very attracted to him and am so invested in being with him..... and he such a good lover and good man and i dont want to lose him.. maybe im subconsciously being extra hard on myself ..

yes they really do flop around and make unsexy noises and the nipples do not point forward in any way, and the skin is super loose, which all makes them a lot less sensitive and thats just a big bummer...... but.. i do think theres a lot of room for me to improve how i see myself..... especially if, i can get them more involved in feeling good.. because the big frustration was, if they are not sexy, then he wont want to play with them or be turned on by them. // and i really just want them to be played with and for that to be a turn on.

also.. i totally agree about all the exercise stuff. i do i have some pilates & stretches and stuff on tape that i really love.. (and recommend) and every time i do those, i really do feel better and better.... so i will pay more attention to doing that more. i also do pushups already.. and if they might help at all, i will surely do more.


you guys are not EVER EVER gonna believe what has happened now.

somehow during the course of these conversations, he has decided to take this time to confess to me that he has a KINK FOR WEARING WOMENS PANTIES. oh my god. (among numerous other kinks weve already discussed) and apparently a pretty hot kink, too from the way he describes it.. weve been together a year and this is the first ive heard of that.

sooooooooo. today i went out and spent the money i was going to spend on bras, on a number of lacy panties for us to play with.. (and one nice smooth bra that is skin colored hehe) hey if it turns him on im all about it. i love it when he is turned on.

soooo im really, really looking forward to what the times coming up might bring. // he is out of town this week, boy i cannot wait until he comes back now.

this is being a really fascinating discussion and im so thankful for all your input. my recent stress has left me with no girlfriends at all and im realizing how unbalanced it is making my life around topics like this. your guys input is making a big difference for me.

much love to you all!!!!!! & sexy lacy panties oh yeah. thanks again so much.

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 post Dec 28 2010, 01:38 PM
Post #18

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 294

Hi sweetcharms,

I usually post in the small breasted support thread, cause yeah I'm like 99.9% F. L. A. T., but I found that I can relate a lot to what you said even though we have opposite problems here. I don't feel sexy either because of my breasts and I am so ashamed of my body that I don't even want my bf to see my chest naked, much less touch it- even though I am extremely sensitive there. I feel the same way as you, that even though my bf might truly love me, how can he get turned on by my complete lack of a chest? I have struggled with this for many years and I've decided that it's finally time to just give it up already! I think it's great that you talked to your bf about it and opened up to him and let him know what you want. He doesn't want you to wear a bra during sex, he wants to be able to feel your body and he IS turned on by you- that just proves it! You are a beautiful, sexy woman and feeling sexy has to start with you. I don't like my body either, but I've decided that I have to learn to love it. The more you accept yourself, the sexier you will feel. Why not try some things that will make you feel better about your body overall? I started running and I'm going to start doing work-out DVDs, and exercising has helped improve my body image a lot. No exercising has not made my chest any larger, and they might not make yours back to how they were, but it will improve how you see yourself, I promise. When you are active and in touch with your body, you will just feel better about being in that body and start to feel like the hot mama you are! The issue here is not with your man, who is undoubtedly attracted to you and completely in love with you and your body, the issue here is with how you see yourself- and that is something that I believe can be changed for the better.

Hope this helps at least a little bit.

<3 buttercups="" flatchested="" p="" sister="" your="">Go to the top of the page

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 post Dec 28 2010, 10:01 AM
Post #19

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,103
From: chi town


while saving up for a breast lift I would suggest doing exersizes that work your pectorals which are muscles under the breast push ups are awesome as well. it may provide some added support. plus it is fun to show off how your boobs bounce up when you flex them.
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 post Dec 26 2010, 09:31 PM
Post #20

Posts: 7

genghis cunt! i love your username so much. ^^ sorry about what people told you, that really sucks. // im super glad you enjoy yourself anyhow. ^^

thanks so much for writing and helping :Hug:

wanted to update, we finally actually talked about it on christmas of all things. ><

i told him i just wasnt feeling sure how to be sexy this way.. that i hadn't dealt with this before. and it was being very weird for me.. and that it wasn't that i didn't think i could =be= sexy, just that, i hadn't found the way yet exactly. and that, it wasn't just about the looks - it really makes a difference how everything feels and that i was just feeling frustrated sexually about it......

also. sex for me has always sort of been a refuge in my life, i dont have a lot of areas where i feel personal power and competent and safe and free, and there i do. so to have a big problem there in my 'safe space' where im used to feeling always free and powerful and competent, is being really difficult for me cause those places are rare in my life.

also.. im not exactly the sort of person to have flings or whatnot.. i tend to make super strong bonds that last a long time. so -- its a little harder for me to say, oh just another guy no big deal. its rare for me to be in love and when i am its usually pretty serious..

so.. he was pretty understanding so far, and i guess we have a lot more talking and stuff to do and all... basically he told me he prefers it when i don't wear anything, and that he feels he can get off on a 'wide variety of things' .. // so we talked a little about what did or didn't turn both of us on and then we had some pretty awesome sex.

i guess it maybe will never be like it used to be which is a bit of grief process i guess! (unless i can save up enough for a breast lift, i still want one oh well, only $2000 to go im very close!) but at least for now.. he told me he will play with them more, he said he wasn't because he wasn't sure how i felt about it and he didin't want to make me feel 'any worse'. so i told him, screw that, i just want good sex. like you said, if we can have good sex anyway, that is 9/10 of my problem solved.

i still feel ridiculous when i bend over ^^ but, you know. if he is ok with it and wants to play with them and be turned on about it, and we can laugh about it, that helps a lot. so thats as far as we've got so far.

glad someone else has tried the bra idea... // he says he prefers the skin, so i guess i will give that a go for now.

just as an aside though: is it just me or is this true for everyone, i feel the breasts being played with adds a lot to the sexual experience.. it seems to amplify the feelings in all the rest of my body by many factors. this is something i didn't really pay attention to until i couldn't do it the same anymore. im a little curious now if other women also feel that. //

anyway, i will still stick around as this is ongoing and its refreshing to be around all of you.

thanks for the reply it meant a lot. :HUG:

happy holidays & such.

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 large breast support group (cuz we actually need it!)

genghis cunt
post Dec 19 2010, 07:15 PM
Post #21

Posts: 60
From: Florida

My breasts are not exactly saggy. They are just weird. I'm a plus size chick, so my breasts are more fat than breast tissue. I have side boob, and my nipples point down and out. I guess I'm ready to feed a baby.

I was always super awkward about it, and that's when I was a little smaller and they looked better. Compared to porn stars and lingerie models, my boobs are ugly. But good news! I don't have to get naked for a living! And you really can't be embarassed about your body when you like to do the crazy stuff I'm into. At some point, you have to say, this is me, take it or leave it.

Good shortcut, though, is to wear a bra during sex. A sheer fabric cup or something lacy will help you feel pretty, and leaving something on is sexy to me. Plus, it's a good handle for your partner.

I grew up hearing how ugly I am. I'm 26 with stretch marks, body hair, rackne, scars, lots of moles, and lots of "smush." But it's me. If the sex is good enough, he shouldn't be noticing anyways.
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post Dec 19 2010, 04:01 PM
Post #22

Posts: 7

ok guys i feel a little out of place posting here but maybe someone has some words of wisdom for me ^^

i posted a longer intro in the intros thread so i'll try to keep it shorter here. // i dont exactly have large breasts, actually im real petite with about c cup i guess...

but. when i was pregnant i had to use a breast pump for a long time and my breasts got totally stretched out, like to my belly button. reeeeeeeeally really bad.

so. they are not exactly large they are just, floopy. // VERYYYY floopy. they get in my way continually and i have to hold myself still with my hands if i even want to go faster than a walk and stuff, it drives me nuts.

and, its very new to me... i am used to being kinda petite and i feel all wrong.

so now im in my first real hot sexual relationship in ten years, and boy can i use it. im with a super hottie and super sweetie and really having a good time. BUT MY BREASTS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY.

and of course, my lover is a total breast man, just by coincidence. im quite surprised what a problem its being, not really for him, he says its no big deal and i think he means it, but....

im having a super hard time being sexual this way.. they flop around and make awkward noises and get it my way and aren't very sensitive, and they are NOT SEXY. they are just not sexy. i want to be sexy with them for him and for me, and do all the stuff im used to doing, and im just not finding myself able to pull it off. //

maybe even if they were just really large, at least i could feel voluptuous, but they are not, they are like empty water balloons!! i do not feel voluptuous! i do not feel delicoius! i do not feel sexy.

and i seriously dont know how to get that back. i try just wearing a bra during sex, but, you know. but there is no skin contact.. i want him to be able to suck on em and all that!! i want him to enjoy me that way, i enjoy that, and i miss that a lot. and its really just not all working very well. i want him to do all that stuff, but i dont feel tempting in those ways and i dont know how to be that anymore.

help.. ANYONE? how do you feel sexy with your breasts if they are on the larger side and stuff to the point where they get in your way? what do you during sex to make yourself feel sexy? how do you keep them out of your way? can you be in all the positions you like? do you wear clothes during sex to hold yourself still? do you have problems with them not being very sensitive, and how do you deal with that?

im talking it through with him right now and can use perspective. i really want to tell him, i want him to want me you know, i want him to want me that way, and enjoy me that way.. i personally like that, it feels physically and emotionally good to me and i want that stuff.. and i can feel he wants it too.. but i can't really blame him for not being turned on, by something that isn't really a turn on....... he might truly love me, but that doesn't make him be turned on by something that, really isn't much of a turn on // what do you guys think of this?

any perspective would be totally great as we are working through this right now. by the way the rest of our sex life is out of this world. he is very turned on by me in other ways and we have great sex. i just want him to do more stuff with my breasts too and i dont feel super tempting there.

im going to also post in the general sex thread too.
thanks all so much.

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post Dec 16 2010, 04:17 PM
Post #23

Posts: 3

QUOTE(ketto @ Dec 16 2010, 02:44 PM) *
Hey Bekiboo,

I'm 4'11, 115lbs and I wear a 30E. Honestly, if you can find a bit of extra money then shell it out for something that will fit properly and give you real support. I'm in Canada and have only been to a Victoria's Secret once and found they didn't know how to size and none of what they carried had good support. I can't speak for other US stores though.

In my city, I looked up specialty lingerie shops in the yellowpages and now I have one committed place I shop at. It's a very professional shop where women will come into the room to figure out exactly what fit you need. I usually spend at least $100 on a bra, but I usually only buy at most 2 a year unless there's a sale. I have a brand and style of choice and I believe I'm now on my 6th bra in that style. It's sooooo comfortable, sits exactly where it should, and isn't pokey, scratchy, or uncomfortable in any way and it's a nice, smooth, black sexy one too. Over the years I've collected some lacey ones as well, but I usually only wear them for special occasions because they're not as comfortable as my black ones.

I'm 25 but I first started shopping there when I was 19 and I would never go back to the cheap bras they sell at most places in the mall. I now have a lot of back, neck, and shoulder issues so having good support is #1 for me, even if it is a bit pricier.

Thanks for the advise! I'm glad to have advise from someone who understands. laugh.gif
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post Dec 16 2010, 03:44 PM
Post #24

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Hey Bekiboo,

I'm 4'11, 115lbs and I wear a 30E. Honestly, if you can find a bit of extra money then shell it out for something that will fit properly and give you real support. I'm in Canada and have only been to a Victoria's Secret once and found they didn't know how to size and none of what they carried had good support. I can't speak for other US stores though.

In my city, I looked up specialty lingerie shops in the yellowpages and now I have one committed place I shop at. It's a very professional shop where women will come into the room to figure out exactly what fit you need. I usually spend at least $100 on a bra, but I usually only buy at most 2 a year unless there's a sale. I have a brand and style of choice and I believe I'm now on my 6th bra in that style. It's sooooo comfortable, sits exactly where it should, and isn't pokey, scratchy, or uncomfortable in any way and it's a nice, smooth, black sexy one too. Over the years I've collected some lacey ones as well, but I usually only wear them for special occasions because they're not as comfortable as my black ones.

I'm 25 but I first started shopping there when I was 19 and I would never go back to the cheap bras they sell at most places in the mall. I now have a lot of back, neck, and shoulder issues so having good support is #1 for me, even if it is a bit pricier.

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post Dec 16 2010, 02:01 PM
Post #25

Posts: 3

QUOTE(bekiboo @ Dec 16 2010, 11:27 AM) *
Hi girls,
I am a younger women, (but i wouldn't consider myself a teen.) I have a rather annoying bra size (32DD to 32E, depending on the brand, and style.) I recently was at Victoria Secret and found that they only carry one bra in my size, and it looked like something that my grandma would wear. I want to feel beautiful, and i want to have something new for my fiance to see. I also have a limited budget for bras, so i try to keep it under $60 dolars. Any suggestions?


(P.S.) I am a very small frame, about 120 pounds, and i am only 5'4" 
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post Dec 16 2010, 12:27 PM
Post #26

Posts: 3

Hi girls,
I am a younger women, (but i wouldn't consider myself a teen.) I have a rather annoying bra size (32DD to 32E, depending on the brand, and style.) I recently was at Victoria Secret and found that they only carry one bra in my size, and it looked like something that my grandma would wear. I want to feel beautiful, and i want to have something new for my fiance to see. I also have a limited budget for bras, so i try to keep it under $60 dolars. Any suggestions?

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post Dec 15 2010, 08:37 PM
Post #27

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Did you maybe mean *boobie bump*? Hee! biggrin.gif

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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genghis cunt
post Dec 12 2010, 03:28 PM
Post #28

Posts: 60
From: Florida

*booty bump*
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post Dec 12 2010, 12:21 PM
Post #29

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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post Oct 28 2010, 03:20 AM
Post #30

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

That is pretty much my position on the matter.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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genghis cunt
post Oct 27 2010, 05:33 PM
Post #31

Posts: 60
From: Florida

Thank you for the tips! But now they are sounding like a lot of work. Maybe I will just let my ass jiggle.
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post Oct 27 2010, 04:32 AM
Post #32

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

QUOTE(genghis cunt @ Oct 22 2010, 01:29 PM) *
I got a "body shaper" from Target that was supposed to smoothe out my tummy/hips/inner thighs so my clothes could look a little better. It was a 2X. I couldn't get it past my ass.

Okay, so OT advice.

You probably gave up too soon! If you can get a "body shaper" on properly in under thirty minutes without popping a major blood vessel/taking several five minute breaks, you're a fucking goddess.

Keep in mind that you have to work those things on from the bottom up: When we work them on we tend to pull from the top when all the extra stretch is in the thighs. It's also a good idea to work from the inside as well, placing your hands inside the garment & working them upwards. I would also advise putting on the shaper somewhere where you can lie down & having something nearby that you can put your foot up on like a chair to keep from having the dreaded crotch/thigh gapping.

Also, I am assuming you bought ASSETS by Sara Blakely (the cheaper, uglier sister of SPANX), yes? The sizing on shapers is different than clothing, so while you may wear a 2X clothing-wise, it does not mean you wear a 2X in ASSETS. You may have simply purchased the wrong size.


"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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post Oct 25 2010, 07:32 AM
Post #33

Posts: 4

QUOTE(tatiana @ May 14 2006, 12:03 AM) *
Hey dustyrosekisses: go to They sell bathing suits and bikinis. They are a UK company but they ship to the US. I'm thinking of ordering from them, if I could figure out what size I am. I've been trying the bra size calculators and they are off by two sizes in either direction. Arrrrgh!

Thanks for the tip!
I'm ordering as I type!
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genghis cunt
post Oct 22 2010, 12:29 PM
Post #34

Posts: 60
From: Florida

My body issues have been overwhelming me since last night.

I got a "body shaper" from Target that was supposed to smoothe out my tummy/hips/inner thighs so my clothe could look a little better. It was a 2X. I couldn't get it past my ass.

I laid down to have a little mope but then move on, but my boyfriend sat down to try to make me feel better. He told me I am a "big beautiful woman." I immediately got my dinner out of my stomach. I had to leave work early today because I can't stop crying. I have been in denial over how I look, pretending I am happy with myself. But I am tired of being unable to find clothes and getting treated like I am invisible.

The confusing part is that I think women who are my size are hot. I respect all women, no matter the size, but skinny girls aren't for me. I'm unable to accept my body even though I like thick girls.

I know this has nothing to do with anything, I just needed to get this out.
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post Oct 11 2010, 08:50 AM
Post #35

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

eShakti will work with you, too. Everything I've ever gotten from them has been splendid & cut to my specific boobie needs.

I also like Ureshii. They do beautiful, soft, comfy CLASSY clothes & they will talk measurements with you, it may cost you a few extra bucks if you are also a plus sized gal.

I dunno if this makes me weird or what, but I don't really compare myself to other women nor do I rate my body parts. Sure, I could stand to lose a few, but at the end of the day I like me anyway I am. And anybody that's ever been with me has been with me because they liked me, not just *parts* of me. As many fucked up ideas as my dad put into my head, he also instilled in me a sense of confidence within myself that is innate & goddamn near constant. I guess I don't compare because I'm me, they are them & that ain't gonna change. *shrugs*

Last weekend I sat in a chair at McCarran & people watched for hours. It's amazing to me the remarkable number of shapes, sizes, & body types that we human beings come in. All circles & blobs & lines lumped together to make a person. Amazing.

Also, because it was Las Vegas, I saw more weird looking fake GIANT gazongas than you could shake a stick at. One woman in partick had had enough face work done so that she looked like she was smelling something awful & her poor boobs! She had the hard, round variety of implants & they rode really low on her frame. She wore a bra that was clearly not the right size, she was spilling out of said bra & you could see every bit because she was wearing a sheer turtleneck. And she was probably in her late fifties. I just kept wondering what she was gonna look like when she's seventy.

Saw a couple of wicked hair systems on some men; a guy with cotton candy hair, gold medallion necklace, ID bracelet & pinkie ring watched my bags for me while I got a water. He was wearing a green shirt with a big collar, too. It was awesome! 

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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post Oct 11 2010, 07:44 AM
Post #36

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,103
From: chi town

I wanted to share a link to a site that makes clothes specifically for women with larger breasts. This is an issue for me at work where I am not trying to show off my rack. The clothes are a little pricey and I would spend the money on it if I was presenting at a conference or something like that.
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+Quote Post

post Oct 7 2010, 03:19 PM
Post #37

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 294

Exactly Persi! Why the hell do we women always feel the need to compensate and to make comparisons to other women. I've broken things down just the same way that you described and in the end I always lose. It's just not worth it. I'm trying really hard now to not get jealous of other women for having things that I don't and just to appreciate others' beauty not at the expense of my own. I have to admit that whenever I'm around beautiful, large-breasted women it always makes me feel insecure and like I'm a baby or something. I feel like they look so much more mature compared to me, my bf must be looking at them and wondering what went wrong with his gf, blah blah blah. It is all such bullshit. I wish there was an easy way to remedy this kind of thinking but I don't really think there is. I know that for myself I'm just going to try hard to recognize "ok, that woman has a nice rack or whatever" and leave out the "wow, compared to that woman I look completely pathetic" that I usually follow it up with. We really don't have to compensate for our supposed "inadequacies" and need to stop comparing ourselves to others.

And of course we don't owe men ANYTHING! We shouldn't feel ashamed of our bodies or feel this need to "compensate" for one body part with another because we feel like we owe someone. complete BS!
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+Quote Post

post Oct 7 2010, 09:47 AM
Post #38

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Further to conversation in small-booby thread....

Why do we think that we 'owe' anyone a certain level of physical attractiveness? That we have to tally our features and trade them off to get an acceptable score?

I've often had this train of thought....

Boo, she's so pretty! (+5 for her). Though she's wearing too much make-up (-1 for her). And amazing legs (+3 for her). But I've got much better breasts (+6 for me)... shit, I lose! Better switch to a low-cut top.

And I've often 'comforted' friends with.... "But you've got great boobs/legs/hair!" (if they're fat/large-breasted/I'm really short of other compliments).

Bugger this. My short, pudgy legs aren't compensated for by my boobs - they're fine as they are! I don't owe anyone good legs! And I don't have to get a better haircut to make up for having let my stomach get squishy because the beauty bailiff is not going to break down my door to collect on the debt I owe the world! THE WORLD WILL GET ALONG FINE! THERE WILL NOT BE A BEAUTY DEFICIT!

*goes for a quiet sit-down to calm down*

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post

post Sep 10 2010, 07:29 PM
Post #39

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I don't know if anybody else has been watching the Sheyla Hershey debacle, but I've been reading about it since June: World's Largest Implants Removed. Honestly, I've just been waiting to see how long before the complications started to kill this woman because it was inevitable. Seriously. The human body is just not built to sustain that level of physical trauma.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post

post Aug 12 2010, 10:48 AM
Post #40

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

It's interesting that you like the molded cups, tampon. I've never been able to wear them. They make me look totally ridiculous and sit in the wrong spot. I keep trying to buy different bras but I'm totally stuck on this plain black Fantasie one. No molded cups, just simple, black, good coverage, amazing support, and oh-so-comfortable.

I'd really like to have a couple of plunge style ones or something a little sexier but I'm still having a lot of trouble finding things that aren't 'full coverage' here and I NEED to try them on before buying.c

Glad to hear things are more managable for you, tampon. I never lose or gain any breast weight. I remember in high school complaining about a sore back once and someone said, "Couldn't you just lose some weight?" Besides being totally insulting it definitely doesn't work that way for everyone.

For those who have back problems related to breast weight, what kind of pain do you get? I go to physio for my back issues but I still have some ongoing problems, mainly in my lower back when I'm standing for more than 40 minutes and my shoulder blades.

> large breast support group (cuz we actually need it!)
Options V
 post Aug 12 2010, 08:54 AM
Post #41

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 158
From: sweet, sweet virginia

QUOTE(hellotampon @ Aug 12 2010, 09:39 AM) *
I know that people gain and lose weight in predetermined patterns, but the body continues to change throughout the early 20s right? So perhaps this isn't actually all in my head.

my sister went up a full cup size in her early-to-mid 20's, without any other weight re-distribution, so yeah, i think so. i think that's when i started getting actual hips, too.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 12 2010, 08:39 AM
Post #42

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

Hmmm. I was actually thinking of getting a plunge bra up until now. I don't understand the padding either. I like molded cup bras- they're more supportive and they last waaaaay longer than the ones with just thin material. 

I lost a couple pounds in the beginning of the summer, from being more active, i guess, and it all came off my boobs. I went from a 32DDD to a 32D. I feel so much more comfortable now. And as I gain the weight back it seems to be appearing on my thighs. I'm not fond of the cellulite but at the same time i don't want to complain. I feel much more proportional and I've always admired pear shapes. I know that people gain and lose weight in predetermined patterns, but the body continues to change throughout the early 20s right? So perhaps this isn't actually all in my head.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 4 2010, 09:36 AM
Post #43

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

I often see that with plunge bras - I think it's easier for the manufacturers than properly engineering a bra to hoist heavy boobies into the desired front-and-central position. Fools!

On a slightly different note, I've recently bought a non-underwired bra for the first time in ..... ooh, about 12 years? I wear it around the house and it is spectacularly comfortable!

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 16 2010, 04:31 PM
Post #44

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 295

I just popped in from the smallies thread...just thought I'd add that Victorias Secret has these padded pushup bra's that add 2 cup sizes (supposedly) and they are available in sizes up to a 38DD. Now far be it from me to say when bigger is no longer better but really? How many 38DD women actually WANT to add 2 cup sizes? Maybe more than I'd guess, I dunno!
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 12 2010, 01:45 AM
Post #45

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon


The extra-special DD+ bras in Marks & Spencer, that I think we're supposed to be super-grateful for, only come with padding. And it's not even removable! I have no idea what thinking is behind this.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 11 2010, 02:23 AM
Post #46

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


Okay, so I bought some new bras for the new summer maxi dresses I bought, yeah? A convertible/plunge style for the lower cut ones & a regular convertible style for the halter necks, etc.

Get this, though. I tried the plunge one on. Now, I know my boobs are swollen right now due to hormones. But I was spilling out in the most OBSCENE fashion. I was alone in my room & was embarrassed for my clothes & furniture seeing the boob-o-rama. So I reach in to do some adjusting & what the ever living motherfuck do I feel in the cup? I whipped the thing off & there was an AIR CHICKEN CUTLET in each cup!!!!! Because a woman with a DD bust needs to add two inches to her bustline! These people are getting out of control with the boobie enhancers!

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Feb 13 2010, 05:47 PM
Post #47

Posts: 3
From: Arizona

Happy Valentines Day and Best Wishes to All. D1
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 23 2009, 03:09 PM
Post #48

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

NaomiK - Have you seen a doctor about the chronic breast pain? What did they say? If you get no help, you should also consider seeing a chiropractor and/or massage therapist ( a good one trained in muscle work, not just spa work.)

In times of destruction, create something.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 10:56 PM
Post #49

Posts: 3

QUOTE(deschatsrouge @ Nov 3 2009, 11:17 AM) *
This happens to me. I went on ebay and bought a bunch of underwires from a corset supply dealer and just replace the underwires that snap.

Thanks of the tip. I've tossed so many expensive (really is a G cup bra ever cheap?) because of this. It's so disturbing when it happens. My underwires will almost always work there way out too. You'd think bras big enough for heavy breasts would have a little bit more reinforcement in the underwire dept.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 10:49 PM
Post #50

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

I had it happen once. I'd buy replacement underwires and sew them in myself (easiest method for fixing the rogue ones attempting surgery is darn the hole then cover it in either nail polish or superglue to bind the fibres).

My sister bought me a bra and as a nice suprise I seem to have dropped in size! I was 16J, and the 14HH fits me AND it's an aussie brand, not UK. It's not a nursing bra, but for special occasions it'll be great. The damn things feel like they're up under my chin compared to the nursing bras.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 12:14 PM
Post #51

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Wow. That has never happened to me. I've had a rogue underwire pop out of the bra itself & try to give me impromptu heart surgery.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 11:17 AM
Post #52

A symphony of atrocities. 
Posts: 1,437
From: The Sage Brush Steppes

QUOTE(NaomiK @ Nov 3 2009, 02:25 AM) *
Sorry if someone already asked this... I'm a 36G-H. Does anyone else have trouble with underwires that just snap in half after a while? It always happens to me.

This happens to me. I went on ebay and bought a bunch of underwires from a corset supply dealer and just replace the underwires that snap.

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." -Exodus 22:18
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 11:04 AM
Post #53

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Naomi, I've never had that problem but all my bras have metal underwires. If they're snapping and you're buying them from a high end lingerie shop, I would say bring them back. I know that for certain issues the place I go to will fix it for free if they can.

Are you sure you're wearing the right size? Have you just measured yourself or gone to specialty shops? I wore a 36D for a long time because that's what I would come out at using the chart. Once I went to a specialty shop I found I was really a 32E. Even if you don't buy anything, it's worth it to go so you have a better idea of your true size. If you already know that, then maybe it's time to invest in some more expensive and well made bras. I pay $100 a piece, but they last a long time and are the most comfortable ones I've ever owned.

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+Quote Post
 post Nov 2 2009, 09:25 PM
Post #54

Posts: 3

Sorry if someone already asked this... I'm a 36G-H. Does anyone else have trouble with underwires that just snap in half after a while? It always happens to me. 

I have chronic pain from my breasts. I can't even remember a day when my back, neck, or head didn't hurt, and every once in a while I get pain so severe that I feel like I might vomit. I starts in my back and then works its way around my ribs so I just have this radiating intense pain all around the middle of my torso. Labor pains were less painful and I did natural childbirth.
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 16 2009, 10:57 AM
Post #55

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 474
From: the Hundred Acre Woods

Thanks for the tip, eyelet; it is wonderful to have a good nursing bra. I finally learned to make my own and convert regular bras to nursing bras...but in the early days it's next to impossible to find anything big enough. Jennifer's Sewing Links at has all sorts of FREE patterns and sewing instructions if anyone would like to try making their own bras (nursing or regular). THere's also links to bellydance costumes and goth girls clothes, renfair costumes, and stuff for regular folk...again mostly all free instructions. (Yay) There are resources for knitters, crocheters and other crafters, too.

AuralP, that story you told makes me so sad. Granted it IS a little weird being hooked up to a pumping machine, not the sort of thing you exactly want an audience for. Still it's not a big deal, certainly not shameful. Most women find it too difficult to pump milk at a job; I wish this woman could've been more proud of what she was doing for her baby.

"The U.S. is the only nation on Earth to pass from barbarism into decadence without once passing through an era of civilization."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 15 2009, 11:58 AM
Post #56

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163

Just wanted to post this for any large busted busties who might be looking for nursing bras in the future. I'm a 34H post partum and this brand is the most comfortable and supportive I've found so far. (Not being compensated in any way for this, I just know it took me a long time to find one I like, so I'm sharing).
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 9 2009, 07:18 AM
Post #57

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I see our latest boobie fetishist hasn't returned. No matter how polite they are, the guys that come in here are just kinda creepy & pervy. It feels like being peeped on in a way. We're here being honest & talking about the issues of tits & they're salivating & fantasizing.

Lactation is weirdly divisive. I can't say I have a problem with it, but you say tomato, I say tomato. Babies gotta eat whether you're uptight about it or not.

I worked with this poor bashful gal once though that would step into a closed office to pump her milk. One night the cleaning lady tried to come in whilst she was pumping & she FREAKED OUT. The cleaning lady was like, "I have five grown kids, I've done it, it's nothing I've never seen." The girl lost it, though & from then on she'd only pump in a locked stall in the bathroom.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 7 2009, 01:26 PM
Post #58

Posts: 11,350
From: Oh boobs

stongirl, that is so beyond awesome!!!

Hatred does not cease in this world by hating, but by not hating; this is an eternal truth. --- Buddah, The Dhammapada
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 7 2009, 06:26 AM
Post #59

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 474
From: the Hundred Acre Woods

Heehee. I'm so glad it's not just me having thoughts and impulses like this. For some reason I can just IMAGINE the comments two gay men might make at a nursing mom's expense.

"The U.S. is the only nation on Earth to pass from barbarism into decadence without once passing through an era of civilization."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 6 2009, 12:15 PM
Post #60

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 295

Ha! I'm from the small busties thread but check this one once in a while and have to share this story with Koffeewitch. When I was getting teased by my two gay male business partners about hauling my tits out everywhere to feed my son (for example they gave me what they called my "stripper name" - Lactatia), I finally did just that - squirted them both from 5 feet away! I thought they were going to die of shock right on the spot! But we laughed about it for years afterward.
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    > large breast support group (cuz we actually need it!)
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 post Aug 12 2010, 08:54 AM
Post #41

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 158
From: sweet, sweet virginia

QUOTE(hellotampon @ Aug 12 2010, 09:39 AM) *
I know that people gain and lose weight in predetermined patterns, but the body continues to change throughout the early 20s right? So perhaps this isn't actually all in my head.

my sister went up a full cup size in her early-to-mid 20's, without any other weight re-distribution, so yeah, i think so. i think that's when i started getting actual hips, too.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 12 2010, 08:39 AM
Post #42

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

Hmmm. I was actually thinking of getting a plunge bra up until now. I don't understand the padding either. I like molded cup bras- they're more supportive and they last waaaaay longer than the ones with just thin material. 

I lost a couple pounds in the beginning of the summer, from being more active, i guess, and it all came off my boobs. I went from a 32DDD to a 32D. I feel so much more comfortable now. And as I gain the weight back it seems to be appearing on my thighs. I'm not fond of the cellulite but at the same time i don't want to complain. I feel much more proportional and I've always admired pear shapes. I know that people gain and lose weight in predetermined patterns, but the body continues to change throughout the early 20s right? So perhaps this isn't actually all in my head.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 4 2010, 09:36 AM
Post #43

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

I often see that with plunge bras - I think it's easier for the manufacturers than properly engineering a bra to hoist heavy boobies into the desired front-and-central position. Fools!

On a slightly different note, I've recently bought a non-underwired bra for the first time in ..... ooh, about 12 years? I wear it around the house and it is spectacularly comfortable!

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 16 2010, 04:31 PM
Post #44

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 295

I just popped in from the smallies thread...just thought I'd add that Victorias Secret has these padded pushup bra's that add 2 cup sizes (supposedly) and they are available in sizes up to a 38DD. Now far be it from me to say when bigger is no longer better but really? How many 38DD women actually WANT to add 2 cup sizes? Maybe more than I'd guess, I dunno!
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 12 2010, 01:45 AM
Post #45

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon


The extra-special DD+ bras in Marks & Spencer, that I think we're supposed to be super-grateful for, only come with padding. And it's not even removable! I have no idea what thinking is behind this.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 11 2010, 02:23 AM
Post #46

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


Okay, so I bought some new bras for the new summer maxi dresses I bought, yeah? A convertible/plunge style for the lower cut ones & a regular convertible style for the halter necks, etc.

Get this, though. I tried the plunge one on. Now, I know my boobs are swollen right now due to hormones. But I was spilling out in the most OBSCENE fashion. I was alone in my room & was embarrassed for my clothes & furniture seeing the boob-o-rama. So I reach in to do some adjusting & what the ever living motherfuck do I feel in the cup? I whipped the thing off & there was an AIR CHICKEN CUTLET in each cup!!!!! Because a woman with a DD bust needs to add two inches to her bustline! These people are getting out of control with the boobie enhancers!

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Feb 13 2010, 05:47 PM
Post #47

Posts: 3
From: Arizona

Happy Valentines Day and Best Wishes to All. D1
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 23 2009, 03:09 PM
Post #48

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

NaomiK - Have you seen a doctor about the chronic breast pain? What did they say? If you get no help, you should also consider seeing a chiropractor and/or massage therapist ( a good one trained in muscle work, not just spa work.)

In times of destruction, create something.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 10:56 PM
Post #49

Posts: 3

QUOTE(deschatsrouge @ Nov 3 2009, 11:17 AM) *
This happens to me. I went on ebay and bought a bunch of underwires from a corset supply dealer and just replace the underwires that snap.

Thanks of the tip. I've tossed so many expensive (really is a G cup bra ever cheap?) because of this. It's so disturbing when it happens. My underwires will almost always work there way out too. You'd think bras big enough for heavy breasts would have a little bit more reinforcement in the underwire dept.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 10:49 PM
Post #50

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

I had it happen once. I'd buy replacement underwires and sew them in myself (easiest method for fixing the rogue ones attempting surgery is darn the hole then cover it in either nail polish or superglue to bind the fibres).

My sister bought me a bra and as a nice suprise I seem to have dropped in size! I was 16J, and the 14HH fits me AND it's an aussie brand, not UK. It's not a nursing bra, but for special occasions it'll be great. The damn things feel like they're up under my chin compared to the nursing bras.
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 12:14 PM
Post #51

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Wow. That has never happened to me. I've had a rogue underwire pop out of the bra itself & try to give me impromptu heart surgery.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 11:17 AM
Post #52

A symphony of atrocities. 
Posts: 1,437
From: The Sage Brush Steppes

QUOTE(NaomiK @ Nov 3 2009, 02:25 AM) *
Sorry if someone already asked this... I'm a 36G-H. Does anyone else have trouble with underwires that just snap in half after a while? It always happens to me.

This happens to me. I went on ebay and bought a bunch of underwires from a corset supply dealer and just replace the underwires that snap.

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." -Exodus 22:18
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 3 2009, 11:04 AM
Post #53

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Naomi, I've never had that problem but all my bras have metal underwires. If they're snapping and you're buying them from a high end lingerie shop, I would say bring them back. I know that for certain issues the place I go to will fix it for free if they can.

Are you sure you're wearing the right size? Have you just measured yourself or gone to specialty shops? I wore a 36D for a long time because that's what I would come out at using the chart. Once I went to a specialty shop I found I was really a 32E. Even if you don't buy anything, it's worth it to go so you have a better idea of your true size. If you already know that, then maybe it's time to invest in some more expensive and well made bras. I pay $100 a piece, but they last a long time and are the most comfortable ones I've ever owned.

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+Quote Post
 post Nov 2 2009, 09:25 PM
Post #54

Posts: 3

Sorry if someone already asked this... I'm a 36G-H. Does anyone else have trouble with underwires that just snap in half after a while? It always happens to me. 

I have chronic pain from my breasts. I can't even remember a day when my back, neck, or head didn't hurt, and every once in a while I get pain so severe that I feel like I might vomit. I starts in my back and then works its way around my ribs so I just have this radiating intense pain all around the middle of my torso. Labor pains were less painful and I did natural childbirth.
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 16 2009, 10:57 AM
Post #55

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 474
From: the Hundred Acre Woods

Thanks for the tip, eyelet; it is wonderful to have a good nursing bra. I finally learned to make my own and convert regular bras to nursing bras...but in the early days it's next to impossible to find anything big enough. Jennifer's Sewing Links at has all sorts of FREE patterns and sewing instructions if anyone would like to try making their own bras (nursing or regular). THere's also links to bellydance costumes and goth girls clothes, renfair costumes, and stuff for regular folk...again mostly all free instructions. (Yay) There are resources for knitters, crocheters and other crafters, too.

AuralP, that story you told makes me so sad. Granted it IS a little weird being hooked up to a pumping machine, not the sort of thing you exactly want an audience for. Still it's not a big deal, certainly not shameful. Most women find it too difficult to pump milk at a job; I wish this woman could've been more proud of what she was doing for her baby.

"The U.S. is the only nation on Earth to pass from barbarism into decadence without once passing through an era of civilization."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 15 2009, 11:58 AM
Post #56

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163

Just wanted to post this for any large busted busties who might be looking for nursing bras in the future. I'm a 34H post partum and this brand is the most comfortable and supportive I've found so far. (Not being compensated in any way for this, I just know it took me a long time to find one I like, so I'm sharing).
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 9 2009, 07:18 AM
Post #57

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I see our latest boobie fetishist hasn't returned. No matter how polite they are, the guys that come in here are just kinda creepy & pervy. It feels like being peeped on in a way. We're here being honest & talking about the issues of tits & they're salivating & fantasizing.

Lactation is weirdly divisive. I can't say I have a problem with it, but you say tomato, I say tomato. Babies gotta eat whether you're uptight about it or not.

I worked with this poor bashful gal once though that would step into a closed office to pump her milk. One night the cleaning lady tried to come in whilst she was pumping & she FREAKED OUT. The cleaning lady was like, "I have five grown kids, I've done it, it's nothing I've never seen." The girl lost it, though & from then on she'd only pump in a locked stall in the bathroom.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 7 2009, 01:26 PM
Post #58

Posts: 11,350
From: Oh boobs

stongirl, that is so beyond awesome!!!

Hatred does not cease in this world by hating, but by not hating; this is an eternal truth. --- Buddah, The Dhammapada
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 7 2009, 06:26 AM
Post #59

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 474
From: the Hundred Acre Woods

Heehee. I'm so glad it's not just me having thoughts and impulses like this. For some reason I can just IMAGINE the comments two gay men might make at a nursing mom's expense.

"The U.S. is the only nation on Earth to pass from barbarism into decadence without once passing through an era of civilization."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 6 2009, 12:15 PM
Post #60

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 295

Ha! I'm from the small busties thread but check this one once in a while and have to share this story with Koffeewitch. When I was getting teased by my two gay male business partners about hauling my tits out everywhere to feed my son (for example they gave me what they called my "stripper name" - Lactatia), I finally did just that - squirted them both from 5 feet away! I thought they were going to die of shock right on the spot! But we laughed about it for years afterward.
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« Next Oldest · Our Bodies, Our Hells · Next Newest »Post #81

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 662
From: Alberta

QUOTE(auralpoison @ Sep 19 2009, 08:26 AM) *
Well if it's not one thing it's another. Somebody is always gonna find something to stare at & be creepy.

Just thought I'd poke my nose in and agree with that statement. I know I may not get as many intense stares as the well-endowed ladies, but when guys are rude or inappropriate, well, they just are. must be the way they were brought up, I guess. 
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 20 2009, 08:49 AM
Post #82

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I don't think we need a separate thread to speculate about young girls with big boobs, Allison-Shine... I can think of at least 3 current boob threads off the top of my head already. Use one of those. 

I have big boobs and my sister does not. I should hope she doesn't sit around obsessing over where mine came from. Although in our case it's pretty obvious that it depends on what side of the family you take after.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 20 2009, 08:18 AM
Post #83

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

the hormones in the food do not always manifest in huge boobs - it's also possibly why so many girls are getting their periods at a younger again, and it's also another possible theory for why so many young girls are being diagnosed with PCOS as well.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 20 2009, 07:08 AM
Post #84

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 130

QUOTE(stargazer @ Sep 19 2009, 11:54 AM) *
Allison-Shine, I'm glad someone else noticed this phenomenon and not just me. What are their mothers' feeding them? I've seen so many Chesty McGee Juniors.  blink.gif

Yes I have seen so many of these "Chesty McGee Juniors" too, especially in the summertime. I hear many theories regarding the trend in so many girls blossoming so early:
Their diet and all the protiens and hormones in food-But I was a teenager between 5-10 years ago so this theory can't be that recent.
Excercise-Well not all teenage girls, or kids in general are active and play sports, many have unactive lifestyles
Obesity-Many "Chesty Mc Gee Juniors" are not obese or fat, but are rather proportionate
Genetics-The most believable one, they get this way from their Mother, Grandmother or even one side of the family
"Evolution"-Maybe we are just witnessing a huge trend in the evolving of the female form.

Most of us have a younger sister or relative or even a daughter who is one of these girls. We see them around town, at the beach or the mall.

I was thinking about starting a separate thread about this. My 16 year old sister is now a D cup as of last week so I have some experience with the subject. I have discussed this in private message with some fellow Busties and we shared so many things about it as well. But what the heck would I call it ? LOL
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 19 2009, 10:54 AM
Post #85

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

QUOTE(Allison-Shine @ Sep 18 2009, 12:53 PM) *
I wonder how common is a D cup among 16-17 year olds? Seems like I see her size among that age set more and more.

Allison-Shine, I'm glad someone else noticed this phenomenon and not just me. What are their mothers' feeding them? I've seen so many Chesty McGee Juniors.  blink.gif 

hellotampon, you are right about the jeering occurring regardless of breast size. I asked a male friend if it matters really the size of the breasts or just that they can see their shape through a shirt that matters. He said the latter. 

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 19 2009, 09:26 AM
Post #86

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Well if it's not one thing it's another. Somebody is always gonna find something to stare at & be creepy. 

I have a guy I call Stare-y J because he just literally leers at me. He's done it for four hours before, the first two hours were from across the room, the second two he came & sat down next to me. My friends openly mocked him & I ignored him. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of my attention. The funny thing is that he's too scared of me to actually talk to me unless he gets drunk.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2009, 08:50 PM
Post #87

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I could have small tits and still be annoyed by leering. Boobs have nothing to do with it.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2009, 05:22 PM
Post #88

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

My tits are huge & I know it's what people notice first. I'm a realist, Allison_shine & I'm not ashamed of my tetas. They aren't a barometer of my self-worth or a *source of anxiety for me, they're just a couple bags o' flesh. 

Even Dolly Parton in her platinum wigs, high-whore drag makeup, & sparkly outfits knows that it's really her boobs that attract the initial attention. She is a well of AMAZING talent, but the boobs are always gonna be mentioned first. She could be in sweats & a doorag at the grocers & the first thing people would notice would still be her tits.  happy.gif

And I swing back & forth between annoyance & acceptance. It's gotta be pretty odious for me to take offense.

ETA *They are occasionally a source of anxiety around my family. They are VERY modest & even two inches of cleav gets me the stink eye.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2009, 05:01 PM
Post #89

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 130

QUOTE(auralpoison @ Sep 18 2009, 05:01 PM) *
Y'know, the leering never goes away completely. On FB I took a quiz that asked what people first noticed about me & it answered my eyes. Which is poppycock. It's the tetas. A guy I hadn't seen since high school agreed that he could remember my boobs still. They're out there whether we like it or not.

Yes, and who would admit openly on a FB wall and page in front of others that it is your "tetas" that they first notice ?  laugh.gif 

My sister is in that boastful stage right now, because of her somewhat sassy personality. But as she gets older and mentally matures more, I wonder if she will tire of or be less amused of the leering and occasional comments. Time will tell.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2009, 04:01 PM
Post #90

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Y'know, the leering never goes away completely. On FB I took a quiz that asked what people first noticed about me & it answered my eyes. Which is poppycock. It's the tetas. A guy I hadn't seen since high school agreed that he could remember my boobs still. They're out there whether we like it or not.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2009, 12:53 PM
Post #91

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 130

My sister is 16 and a high school Junior and had a fitting last week. She is now a D cup (36D). She is handling it real well though, physically and mentally. Her chest is not cumbersome to her and rarely gets bothered by immature comments anyway. I think it gets a little easier in your later teen years than what the early bloomers have to deal with in adolescence and junior high. Point is, you don't have to wait until your an adult for all the snickering and teasing to go away, but the comments and the learing never go completely away either, lol.

She is the first D cup in our immediate family between her, our mom (38C still I beleive) and me. I don't know how she got this big. I remember 4-5 years ago she was just an AA-A like it was yesterday. I wonder how common is a D cup among 16-17 year olds? Seems like I see her size among that age set more and more. She's proud of what she has but for the first time ever she is concerned that she could get too big. She's like "I can handle being a DD at most, but being anything more than that would be too much, I would feel like a freak and then they would feel to too big for my body" (Shes 5'6" probably 135 lbs still, she has nice shape). As a 34B, I really don't have an answer.
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 post Aug 26 2009, 03:40 PM
Post #92

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

I wonder if some of it has to do with breast shape as well. For me and underwire with a sheer and less restrictive fabric makes my girls look like a billiard ball at the end of a sock. However, if there is no shaping, seaming, everything appears softer and curvier. Now, some liengerie has bra type padding. Thoes are great to look at but cannot be slept in afterwards for me.  cool.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 26 2009, 01:05 PM
Post #93

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

I only have two bras that are in my actual size (apparently I'm a 42F) and the rest are still in 40DD because I can't afford the ones in my real size. Also I've found that the supportive bras in my proper size can still feel a bit restrictive, maybe because they have so much to hold up. 

I'm usually fully dressed when cc_boy is around but after sex I like to just wear a tank top and panties.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 26 2009, 11:22 AM
Post #94

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

I always feel most comfortable in something with lots of support, but it drives my boyfriend crazy when I wear something with no support or not bra, so now I'm inclined to pick stuff out that has very little support, which makes it more comfortable for me when we get intimate.

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+Quote Post
 post Aug 26 2009, 07:23 AM
Post #95

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

lol, I looked at it again and realized that what I thought was a build in cup was actually just the website's way of showing how it would look when filled out. That is, when filled out by some magically large but perky breasted woman.
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 post Aug 25 2009, 11:00 PM
Post #96

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Okay, I am confused. The first one has NO support (What are you seeing that I am missing? Sure, there aren't any unsightly seams to slip, but there's also nothing to hold shape. If you have sag, it's gonna be visible in that "fried egg on a nail" way instead of the "seams aren't in the right place" way. Both are unflattering.), the second has underwire support, the last one also has no support & the dreaded seaming. Of the three, I would look best & be most comfortable in number two.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Aug 25 2009, 10:40 PM
Post #97

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

I would look better in the first two then the last one because the first two have that built in support. I have a babydoll outfit from Torrid and it has a full on bra with hooks at the back built into it. I think we have the same issue with seems going right over the breasts instead of underneath.
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 post Aug 25 2009, 10:18 PM
Post #98

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Huh. See, now I wouldn't wear that blue number if paid. It's hella cute, but would be as unflattering as hell on me.

So I bought this lovely maxi dress. I needed a convertible bra, found one, it seems okay. I put the dress on again today. I do not know how I failed to notice this, but JEBUS CRIPES, MY TITS ARE FUCKING HUGE. It's just like, BA-BAM! TITTAYS! I know that they are swollen right now, but damn, yo. I'm only a DD & I look like a fucking sideshow freak.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Aug 25 2009, 07:44 AM
Post #99

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

I was just reading through the small breast thread and one of the posters commented on finding sexy lingerie w/o cups that looked really good. Well, when I look at negligies and teddys and the like, I hate the ones that have shaping around the bust. Unless they are structured like a bra (w/padding) all the seams or cups due to me is emphasize my sagginess in a way that is very unsexy.  dry.gif So who does look good in structured lingerie? I'm not sure that I am explaining this right. I look better in something like this than I do in something like this. I would even have trouble with something like this because my breast would drop down below the seaming. Am I the only one with this problem? 

I actually like the blue one enough that my fingers are itching for my credit card.

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Jul 27 2009, 01:22 AM
Post #100

Posts: 2
From: Hot as Hell Mesa, AZ

Newbie here...I've spent hours reading this entire thread & I feel like this is where I belong! I can relate to so many things that people have said and would like to say thanks for all the advice given. It feels good to be on a site where women can be supportive (we all know how we need "support"!) and not tear each other down. My stats...I'm 32, newly married (April '09), size 12/14 (depends on the brand), and my measurements are (US size) 36I *yes, I!*-33-43. I'm 5'4" and have narrow shoulders and a small back and waist. I have big 'ol hips and a big butt to balance out the huge jugs  wink.gif 

I'm working on losing weight to not only feel better about myself, but because my husband and I would like to have kids soon and I know I'll gain more. I shudder to think how big my boobs will be then!!! Like so many others have shared, I too developed early...C cups at 10 years old. Forwarding to now...awhile back I ordered a bra online...the Dream Tisha bra by Le Mystere, size 36H...Yuck! Like someone previously stated, I have no idea why Oprah recommended this bra! While the band fit/felt fabulous, the bra totally made my boobs pointy  mad.gif I personally like mine to be lifted high with a nice rounded shape. I figured I was an I because the center didn't sit between the girls...there was too much boobage in the way. 

After many hours online searching for bigger bras (that's how I came across this thread, BTW) I found (always free shipping to US & Canada) and am very excited! *happy dance* I ordered the Panache Tango II Underwire Balconette and the Elomi Smoothing Foam Molded Plunge Underwire, both size 36GG (UK size) I'll let everyone know how the fit is when I receive them. I am grateful to have found this group and if anyone would like any advice or info I would be very happy to share.  biggrin.gif
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post Jul 21 2009, 07:25 AM
Post #101

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

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 post Jul 21 2009, 12:05 AM
Post #102

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Ooooops! I totally meant to post this over here yesterday & I forgot!

I was looking for something this morning & stumbled across this, dunno if it's been posted before, but it annoyed the ever-living snot out of me: Your Free Boobs. I haven't seen either the MTV show or the BBC doc, but the article is right in that this kind of thing raises a LOT of questions. 

It makes me want to start to see if I can get strangers to pay for other strangers reduction surgeries.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Jul 20 2009, 02:23 PM
Post #103

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

kerabear, I developed pretty early (like, grade 5 and 6!) but there was one girl who was still bigger than me. I felt bad for her, everyone said that she stuffed her bra and would outright ask her if she did. I didn't think it was that bad but for some reason, guys always focused on my nipples.

I remember walking down the hallway in school and boys would say, "T.H.O.! T.H.O.!" It wasn't until a friend told me later that I found out it meant "titty hard on". Cause boys are so classy like that. The obsession with my nipples continued into high school to the point that I always threw on a cardigan in an attempt to hide them.

It's hard because kids are so unforgiving either way. If you have big breasts then they call you a slut, if you have no breasts then they call you flat. 

I think I would tell her just to try to keep her confidence up and ignore any disparaging remarks. And remind her that her body is nobody else's business.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 18 2009, 11:21 PM
Post #104

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I didn't get my period till I was 14. Boobs came along at 17. Over the summer, when I came back to school in the fall with DDs it was quite a shocker.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 17 2009, 05:45 PM
Post #105

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

Yeah, that freak shit sucks - I was just trying to think of things that would have made my life easier at that point. Damn boobs.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 17 2009, 09:41 AM
Post #106

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 265
From: USA

QUOTE(auralpoison @ Jul 17 2009, 05:20 AM) *

All good advice, Ananke. But at that age you can give a kid as much good advice as you can & they're still gonna feel like a freak, I know I did. Just be there for her & support her, Kerabear. You may not have been in the same boat, but (pre)teenage body angst is (pre)teenage body angst.

Ain't that the truth. I think at that age, feeling like a freak is something we can ALL relate to... it's wild because she started her period at 9. I started mine at 15 (almost 16). It's hard to believe we share the same genes!
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 17 2009, 04:20 AM
Post #107

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


All good advice, Ananke. But at that age you can give a kid as much good advice as you can & they're still gonna feel like a freak, I know I did. Just be there for her & support her, Kerabear. You may not have been in the same boat, but (pre)teenage body angst is (pre)teenage body angst.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 16 2009, 06:00 PM
Post #108

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

Having boobs doesn't mean you need to use them - people will assume a lot of stupid shit based onn boob size but don't llet them define you.

Nude bras are less obvious under clothes.

A well fitted bra is less obvious as well.

Camisole with shelf bras can be great.

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+Quote Post
 post Jul 16 2009, 09:23 AM
Post #109

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 265
From: USA

Hello gals. I actually spend most of my time lurking in the small breast forum, but I am writing on behalf of my youngest sis. So far during the summer, she has grown two cup sizes (!!!) and now she is headed into the sixth grade with a solid C cup. I know most of you probably don't consider this large, but when most of your peers on in training bras, it is! She is sorta freakin' out a bit about all the attention she might get because of her chest and teasing. She is sorta down. Fifth grade was hard enough for her as an A cup. I want to give her some advice and encouragement, but being the "late bloomer" and AA cup gal that I am, this is outside my realm of experience. Heck, when I was her age I was wishing for breasts (still am! ha ha...).

Any advice from other "early bloomers" on here? Thanks!
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 16 2009, 09:20 AM
Post #110

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

HT, I got my bathing suit at Intimacy. I'm not sure where else you can find bathing suits for bigger boobs.

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 16 2009, 08:57 AM
Post #111

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I know we've discussed bathing suits before, but I'm too lazy to sift through old posts. Is there a brick and mortar store where I can buy a 32E bathing suit top? I don't want to order something from a UK store online! I'd just like to go to a mall or something. 

The top I have now is a plain banded halter top from Old Navy or some store like that, and my boobs get mashed down across my chest in all directions. They bulge out from the top, the sides, and the bottom. I'm constantly adjusting so they won't escape. If I put on a shirt over the suit it looks like I have 6 boobs clustered on my chest. I just want to be able to relax.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 14 2009, 07:11 AM
Post #112

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

about the skin problems under the boobs, yes it's a problem. sometimes the sweat gets trapped there, and then the bra irritates the skin. i walk back and forth to work, and when i change into my work clothes, i have to take a paper towel and dry under my bra line. keeping lotioned, and using gentle shower gel has kept the skin irritation to a minimum.

going back a little to the discussion on people being 'obsessed' with larger breasts, a (female) friend of a friend is getting on my nerves, because on the few occasions i see her (like at a party), that's all she focuses on is my boobs. she thinks mine are bigger than hers, which they aren't, but mine seem bigger because they're too big for my frame. i almost avoid her now, so she won't like, look at or make comments about them. :-(
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 13 2009, 12:59 PM
Post #113

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Yay candycane.

A proper fitting bra makes SUCH a huge difference. I don't even bother looking in regular bra stores anymore because they're so cheaply made and never feel very comfortable even if I can somehow find a 32D. The 32's at places like La Senza always feel too tight anyway, but a 32 at a real lingerie shop fits like a glove.  smile.gif

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+Quote Post
 post Jul 13 2009, 03:17 AM
Post #114

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

I did - my mum took me to Rigby & Peller for a birthday treat! They're the Queen's official supplier of undies  laugh.gif

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 12 2009, 04:36 PM
Post #115

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

I just wanted to come in here and say that I have finally been properly fitted! For years I've been told that I am a 40DD. I got that from the saleswomen in department stores and at La Senza. I finally went to this store that I had heard of called Secrets from Your Sister and I got a proper fitting. It felt like an episode of Oprah. I found out that I'm not a 40DD but actually a 42F! It was so nice to finally get a bra that fits the way it's supposed to. 

It really bugs me that regular stores only go up to DDs because there is really such a wide range of sizes. The bras were pretty expensive so I could only get two but I will definitely be going back to that store whenever I want a new one. I would definitely suggest this place to Toronto busties.

I'm just wondering, for all of you busties who actually know your proper size, did you have to go to a specialty store as well?
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 10 2009, 09:44 PM
Post #116

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 295

Hi, I'm from the small busties thread but I occasionally check out this thread and saw your post about skin issues under large breasts. I spent a number of years helping care for my aging mother-in-law, my grandma, and my aunt who all had very large breasts and they all had skin issues underneath. Boils or acne as you describe, chafing, and skin tags were all problems. When I bathed them, I would make sure I lifted each breast and washed thoroughly but gently underneath with a mild soap or cleanser. No rough scrubbing and no harsh soaps. The most important thing was drying underneath! Very hard to do. After towel drying, I often would lift their breasts or get them to hold them up and use the blow dryer on a warm but not hot setting until I was sure they were totally dry. Then powder or cornstarch under there to absorb moisture and prevent chafing. Gold Bond has a really nice medicated powder that helps skin heal and discourages bacteria; I think it was really helpful in getting some of their sores to heal. Also make sure your bra is properly fitted. Too tight underneath cuts off circulation, which is bad for skin. The fabric of your bra might be an issue too. Some people don't handle synthetics well, others don't handle cotton well, but you might want to experiment with changing what you're using.

I know it might seem weird getting a reply to this from a small busty, and maybe you're doing all this already but having dealt with the problem personally albeit not on my own body, I thought it might be helpful. I hope it was.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 10 2009, 08:03 PM
Post #117

Posts: 3

hello ladies.
I'am very big busty I'am a 36 j. For about a year I have had what I can only describe as acne under my breasts. It started just as a boil looking lump which would occasionally reapper in different places. Everytime I went to the docs he would just give me another course of antibiotics. I have finally managed to get a referral to see a dematlogist in three weeks. It is obviously something to do with where my boobs hang down and skin touches skin and gets very hot and sweaty. I was wondering if any other busty girls have had any similar experiences. x
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 6 2009, 12:54 AM
Post #118

Posts: 2

QUOTE(Persiflager @ Jun 30 2009, 08:44 AM) *
Bravissimo does swimwear with a 28 back from D to GG.

Thanks for posting this... I have been looking for a site that would carry some dresses/shirts that would be cut more to fit me... 

Bless you,

Rose MArie  cool.gif
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 6 2009, 12:20 AM
Post #119

Posts: 2

I am glad I found this thread... I can't believe the size of these boobs lately... its like someone is blowing them up with helium and I am going to float away into the ozone because of them. Two years ago I was a 34 FF/G... No I am a 36 H... Trying to figure out what to wear anywhere is a real problem. No matter what I do my boobs are the focus of most everyone's eyes unless I wear a big coat or a sweat shirt all the time-especially now that it is summer. 

My back and shoulders are killing me and man they are heavy... There I am so glad I found a place that I can whine... sorry...

Oh and the girl with the breastfeeding issues--- I can empathize. My poor babies' heads were always smaller than my boob. Poor things managed, but it was such a struggle - always needing both hands so your boob doesn't smother and kill your baby... ugh you have my regards...
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 4 2009, 02:56 PM
Post #120

Posts: 1

Glad I found this thread! My bra size varies with my weight, currently I am wearing a 38DD but I think I need to move up a cup size.

Now, regarding the DD/DDD/E/F thing, I have always been told that it's D, DD, DDD/E, F...That's wrong?!? Well crap, that changes things...
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     post Jun 30 2009, 11:34 AM
Post #121

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Begin, scroll back one page and about mid-way down there's a conversation about bathing suits. I got my top from Freya and it's a 32E. It fits beautifully. It was $110 but worth every penny.

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+Quote Post
 post Jun 30 2009, 07:44 AM
Post #122

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Bravissimo does swimwear with a 28 back from D to GG.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 30 2009, 07:07 AM
Post #123

Posts: 7

I'm off on holiday with friends in a couple of weeks, and so it looks like we'll be going to the beach. When I think about this I actually feel scared, which then makes me feel ridiculous! I haven't been in a swimsuit of bikini since I was 15, and I had that many leers and strange looks that I promptly put a vest top on and just read a book instead of getting in the water! I'm a 28FF but I think I need measuring again, as I think I've grown again.  sad.gif 

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any websites that do swimwear for larger cups and small backs? 

I wish I would have thought about the beach factor when I agreed to go on this holiday, I would have just stayed home! laugh.gif
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 post Jun 28 2009, 04:13 PM
Post #124

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

There is ONE nursing bra in Australia that fits me - and it doesn't even fit me well. And because Panache don't do softcup/nursing, I had to go with other brands which means going up a couple of cup sizes. So i'm he proud owner of a 38L cup nursing bra that I need to take in around the ribs but it's the only thing that has even come close to containing the milkmakers.

Nursing while endowed is insane - there is no discreet way of doing it. You can't get the boob out with one hand. NerdBaby gets smothered if I don't position her right (which is hard when she's flailing like a mad flaily thing and my boob is flobbering all over the place). You need multiple pillows to prop everything up.And all of the well meaning advice just doesn't fucking work when your boob is twice the size of your baby's head and your nipple is the size of a pea. And you aren't even guaranteed a good fucking supply for all that.

Sorry, just had to get that out.
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 post Jun 28 2009, 01:12 PM
Post #125

Posts: 1,200
From: societal fringe

today I had to try on my last bought bathing suit from.. 2 years ago I think it was bc we're going on vacation pretty soon.
I went in to seek frecklette's opinion: " ... Mom... your breasts are... um,, Big."
then I went downstairs to the mr : " Honey! your tits are H U G E !!!! "

duh. (such is the difference in eloquence between frecklette and her father. le sigh)
the suit isn't particualrly revealing in design (it's a scoop necked tankini w/shelf bra) but when you are endowed & in a bathing suit it's how it goes. I'm wondering though if I shouldn't maybe wear a wifebeater t over the top?
personally I feel pretty comfortable with it as is, I guess bc I'm ok w/ my breasts being as they are, but I also don't want to get gawked at either. I'd guestimate being somewhere around a 42 C or D right now.

bc we have large chests, does that - as hcbeck's article implies- mean we ought to cover ourselves up least we make others have uncomfortable thoughts?

just a thought ~

I'm gonna let it shine
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post Jun 27 2009, 10:01 PM
Post #126

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I thought that article was kinda condescending.
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 post Jun 26 2009, 03:28 AM
Post #127

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

It's funny, I walked out of my hotel a few weeks ago, was looking at my dayplanner, looked up, & there was some bony messenger fool on his bike staring happily at my boobs. He wasn't gross or creepy, just happy to be alive & to get a good look at my cleavage. I made his summer's day.

Look, learning that diff manufacturers have diff guidelines on sizing is no big whoop for me. I figured that out long ago. I know my measurements. My cage is pretty normal, but my breast beef is significant. It is def more than a handful. Even a BIG MAN'S handful.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 25 2009, 12:27 PM
Word! I wear a 30F, but I'm really not massive. I think in 'handful' terms I'm about equivalent to a 34 DD or 36C.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 24 2009, 07:14 AM
Post #129

Posts: 56
From: Babylon and Ting

Here's a quote
Lots and lots and lots of women wear a cup size over DD (often paired with a band size below 36), but when we think about the prospect of wearing, say, a 32F/FF/G (*raises hand*), we balk. Because the “Definition of Bra Sizes” in our heads goes something like this:

A– Adolescent
B– Bare Minimum
C– Common Enough
D– Dramatic
DD– Downright Dirty
E– Enormous
F– Freakish
G– Grotesque
H– Hideous
Yes, boobs bigger than a C or D cup are supposed to be ginormous– not to mention sluttastic.

Thanks to Paul Taylor for this one.
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 post Jun 22 2009, 11:36 AM
Post #130

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Weird, that does sound similar, right down to the same size. tongue.gif I hate when someone cat calls you and all you can do is spend the next 10 minutes thinking of all the great comebacks you SHOULDA said.

A lady at my lingerie shop told me that sometimes you'll see a brand that makes a bra in both DD's and E's. She said when that happens the E is technically a little bit of a wider cup. Most of the time she said they're marked as the same though.

I think all the bras I have say "32DD/E" or "32DD". I always say 32E because I hate saying "Double D".

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 post Jun 21 2009, 12:39 PM
Post #131

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

QUOTE(hellotampon @ Jun 21 2009, 09:41 AM) *
Anyway, is an E the same thing as a DD, or is it one size bigger than a DDD?

An E cup is the equivalent of a DD. E/DD is a cup smaller than a DDD. I wear a F cup and buy DDD size for bras sold at department stores. Figleaves has a good sizing chart for bras.

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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 post Jun 21 2009, 09:41 AM
Post #132

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

Wow Ketto, that's me! I didn't get my period till I was almost 14 and I had the same growth pattern (if that's what you would call it) as you did. I grew up thinking I was going to be an A-cup because my mother always told me I probably would since I'm built like my grandmother everywhere else. I was kind of upset by my tiny boobs at first until I discovered padded bras. And then they just kept getting bigger and bigger. I wish they'd stopped at a C but I've been a 32DD.

I can't stand it when men say things like, "It's your fault you were harassed because of what you wore." Um, actually, it's THEIR fault for opening their mouth in the first place. 

Anyway, is an E the same thing as a DD, or is it one size bigger than a DDD?
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 post Jun 15 2009, 12:46 PM
Post #133

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

I was a late bloomer too. I think that's one of the reasons I've always had a pretty good relationship with my body. I didn't get my period till 13, and I started wearing an A cup in grade 9, then a B in grade 10, C in Grade 11, and it wasn't until I was almost 17 and leaving high school that I was a 32E. A girl in my grade 12 class had already very openly undergone a reduction so by that time most of the guys were actually not too bad. 

The first time I got sized properly I was 18 and walked into a top end lingerie store. I had been wearing a 36D and the women sort of laughed and told me I was a 32E. I called my mom in tears from the mall. I was ashamed and embarrassed, but after I actually bought a few of their bras and saw how natural I looked and how comfortable they felt I got over it pretty quick. I'm still pissed about the way I was treated at the store though. I was obviously young and uncomfortable and I felt like I could have used a lot more support emotionally. 

I wore my awesome Freya bikini top under my tank top yesterday. It gives me a lot more lift than a regular bra. It's been a loooooooooong time since I had that many people leering down my shirt. I forgot how unsettling that can be. Last week paperboy and I were at the park and an older guy drinking beer on a bench whistled at me and said "Ouch!" or something stupid like that. Paperboy made a couple of jokes, but then I told him how unsafe and vulnerable those kind of comments make me feel, especially when other people aren't really around. It scares me, and when it's someone who looks so creepy I start going through all these terrifying scenario's. A couple of years ago I was wearing a tank top and leaving a bar and a guy said something about how "sexy" i looked. I turned around, gave him the finger and yelled "fuck you". He told me I can't except to wear something like that and not have men comment, then he called me a bitch. Really? I can't go out in a tank top without feeling victimized? Fuck you buddy.

Paperboy said he saw some guys catcall girls at a beach on the weekend and he couldn't stop thinking about what I said. Sobering for him, but I'm glad it stuck with him (not that he's the catcalling type).

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+Quote Post
 post Jun 10 2009, 09:19 AM
Post #134

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 662
From: Alberta

Hi guys, I am crashing your thread from over at the "small girls" group, just to say how interesting it is to read everyone's stories that have been posted recently. Even though the clothing problems are different, it's almost like the social weirdness about boobs is similar no matter what size you are. Like AP said, it's some extra fatty tissue that people are for some reason obsessed with. Some of us have more of it than others. Big whoop. How weird that people feel they have the right to comment on our chest size. I've had people say right to my face, well, you're flat so you wouldn't understand (insert annoying thing about bras/breasts here). Or guys talking right in front of me about how they wouldn't date a girl with small boobs. What? 

I also have to laugh when someone wrote, why do they even make a DDD, why isn't it just an E? I've always wondered about the existence of the AA (my size, smaller than an A). It's like this mystery size that supposedly exists, but is never in any lingere stores. Why didn't they just make smaller sizes to begin with? What did all these AA and E+ sized women do before they started making underwear for everyone, not just the "average" sizes?

As interesting as is has been to read your stories, I want to say I feel for you guys, because not only do you have the social side of things to deal with, but a lot more physical annoyances as well. 100% agreement with everything prophecy grrl said. As always, it's people who are the problem. I'm happy to hear that, just like over on the small busties thread, a lot of us have learned to love our bodies for what they are, once we've gotten past the annoying teenage stage where boys are obsessed with boobies and girls are mean to eachother.
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 10 2009, 03:31 AM
Post #135

Posts: 61
From: U.S.A.

This thread is really delving into some good questions, things to consider, and a little humor by Aural which was perfect... "My thighs, however, can go straight to hell. >:)" 
I was different in that I was a late bloomer. I was abused as a very young girl, and was labeled with "failure to thrive" early on. The doctors never thought I would make 5ft tall and I'm 5'7" now. Didn't get my period until age 13 and my breasts developed over night at 14 years from a-ish to a c-cup then quickly through to double d. I was unprepared for the reaction to them and also for the pain of such fast growth. I hid in only black clothing like men's t-shirts which made me look big all over and helped not at all. The teen years were hard with big boobs because of the way people acted around them. I always was surprised by that. 

After high school though it ceased to be a worry, if someone stared only at my chest I just passed them by and tried not to interact with people who could not see beyond bra size. As I get older though I care less about what people think. I wear good bras, fitted clothing, and am pretty comfortable with my body. I also sleep mainly on my tummy habit from childhood. 

I have an 8 year old daughter and we are very open about body image, confidence, and how the media portrays girls and women. She does see how hard it to buy a new bra at the store when you are not average size but that they can be found just take a little more work.
Thank you for the recommendation for Freya! My bustier for my wedding was made by that company- and it fit very well! smile.gif

"What's past is prologue."
~William Shakespeare
The Tempest
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anna k
 post Jun 9 2009, 09:29 PM
Post #136

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

Count me as a third. Hated having big breasts as a teen, and wore shapeless shirts and cardigans and coats. It changed at age 16-17, when I started to gain more confidence, lost some weight, and wore more fitted shirts, and started to like my breasts. I like them even more now, though sometimes feel embarassed by wearing a triple-D bra size.

I used to have more grooves in my shoulders from my straps, but since having lost weight, it's non-existent, and I've even lost a little fat in my breasts, which feels better.

Aural, I sleep on my stomach too. It just feels nicer. But I've been sleeping on my back more due to some neck tension, and wanting to stretch it upwards to relax it.
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 post Jun 9 2009, 05:37 PM
Post #137

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Like Star, I wasn't crazy about my boobs from about age eleven into my early twenties. I wore lots of shapless tops to try & dimish my appearance. Then it was like, fuck it. People are going to stare anyhow, I might as well use 'em to my advantage. And that's what I did/do. 

Mostly I just think it's funny when people's eyes pop or they stare. It takes something really egregious for me to get upset about them. Like you have to cop a feel to get me to react (react = punch in the throat). The guys that try to make me feel dirty or gross (I once had a guy make suckling noises/faces after commenting upon my "juggs"), I ignore because they're getting off not on my boobs, they're getting off on trying to humiliate me. Which is sad, really. They're projecting their hurt at their own insecurities on me to feel better about themselves. So fuck 'em. They're *my* bodacious tatas & I refuse to feel diminished over them.

As far as physical problems associated, yeah, we have to work a little harder than those of smaller busts. Getting properly fitted helps with a lot of the neck/back/shoulder drama. I wore two jogbras until I bought a really good one from a rec on here. It is a pain in the ass to carry some shit in front of me, I carry that stuff on my head more often than not. Because I do sleep on my stomach (I know, I know, it's bad for my back.), I do have to get properly arranged before I can settle in, but I do. I'm trying to be body positive about the things I cannot change. I like me. My boobs are always gonna be big, but they are a part of me, so I can't hate them. 

My thighs, however, can go straight to hell. >:)

And I don't like the "breast are such a burden" victim mentality portrayed in those shows. I am not a victim because genetics gave me big breasts. Do I have cancer? Do I have MS? Do I have any number of horrible possible illnesses that could kill me? No, I have some extra fatty tissue that some people are ridiculously obsessed with.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Jun 9 2009, 02:39 PM
Post #138

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

oh i did not realize it was meant as more satirical than serious. 

prophecy brings up good questions - would these women still be treated poorly by others if they did not have big breasts? does no one despise their breasts for being big even if others think they are acceptable and attractive?

in my opinion, there is no way to avoid being judged by your body. HT, i hear you on how being blatantly stared at sucks. IMO, it's not just men, it's men and women, gay and straight. 

i know it's not a popular opinion on this thread, but i do think having large breasts is awful. i deal with it, and i'm as confident as i can be, since they're there, but a main reason i'm trying to lose as much weight as i can is so my breasts will become smaller. but, it's hard for me to exercise, carry things, sleep on my stomach etc, because they are in the way. when they're smaller it won't be as much as a problem.
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 post Jun 9 2009, 12:26 PM
Post #139

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

right. I've seen a few of these media "exposes" about what it's like to "live with" big boobs recently, and they all seem to have this victimization bent to them - like the women are being victimized by their boobs and not by the people who treat them shitty because of their breast size. I dunno if that makes sense, but it's like we're made to empathize with how *awful* it is to have large breasts and to feel like it's something you would never want to endure, etc. I know some women have real health problems as a result of large breasts, but for the most part the emotional issues stem not from the breasts themselves, but from the way our culture views breasts and women's bodies as a whole. 

I also thought Ebony's story was the most powerful. I was an early bloomer and got a lot of inappropriate attention from boys in late grammar school/jr high - bra snapping, groping, being called easy or slut by the girls (yeah, at 12 and 13 I was just giving it up to everyone). It didn't make me feel good about my body and I certainly didn't find the attention flattering. I have definitely become more comfortable with my body in general as I've gotten older - though, I'm way more obsessed with my body hair these days than the size of my boobs, tongue.gif I think in order to do that, you have to step outside yourself a little and realize that so much of how others see you has little to do with anything you can change or control. That shit is on them. Plus, being confident and secure in yourself is 90% of what makes you attractive to others, IMO. 

I think it's important to share those type of stories like Ebony's, especially when her ultimate goal was body acceptance. I guess I think these programs should be tempered by more cultural analysis and less "wow, having big boobs sucks."
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 post Jun 9 2009, 12:20 PM
Post #140

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I was bitching about rude men and how in their minds it's totally acceptable to stare at big boobs in a blatantly obvious way whenever they want, but never mind.
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 group (cuz we actually need it!)
Options V
 post Jun 9 2009, 10:36 AM
Post #141

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

p 176, prophecy wasn't saying that the article implimed the women wished they did not have breasts. She was expressing her feelings of having no breasts in order to be treated equally. 

QUOTE(prophecy_grrl @ Jun 8 2009, 03:31 PM) *
There are legitimate health related complaints, but I feel like so much is tied to misogyny and distrust of women's bodies - like we're victims of our own femininity - wouldn't it be better to not have boobs at all, then men wouldn't objectify you!

Prophecy, I like your comment about victimizatin of femininity. I developed at a young age and got gawked at alot by older men. I felt ashamed of my breasts growing up. I really resented being judged or objectified by my body. I dressed very androgynous to deal with my body in my late teens and early 20s. I always, and still do, want to be judged on the merit of my mind than body. 

Funny that you posted that Jezebel article. I was just going to come in to post about the True Life epi after watching it this morning. I really liked the segment about Ebony. She was trying to learn to accept her body and herself.

ETA: It seems like there are more UK labels for big breasted women than American counterparts. What does that say about the US?

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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 post Jun 9 2009, 08:19 AM
Post #142

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

i don't think anyone in the article said they did not want breasts at all. they just wanted them to be smaller. breasts that are too big to be comfortable, or result in unwanted attention do not generally make a woman feel sexy or feminine.
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 8 2009, 05:50 PM
Post #143

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

I have to admit that for years I liked my boobs just because men or other women admired them. It ticked a box for my ego, even though I had no opinion myself on whether or not they were nice (and often found them to be a nuisance) - I just knew that they were big and that was good, the same as it was bad that I wore glasses.

It wasn't until I got properly fitted a few years ago and clothes started fitting right that I really became fond (and somewhat vain) of my breasts. They're actually much less obvious now, but my figure as a whole looks great.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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 post Jun 8 2009, 03:31 PM
Post #144

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

MsKissy - that hips and curves site definitely had some brocadey-type styles. 

I thought this might be interesting to y'all. I do think it's important for people to understand all of the social/cultural bullshit that having big breasts brings on, but the the constant big boob hate is getting tiresome to me. There are legitimate health related complaints, but I feel like so much is tied to misogyny and distrust of women's bodies - like we're victims of our own femininity - wouldn't it be better to not have boobs at all, then men wouldn't objectify you! poor pitiful wiminz haz the boobz and the menstrashunz. 

I'm guilty of the self-loathing myself, though. When I finally got fitted a little over a year ago and the store clerk told me I was a 38DDD, I was horrified and embarrassed. Seriously. A few months later I went Nordstrom to look for a strapless bra, told the clerk my size and that I was having a tough time finding what I needed, etc. She told me to check out some of the British designers (freya, fantasie, etc.) and look for a 38E as the euro size equivalent. I was so excited, all like "really that's so much better." She thought I was nuts. I know it seems ridiculous, but why do we need a triple D? I think it's intended to make you feel like a freak. E is much better.  tongue.gif
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 post Jun 7 2009, 04:51 PM
Post #145

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

MsKissy, I'm glad I could help you out. My weight has flunctuated alot in my 20s, but, my cup size stayed the same. After my 30s is when the shit hit the fan and my body (boobs and acne) decided to act like an adolescent. I got a proper fitting at Intimacy which helped me to understand the proper type of bra I should wear. I think there are links in this thread for bras. For everyday bras, I like Lilyette. Also, someone posted a site for lingerie and such in the Plus size thread.

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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 post Jun 7 2009, 02:57 PM
Post #146

Posts: 61
From: U.S.A.

QUOTE(stargazer @ Jun 6 2009, 10:26 AM) *
MsKissy, I'm glad you have an appointment for the doctor. 

My breasts have grown a ridiculous size in the past year. I've been a C cup when I was a size 16 to a size 10. My breasts seemed to grow to a D cup a couple of years ago. Then, this year, they seemed to grow again and I was frustrated when the DD cup I was wearing did not seem to fit. I got fitted and now I am a 34F. I am childfree and have never been on hormonal birth control. My breasts are pretty tender during my ovulation. From what I've read though, our breasts will continually grow and change several sizes over the course of our lives. Pfft. The stuff they don't tell you when you are 10.  dry.gif

Wow! Thank you for sharing this. smile.gif I really did not know breasts could keep growing I mean I'm 33 not like I'm a young thing of 18. Seems so odd to consider having to buy bigger bras with age. Lol. I look with envy at at those pretty high little things some women have and seriously consider a reduction even though my are just a little big. I'm a 34 d- but may soon have to give in and buy a cup size up. grumble. >.< Where do you get your bras from?

Does anyone know where to get gorgeous bras online in velvet, brocade, whatever with solid construction? Gotten back into bellydancing, and my boobs look like they want to escape, not cool on stage. =/ I don't mind covering one if it has a good shape, just have not found any locally.

"What's past is prologue."
~William Shakespeare
The Tempest
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 post Jun 6 2009, 01:37 PM
Post #147

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

When you're ten it's all magic sparkly pink fairy dust. The bastards.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 6 2009, 12:26 PM
Post #148

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

MsKissy, I'm glad you have an appointment for the doctor. 

My breasts have grown a ridiculous size in the past year. I've been a C cup when I was a size 16 to a size 10. My breasts seemed to grow to a D cup a couple of years ago. Then, this year, they seemed to grow again and I was frustrated when the DD cup I was wearing did not seem to fit. I got fitted and now I am a 34F. I am childfree and have never been on hormonal birth control. My breasts are pretty tender during my ovulation. From what I've read though, our breasts will continually grow and change several sizes over the course of our lives. Pfft. The stuff they don't tell you when you are 10.  dry.gif

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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 post Jun 6 2009, 11:53 AM
Post #149

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

QUOTE(Persiflager @ Feb 4 2009, 08:01 AM) *


From the clever ladies in the small-breasted thread, I now like the phrase 'boingy-boobed'. My boobs are boingy!

Mine don't boing, sproing, or anything remotely similar. Mine are swingers and steadfastly remain that way, regardless of what kind of getup they spend the day in. At this stage, they are at least round swingers and not yet torpedo shaped. But I expect that's not too far in the offing. ...Ach.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Jun 6 2009, 11:47 AM
Post #150

Posts: 61
From: U.S.A.

Thank you Aural and Polly I've been looking online for an OBGYN and will make an appointment Monday. I think they are a wee bit smaller, but still tender & overflowing my bra cups. =/

"What's past is prologue."
~William Shakespeare
The Tempest
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+Quote Post
 post Jun 4 2009, 08:39 PM
Post #151

Too many mutha uckas, Uckin' with my shi-
Posts: 4,631
From: Chicago

Not trying to sound like an alarmist, but that definitely sounds like something you want to get checked ASAP.

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird.
Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?
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 post Jun 4 2009, 06:15 PM
Post #152

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


I thought I'd bring this over here since Lowredmoon was kind enough to post it elsewhere, I think I've finally found my new four way bra thanks to her!

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Jun 4 2009, 11:55 AM
Post #153

Posts: 61
From: U.S.A.

QUOTE(kittenb @ Jun 1 2009, 09:23 PM) *
Actually, it sounds like something that the doctor should be told about. If you aren't changing anything hormonal like birth control, then that sort of sudden change could indicate a real problem. Keep us posted!

Thanks for the reply KittenB. I'm going to find a doctor and schedule a full physical. I've been getting in more exercise and taking my vitamins but I feel my hormones are just out of whack. I've not had much appetite and have lost 3 or 5 pounds this week so my chest is a wee bit smaller, but they are so tender I'm now wearing a bra to bed. I'll post if I learn what is causing this.

"What's past is prologue."
~William Shakespeare
The Tempest
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 post Jun 1 2009, 11:23 PM
Post #154

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

Actually, it sounds like something that the doctor should be told about. If you aren't changing anything hormonal like birth control, then that sort of sudden change could indicate a real problem. Keep us posted!

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Jun 1 2009, 04:23 PM
Post #155

Posts: 61
From: U.S.A.

Ketto~ Those are really nice bikini tops, I'm going to order one the next time there is a reason. smile.gif

Has anyone ever swollen a cup size for no apparent reason? =/ I had big breasts in high school but was also carrying extra weight then. Then at 25 I had my daughter and my normal dd's went to a for me ridiculous g cup. I cried over that one. Then I slimmed down, and with my second child my boobs seemed a reasonable size. Now they are usually a single d, which is fine for me. For the last week though they have grown a cup size. sad.gif I'm drinking a lot of water, and do not usually have this kind of a hormonal shift. They hurt like crazy, are tender to the touch, and are doing the muffin quad boob thing over the tops of my bras. I may end up going to the doctor but really hate to. Has anyone else with a med-to large chest ever experienced this?

"What's past is prologue."
~William Shakespeare
The Tempest
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+Quote Post
 post May 21 2009, 11:49 AM
Post #156

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

I just got a beautiful Freya bikini top in a 32E. I buy my bathing suits at my favourite lingerie store now. Does your bra shop not sell bathing suits? The sizes mine came in really varied. I didn't buy the bottoms because I already had some, but I saw a wide variety of sizes in the tops and bottoms. It cost me $110 but it's the first time I've had a supportive bathing suit top. Last year I wore a halter top and my neck was so sore.

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+Quote Post
 post May 21 2009, 01:07 AM
Post #157

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Hi 90gb! Try Figleaves.

Sorry AP, I've never had a convertible bra - I've just had a quick google and there are a few out there. Would it be worth considering wearing a halter bikini top instead? I think that could be more comfortable and provide better support - how see-through is your dress?

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post May 20 2009, 08:51 PM
Post #158

Posts: 1

QUOTE(eyelet @ May 19 2009, 11:37 AM) * has bathing suits by Fantasie/Freya and a lot of other large bust brands. If you already know your fit in that brand it should be easy to find something you like.

I've been looking all over for a bikini that matches and would come in 36E with an XS bottom. If I go somewhere that sells the bottom I cant find a top large enough and if I go somewhere that sells plus sized bathing suits they don't have bottoms that fits me. Does anyone know where a shop or website where I could find something that fits?
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+Quote Post
 post May 19 2009, 11:37 AM
Post #159

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163 has bathing suits by Fantasie/Freya and a lot of other large bust brands. If you already know your fit in that brand it should be easy to find something you like.
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+Quote Post
 post May 19 2009, 08:22 AM
Post #160

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Any advice on a convertible bra? I bought a halter maxi dress for the summer without considering that I have no appropriate underpinnings.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
post May 17 2009, 04:19 PM
Post #161

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,103
From: chi town

Hi Shelly! Where are you located? I know places in Chicago and suburbs but it may not be much help for you if you are not in Chicago.
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+Quote Post
 post May 16 2009, 07:50 AM
Post #162

Posts: 3

Hi everyone. I'm new and don't really know what I am doing just yet. Well I have had a very long week! My boyfriend and I are going on our first vacation, and I have been non-stop looking for a bikini top to fit me. Well I'm only 25, I am a size 0 to 1 in jeans and my bust is up to a 32G and growing! I have looked at many different sites and found nothing that I liked or that would give me the support I need. For my bra, I go to The Bra Specialist and buy the Fantasy strapless bra, but always wear the straps! Could someone please help! I need to find a bikini that fits the same way. Is it out there?!?
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+Quote Post
 post May 10 2009, 10:37 PM
Post #163

Posts: 2,021
From: Bumblefuck

Wow. That's crazy. 

I really love Intimacy too, and the bras I got do make me feel slimmer. It is just great to get properly fitted. I just wish the prices weren't so high there. I did buy some new ones for a late birthday present. I'm actually a 38G, where before I thought I was 40DD.
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+Quote Post
 post May 8 2009, 10:11 PM
Post #164

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

was that whole thing a publicity stunt?
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+Quote Post
 post May 8 2009, 09:27 AM
Post #165

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon


M&S has agreed to stop charging extra for larger bras.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Apr 23 2009, 02:20 PM
Post #166

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

**cross posted with kvetch thread**

I went to Intimacy to get fitted proper for a bra. I know my size has changed in the past year. I bought a larger cup, but, in the last couple of months, I still felt like the bra was not fitting me. Well, I'm a 34F according to Intimacy. The bra looks awesome on me. With clothes on, I look slimmer on top. The bras cost an arm and a leg, but I highly recommend everyone go to get fitted properly. It really does make a difference. I'm still kinda in shock.

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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+Quote Post
 post Apr 11 2009, 05:33 PM
Post #167

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 211
From: USA

*delurking from small boobie thread*

I finally have read all the posts on this thread. Took me a little while, but I'm glad I did. It's always good to try to understand others and empathize. You ladies are all awesome, and never forget it! 

I was struck by the comments a while back on what people have had to say on the small boobie thread. I just wanted to say that the vast majority of posts on that thread are positive about all women's bodies, regardless of proportions. We smallies tend to reprimand anyone on that thread who posts negative comments about other women's bodies, especially our busty sisters. We love you guys, I promise!!! 

I have always found curvy ladies to be gorgeous and wonderful! Big or small, we are all titty-fabulous! tongue.gif  tongue.gif I hope all you ladies have a wonderful day. 

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+Quote Post
 post Mar 14 2009, 05:07 AM
Post #168

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

I was 8 when I started developing breasts. I was a DD by highschool (12). And I've been growing ever since.

And now I'm pregnant? BOOBS AHOY. They're just stupidly huge right now.
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 12 2009, 11:20 PM
Post #169

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 130

QUOTE(Aithinne @ Oct 20 2008, 01:06 PM) *
Hello ladies.. I'm actually from the small-boobie support group, but was interested in this forum to read stories of women with larger chests. What struck me was the stories of feeling like a freak when you developed ahead of other girls. I was surprised because I remember feeling like a freak when I didn't develop like other girls. It's sad that girls have to wade through this sea of negativity during the years when confidence is also developing, when girls are so impressionable. How heart-breaking to think about how girls get so much ridicule over something they can't control. It always seems like someone has something bad to say about any and every body type, like you can't win no matter how you are shaped. It reinforces the need to support each other, through all the stages of our lives, no matter what our body types are. 

You all rock! Hope you all have a great day!

My sister is 16 and 36C already, other than the leering that she gets from time to time, she is proud (sometimes too much, LOL) of what she has. I actually felt like you did Aithinne at that age. 

But I wonder how much more my sister will possibly grow in that area, not something that you can normally predict.
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 10 2009, 10:02 PM
Post #170

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Well, you are fairly young yet, my dear. Mine didn't stop growing until I was about 22; I went backwards in my "freshman fifteen" & maintained it for years despite gaining an entire cup size. There was little to no fluctuation in my weight between 20-28 & even with gaining/losing weight later, I am still a solid DD cup.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 10 2009, 09:30 PM
Post #171

Posts: 2
From: Invercargill, New Zealand

i just wanna share something...

since my first, and only, post on this forum back in may '08, I've gone from a E cup to a GG cup.

WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? I even lost weight over that time. Maybe some of the weight migrated north? Or that's just the way my bust is... never shrinking, even with exercise and weight loss.

I love my bust, really i do, but it's getting rediculous, and heavy, now.

Finding bras that fit is going to be fun from now on.  dry.gif

Maybe this time tomorrow the rain will cease to follow
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 1 2009, 02:13 PM
Post #172

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Yup. We were eleven, so it wasn't a big deal for most. But little miss AP started developing the summer before & had boobs already, so she was utterly humiliated. Standing there in her jeans & sneakers with her fleshbags presented for ridicule. 

I was the first to bleed, too. That happened two months later. During a Valentine's Day cake walk. I went home, tried to figure out tampons, cried, & ate an entire chocolate cake by myself in my closet.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Mar 1 2009, 02:06 PM
Post #173

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 265
From: USA

QUOTE(auralpoison @ Oct 10 2008, 12:27 PM) *
Our scoliosis check was held in the library. We all had to remove our shirts & I was mortified.

Sorry to bring up a topic from a few pages ago, but... whhaaaa? So they made all you girls strip TOPLESS and lined you up in one big room together? Is this standard? When my school did it, we were instructed to wear bathing suits. I can't even begin to imagine what that experience was like.  unsure.gif
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anna k
 post Feb 5 2009, 12:37 AM
Post #174

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

Though this is weird. I was reading a blog post where girls were praising Lindsay Lohan's breasts, and it made me think of a female class instructor who said I have a nice rack, so their talk made me feel good about myself, like I have just as nice boobs as her.
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+Quote Post
 post Feb 4 2009, 10:01 AM
Post #175

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon



From the clever ladies in the small-breasted thread, I now like the phrase 'boingy-boobed'. My boobs are boingy!


“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Feb 3 2009, 11:20 AM
Post #176

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

I believe they are brand names for different bras.

Stone, it is considered polite here to introduce yourself in the newbies thread. If you want to participate in threads, then I suggest you engage in the current conversation rather than quoting from and responding to posts from two years ago.

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Feb 2 2009, 08:58 PM
Post #177

Posts: 15

QUOTE(missladyj @ Apr 24 2006, 03:55 PM) *
I am wearing a Fantasie bra right now and I love it!!

It is my favorite bra. I find that it is totally worth it to buy good expensive bras that make me look fabulous

I would suggest if you want to wear something low cut, get a 34 D this will also give you spectacular cleaveage.

What is the difference between a miracle bra and a fantasy bra?

metronidazole bacterial vaginosis trichomoniasis bacterial vaginosis buy metronidazole buy metronidazole bacterial vaginosis trichomoniasis metronidazole trichomoniasis bacterial vaginosis metronidazole trichomoniasis buy metronidazole bacterial vaginosis
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 13 2009, 10:18 PM
Post #178

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

Hmmm...I don't see it. I know it's an MEC brand and I just saw it in the store a couple of months ago. That's annoying. The ones they do have on the site don't even have a 32E size.

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+Quote Post
 post Jan 13 2009, 08:18 PM
Post #179

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

ketto, which one do you use? i found the store online.

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 13 2009, 12:07 PM
Post #180

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 695
From: Winter Land 

I know I've posted this before but if you're in Canada and can get to Mountain Equipment Co-op I would highly suggest checking our their MEC brand sports bras. They come in real sizes and are sized properly. I'm a 32E and their 32E sports bra is awesome. I doubted it at first because there's no underwire but I don't move around at all when I'm wearing it and I play high contact sports like indoor soccer. No need to double up either.

group (cuz we actually need it!)
Options V
LoveMyPugs post Jan 13 2009, 07:40 AM
Post #181

I went to buy a new bra to go with my wedding dress I'm having made. I called ahead to the speciality shop I go to. They keep track of the previous purchase. I asked if they had the bra I like on the rack and they said no and informed me that it had been discontinued. NOOOOO!!! So I was already on my way there so I figured I get resized and get something new. I tried on many bras and wasn't happy with any of them. I was going to buy one that I wasn't completely satisfied with because hey I needed one. Right before I was about to put my top on the sales lady asked me if I'd ever tried a contour bra. Well, no i hadn't but hey why not. she handed it to me and it had these foam like cups and it looked HUGE. To my great surprise it fit like a dream and made me look great in a t-shirt (the ultimate test IMO). I was so happy with it. It is so comfortable. I'm not wearing it till my big day because I just want a fresh bra for the new dress. I absolutely intend to call them and place an order for more. They were $52 a piece down from $58 that I usually have to spend. I may try to find it online just to save money but then I pay in shipping. I like this bra also because it's seamless and most bras I buy are not. Well, just thought I'd share that with you all. I'll post the name of the bra later when I'm home and can look at the tag.
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 12 2009, 04:11 PM
Post #182

Posts: 67

I used hellotampon's method today on the treadmill in my building and just had to hope that no one walked by the glass windows in the condo. I had luck today.
I do own a Panache PS sports bra, a winner according to Booby Bounce Test. I can't find it right now, but I'm a 34G so they come pretty big. It isn't very comfortable and my friends and I called it "The Machine" because it looks like chest armor but I guess it really does reduce bounce. I'm trying to find something more comfy because the underwire still digs in me. I've also had it for years so it could just be time to upgrade.

I flip-flop/ love-hate my tits. I've considered reduction with my doctor but want to wait until I have children and am done breast feeding. Just yesterday I was sitting in the shower and just looking at how much my breasts seem to sag. I think of the ol' "you need a real bra if you can hold a pencil under your breast" test...I think I could hold. Just tried it 6 pencils and that was with good posture. Sigh.
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 8 2009, 10:33 PM
Post #183

Posts: 1

QUOTE(ihateoly @ Dec 20 2008, 10:32 PM) *
Um, I know they are ugly, but...sports bras? I need one that hold my girls in very badly. I went running today and I had to hold my boobs after a while and I'm sure that looked awesome. sad.gif Any large busted Busties have any good sportsbra recommendations? I want to be active, but it's hurtin', you know? These double D's are killing me! sad.gif
I had the same problem trying to find sports bras. I'm a 32F which made running paaaainful and kind of embarrassing. I finally found a sports bra that works really well by Enell. My sister (who also has a large chest) told me about these bras - she completed a triathlon wearing one! They are somewhat expensive (around $60) but mine has lasted for a really long time. I was doubtful when I first received it in the mail - no underwire or anything?! - but it really held my breasts in place, even while running, and was comfortable and not so tight that it affected my breathing.

I bought mine from their site but I'm having trouble opening their page right now. Here is a page on amazon that will give you an idea

They explain how to choose which size you might want on the Enell website so I hope that site becomes available soon.

Anyway, I hope that this helps. I love mine and no more painful bouncing boobs when I exercise - yay!

Best wishes!
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+Quote Post
 post Jan 7 2009, 08:43 AM
Post #184

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Grrr... I'm fed up of random men asking me if it's 'cold out' (nudge nudge wink wink). I'm wearing a thick t-shirt and a vest over my bra, dammit! Short of wearing my coat all day, there's not much more that I can do. Honestly, do they think it's a compliment? Woohoo, you can tell that I have nipples, good for you. mad.gif

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 31 2008, 09:16 AM
Post #185

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Woo! More saley stuff on Bravissimo and Figleaves = pretty undies for me! And I bought a matching set that actually match, as opposed to both being black! Cheap stuff rocks.

Happy New Year's Eve all, hope you and your splendid bosoms all have great nights tonight!

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 30 2008, 12:27 PM
Post #186

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

hellotampon - lol, that cracked me up!

star - I got a pretty nice sports bra from Lane Bryant a few months ago - it doesn't seem to be on their site now, bit it's underwire, racerback and a nice breathable cotton terry material. Like eyelet, I double up with a sports tank with shelf bra and that keeps them strapped down pretty well.
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 25 2008, 10:43 AM
Post #187

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

QUOTE(ihateoly @ Dec 21 2008, 03:32 AM) *
Um, I know they are ugly, but...sports bras? I need one that hold my girls in very badly. I went running today and I had to hold my boobs after a while and I'm sure that looked awesome. sad.gif Any large busted Busties have any good sportsbra recommendations? I want to be active, but it's hurtin', you know? These double D's are killing me! sad.gif
haha I've always thought that your own 2 hands make the best sports bra! But only if you don't exercise in public.
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 23 2008, 08:51 PM
Post #188

Posts: 56
From: Babylon and Ting

This article is intense, but it could be useful if you need to send a link to friends and colleagues who need to know a little more...

The F-Word, UK

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+Quote Post
 post Dec 23 2008, 10:32 AM
Post #189

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163

I wear the Champion sports bra designed for highest impact, with another tight lycra pullover tank bra over it. With that combo I can run long distances (with 34DDD). Have been doing that for years and my breasts have fared well. But they seriously are immobilized and completely strapped to my body, so there is no strain on the tissues.
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 23 2008, 06:05 AM
Post #190

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Thanks for the sympathy, Bunny!

Just ran upstairs to check my sports bra and can report that it's a Berlei shock absorber in an F cup, not sure what level. This is definitely the best one I've had - there's an extra horizontal strap higher up, pulling the shoulder straps together, and it come up high enough at the front that it looks like a small gym top. It's comfortable and there's very little movement even when I jump up and down in it (though I think I felt a bit strapped down the first time I tried it on).

I just go to step class and the occasional game of badminton, so cannot report on how it copes with more energetic scenarios. Hurrah for sports bras enabling us to be all sporty and healthy!

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 22 2008, 04:51 PM
Post #191

brown delicious
Posts: 2,938
From: here, there, everywhere

juliesara, thanks for the post about bravissimo. i think i might have to check them out in the future to buy bras. i've had to accept that my boobs have grown. yup, all of those things they told you in high school...lies, all lies. i thought it was because i put on some weight. no, i was heavier and my boobs were still a C cup. i am now a 36 DD. i swear i might need a cup bigger, maybe. my plan is to get fitted at intimacy so i know my true cup size.

any feedback about sports bras would be welcomed too. i do some cardio and lots of yoga. these girls need a home to fit in.

"I'm not impressed easily. Wow! A blue car!"-Homer Simpson
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 21 2008, 03:59 AM
Post #192

Posts: 16
From: London, Blighty

This article that I saw in the Mail newspaper on sports bras this side of the pond last year seems to have some basis on scientific research & may help you get the best one right away.

In my case I bought a Berlei Shock absorber Level 4 in a G cup and it managed to fit my boobs, though I am a H cup in some bras & a G or GG in others. Bit of a tight squeeze - but I liked the color, green & black!

I am now wear a Panache sports bra, but I think it isn't been made anymore as the last one I bought I had difficulty getting.

I play squash & my girls are a lot more comfortable, but it really gets hot down there & I wish the fabric was a lot more breathable. Oh! it doesn't make me a better player as my boobs still get in the way of certain shots!

Some of the comments are pretty interesting it seems that the granny bra, Doreen, can be used as a pretty good sports bra, I have not thought of that, I do have one with cotton lined cups, I will have to try it.
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 20 2008, 10:32 PM
Post #193

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 145
From: Southern Arizona

Um, I know they are ugly, but...sports bras? I need one that hold my girls in very badly. I went running today and I had to hold my boobs after a while and I'm sure that looked awesome. sad.gif Any large busted Busties have any good sportsbra recommendations? I want to be active, but it's hurtin', you know? These double D's are killing me! sad.gif

"Let's go dancing in high heels!"-Liz Lemmon
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+Quote Post
Bunny Saves The ...
 post Dec 16 2008, 03:24 AM
Post #194

Posts: 7
From: Portland, OR

Thank you julie! i don't much like the smell of cocoa butter,but i guess i could rub lotion on top of it...

I have another question. How old were all of you ladies also when your breasts stopped growing? I'm 21 now and I'm panicking that I might've grown again. I hope it's not my birth control. And there's this ridiculous japanese myth that if you massage them enough they'll grow, so for my boyfriend's sake that better not be true. (ha ha, i know it's not but it makes me giggle anyway)
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 15 2008, 02:43 PM
Post #195

Posts: 16
From: London, Blighty

Stretch marks, thats sort of an occupational risk for me! I am a 38H (UK size) & I think the girls have just stopped growing (I am 19). My mum who has had six kids is a 36J and she has some quite noticeable stretch marks, though she says thats down to having us lot, old age & gravity.

I don't have any yet & its something I don't want!. Luckily I have grown gradually (since the age of 10) & I think the skin & underlying tissue had time to stretch/grow slowly. My little sister does have them but she has grown far more rapidly than me & I think she will grow out of them.

I think it helps to wear a good supportive bra & even though it it feels a big relief to release my girls from my bra I try not to round bra less for any length of time. I always sleep in a tight t-shirt & that sort of keeps them under control.

I don't know if it helps or not but I have always run cocoa butter into my boobs, that's what I have read & its far cheaper than the concoctions you find on the web.

Hope this has helped.
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+Quote Post
Bunny Saves The ...
 post Dec 15 2008, 03:44 AM
Post #196

Posts: 7
From: Portland, OR

OH my god, I am so happy I just found this forum! I typing out hugs to you all right now, can you feel them? oooooo!!!
Firstly, thank you for posting up websites, I hope very much it'll help me. There's only one place I've found in Portland so far that sells bras in my size, and a 60 bucks each it sucks (although the ladies there are so sweet. Anyone living in portland OR with difficult boobs, go to Just Like A Woman!)I used to be a 34D with little worry, two years later I find out I'm a 32DDD without the lady even having to measure me!(Persiflager, i weep a little for you, and any other small girl getting crappy posture from her melons.)
So, I'm sure this has probably been posted already, but I'll ask again in case ayone has anything new. Preventing stretch marks! Anything that will help them keep their perk a little longer, or am I just screwed? So any other tips to keep them healthy would be awesome.
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 6 2008, 08:41 PM
Post #197

Posts: 2

QUOTE(eyelet @ Nov 22 2008, 03:03 PM) *
You can get fitted and determine favorite brands at high end stores and then do your shopping at their clearance outlets (like Neiman's and Saks). Sometimes they even show up at TJ Maxx and Ross. I have been wearing Wacoal brand for years and I frequently find my 34DDD's at outlets. Usually priced $20 or less, down from $80. Good brands for more sexy bras and for swimwear are Freya and Fantasie. And Goddess brand is good for bustiers and strapless.

The only place I buy bras anymore is Torrid. I tend to have a hard time finding a good fit because I'm a 36 DD. I'm not a big girl, just have big boobs. Even though I can't fit into anything else Torrid carries, their bras are perfect.
Here's a link:;theme=Default
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+Quote Post
 post Dec 6 2008, 02:12 PM
Post #198

Posts: 16
From: London, Blighty

I did a bit of on-line shopping today, I did intend to buy a few new bras, but came away with tops instead! Bravissimo over here in the UK are selling their tops that normally retail at £40+ at £15 or less, I bought a top & blouse for work/college & saved myself about £50. They don't seem to have reduced their bras by much though!

I am thinking about getting some swim wear & they seem to be going cheap as well.

Unless postage is horrendous to the States, the prices must seem quite attractive to you lot over the pond with the $ up against the old £!
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+Quote Post
 post Nov 22 2008, 06:03 PM
Post #199

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163

You can get fitted and determine favorite brands at high end stores and then do your shopping at their clearance outlets (like Neiman's and Saks). Sometimes they even show up at TJ Maxx and Ross. I have been wearing Wacoal brand for years and I frequently find my 34DDD's at outlets. Usually priced $20 or less, down from $80. Good brands for more sexy bras and for swimwear are Freya and Fantasie. And Goddess brand is good for bustiers and strapless.
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+Quote Post
anna k
 post Nov 22 2008, 04:50 PM
Post #200

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

I hate when I go into stores that sell bras, they're usually single cup sizes, whereas I'm a triple-D, but when I go to Lane Bryant, the band size doesn't go lower than 38, and I'm a 36DDD. I'm big in the front, but have a smaller back. I just get the 38DDDs and they fit, but have to find a happy medium instead of my exact size. Luckily, I just spent $50 for two bras.
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roup (cuz we actually need it!)
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 post Nov 22 2008, 04:18 PM
Post #201

Posts: 2,021
From: Bumblefuck

I went to Intimacy today, and got a sports bra and an everyday bra. It turned out that I'm a 38G, but she said that was a European size. It did make me feel as though I was standing better, and had lost weight. I felt like I was on What Not to Wear or How to Look Good Naked. It was a good experience , and I learned a lot about bras and the way they fit. I still am curious if I can find bras a little cheaper somewhere else though. Some of the intimacy bras ranged up to 200, and that's too much right now. Yet, this was the famous Bra Whisperer store in Atlanta. Maybe you just spend more for quality. 

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 post Nov 18 2008, 04:01 PM
Post #202

Posts: 2,021
From: Bumblefuck

Oh yeah. I'm going shopping. Thanks eyelet!
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 post Nov 18 2008, 10:03 AM
Post #203

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

Ooh, now it's an 'up to 70% off' clearance sale! I have just snagged the last two 30F bras. Thanks for the tip eyelet!

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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 post Nov 15 2008, 01:09 PM
Post #204

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163 is having a 50% off everything sale. They have a good selection DD+ swimwear and bras. I am in no way affiliated with them. Just a customer.
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 post Nov 12 2008, 03:30 PM
Post #205

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 163

p_176-I had a reduction in '99 and I have never regretted it. Set out to be as healthy as you can before the surgery to have the best circulation you can. The oxygen heals. If you smoke or drink much, try to quit or definitely cut down. Take them seriously about not taking blood thinners like aspirin for a while before surgery too. I had surgery on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday (though that was probably pushing it).

I'm pregnant for the first time now, nearly a decade later, and my breasts are temporarily back to being the way they were. It's a weird reminder of how it used to feel to have to sleep in a bra and hold myself when walking up and down stairs. I can't imagine what I'd be like now if I'd never had the reduction!
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 post Nov 6 2008, 09:06 AM
Post #206

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

so it looks like i might have a breast reduction next year. anyone have tips on how to handle recovery?
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 post Oct 21 2008, 02:54 PM
Post #207

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Thank you.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Oct 21 2008, 10:01 AM
Post #208

go ahead . . . push the button!
Posts: 2,943

woo hoo! i just found this site


it is pretty basic but i think the black suit will work for me.

"Razors pain you; rivers are damp; acids stain you; and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; nooses give; gas smells awful; you might as well live."
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 post Oct 20 2008, 12:06 PM
Post #209

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 211
From: USA

Hello ladies.. I'm actually from the small-boobie support group, but was interested in this forum to read stories of women with larger chests. What struck me was the stories of feeling like a freak when you developed ahead of other girls. I was surprised because I remember feeling like a freak when I didn't develop like other girls. It's sad that girls have to wade through this sea of negativity during the years when confidence is also developing, when girls are so impressionable. How heart-breaking to think about how girls get so much ridicule over something they can't control. It always seems like someone has something bad to say about any and every body type, like you can't win no matter how you are shaped. It reinforces the need to support each other, through all the stages of our lives, no matter what our body types are. 

You all rock! Hope you all have a great day!
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 post Oct 20 2008, 10:05 AM
Post #210

go ahead . . . push the button!
Posts: 2,943

thanks persiflager! they have two suit jackets that are nice.

"Razors pain you; rivers are damp; acids stain you; and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; nooses give; gas smells awful; you might as well live."
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 post Oct 20 2008, 07:43 AM
Post #211

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 721
From: Babylon

*stands up in circle and waves*

Hello, my name's Persiflager and I have big boobs! Actually 30F, so not too huge in total quantity but huge in propertion to my frame. Generally pretty happy with them except for the problems finding bras in my size  mad.gif

In response to shinyx3, have you tried It's a UK company catering just for big-boobed ladies, and I get most of my bras from there. They sell clothes that cater for different levels of boobiness, e.g. you can get size 12 curvy or size 12 super-curvy (I think there are 3 levels of curviness but I can't check the website at work). The clothes section isn't very big but I'm sure they sell a suit and some shirts and jersey dresses. I like the look of them because they've picked styles that flatter curvier figures, rather than just scaling up. I haven't tried any of these on, but bought a halterneck top with a built-in bra from there a while ago in the sale and was very happy with it. 

*sits back down*

“Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.”
Morris Kline (mathematician, author) 1908-1992
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 post Oct 19 2008, 01:25 PM
Post #212

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

Sometimes I wish I could wear "office clothes" but most of the time I'm relieved I work in healthcare and wear scrubs. I have no ass and my hips aren't very big either. I'm short and fairly thin. I'm all ribcage and boobs.
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 post Oct 18 2008, 04:41 PM
Post #213

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

delurks - in my opinion, not just work-related clothes like suits, but clothes in general, are being made for small breasted women. clothes for larger breasted women assume you're fat all over. suits are generally not flattering to larger breasts, by enhancing how large they look, or making them look droopy.
a lot of the stories below about the first expereinces with breasts are oh so familiar. i had mine in fourth grade, period in fifth grade. since no one really had them, there were rumors that i was stuffing my bra. my response was, why the hell would i WANT to look like this?? for years, i wore clothes that were way oversized. personally, i detest my breasts. the only problem is, i actually have an hourglass figure. so we'll see what the plastic surgeon says in a few weeks about a reduction, or other options to make them less heavy and painful. 
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 post Oct 15 2008, 03:51 PM
Post #214

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

QUOTE(shinyx3 @ Oct 14 2008, 11:34 PM) *
i was wondering if any of you can suggest profesional clothing, ie suit jackets, that would fit nicely over 34dd. i know i willl have to bet pants or skirt separate because i an a 6 on bottom but always have to get a 12 to 14 on top and have it taken in. i also have pretty broad shoulders but i am pretty thin. if any of you have any suggestion . . . thanks


I don't know if this helps but I think that a nice cardigan with some fancy embellishing makes a nice substitute to a suit jacket. I don't care for jackets much on me.

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Oct 15 2008, 12:05 AM
Post #215

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

QUOTE(anna k @ Oct 10 2008, 08:30 AM) *
I hated getting breasts. I had been a thin child, then it felt like I got big boobs at 12 out of nowhere, and felt like a freak. I already was treated as different by peers and school officials for years, and having C-cups at 12/13 didn't help. I would try to go to school without a bra, wearing a baggy shirt, and a girl could tell. Or I liked baby tees, but thought I looked like Pamela Anderson when I tried one on. I felt jealous of the other thin, adolescent girls who didn't have round hips and big boobs like I did, me wanting to remain childlike and small. I mostly wore cardigans and big coats and big shirts a lot to cover up having big breasts, until I finally got comfortable with them at 16/17 and wore more fitted shirts. Incidentally, that's when boys started to like me more. smile.gif
I had a similar experience, being a thin kid and then around age 11, I started getting boobies, and by age 12, they were full blown boobs. I didn't have the hips, though; never have. Just ginormous knockers and a flat ass. Yeah. In junior high, I was either teased a lot by boys (my bra got snapped so many times, I lost count), or the boys completely left me alone, not knowing how to talk to a 12 year old girl with boobs. By high school, I was really into the big shirt thing... when I wasn't trying to fit in with some social group by dressing like they did. Basically, I was either costumed as someone else, or looked like I was trying to hide in my clothes. I'd become so hugely introverted in high school, I couldn't flirt with a boy to save my life. I didn't get any dates, aside from a few sweet but misguided boys who were school boyfriends only, holding hands and attempting to make out in the hallways, but nothing outside of school. They didn't last long.

By college, I was dressing like a comfy, frumpy hippie chick (more big clothes to hide in), but two years in, I kind of got sick of that look and decided to distinguish myself by dressing a little better. It took a lot of trial & error to find my personal style, particularly with a clothing industry that didn't exactly cater to large boobed, plus sized women. Things have definitely gotten better in the past 10 years and I think I've finally learned how to dress my body and have a sense of personal style. I think I actually look ok in 'polo necks' (aka turtle necks, for those of us across the pond), as long as it's a mock neck, and the top doesn't hug my body too tightly. As for bra hooks, I always wear mine on the last hooks. I'm a 40D, so I need all the stretch I can get to fit around my torso.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Oct 14 2008, 11:34 PM
Post #216

go ahead . . . push the button!
Posts: 2,943


i was wondering if any of you can suggest profesional clothing, ie suit jackets, that would fit nicely over 34dd. i know i willl have to bet pants or skirt separate because i an a 6 on bottom but always have to get a 12 to 14 on top and have it taken in. i also have pretty broad shoulders but i am pretty thin. if any of you have any suggestion . . . thanks

ok, back to the conversation


"Razors pain you; rivers are damp; acids stain you; and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; nooses give; gas smells awful; you might as well live."
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 post Oct 10 2008, 11:09 PM
Post #217

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I was a late bloomer. I thought I would never get boobs because my grandmother is really flat and throughout all of 6th grade I wore a bathing suit top under my shirt (I didn't need a bra) because I was always afraid they'd do a scoliosis check that day and I'd be the only bare-chested girl in the line and I didn't want everyone seeing me completely topless.
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 post Oct 10 2008, 06:13 PM
Post #218

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

wow. that's horrible. i felt very uncomfortable on the boy's side. i was severely body conscious, mostly having to deal with my body in general, but i loathed gym. many days i would wear my gym clothes under my regular clothes so i didn't have to be naked at all. when i couldn't do that i would go on a bathroom break in the class before gym and put my gym clothes on underneath. i don't think i was as bad for most guys, but i don't think anybody had much fun with gym-- except the jocks. i tried never to shower-- ever. the couple of times i did i found it very, very wounding. i don't see why misery should be part of a curriculum. i knew girls had it bad too, as if i didn't already feel like a freak, gym made me feel 10x worse about myself.


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Oct 10 2008, 05:28 PM
Post #219

Too many mutha uckas, Uckin' with my shi-
Posts: 4,631
From: Chicago

QUOTE(prophecy_grrl @ Oct 10 2008, 03:18 PM) *
Polly, I new a girl like that in jr high - she had some big boobs then, probably Ds and everybody thought she was a "slut." Honestly, she kind of embraced her bad reputation and had a great "don't fuck with me vibe" (I think I had a girl crush on her), but even then I thought - are we really going to assume a 14 yr old is sleeping around?

Yep, same thing here....ah, Nicole Bernard, where did you go? She disappeared after junior high. She was a little goth-y before I really knew what that was. She said her mom was into Wicca and witchcraft. We both had this awful English teacher, Mr. Galatano...just the most clueless, ineffectual guy, still in my Top 5 Worst Teachers list. We both agreed we should start doing our quarterly book reports on Anne Rice books, just to freak him out. I think the principal was the one with the distraction problem. That guy was always a little skeevy. 

That's true, aural. I think it is all about breaking your spirit. It just pisses me off that boys ever had an equivalent. 

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird.
Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 10 2008, 03:18 PM
Post #220

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

ugh don't get me started on early blooming and the humiliations of adolescence. 

My mother INSISTED on my first bra when I was 9 and just entering 4th grade. I was definitely developing, but there wasn't a whole lot there - I think she just wanted me to cover my nipples and get used to a bra. Well, no one else in the 4th grade had a bra, natch, so the FIRST DAY I wore it, it got snapped at least 1/2 dozen times. I swore off bras for several years until, in the 6th grade and a B cup, a friend's older sister pulled me aside and told me I needed a bra. I was a C cup by 8th grade and a D by my senior year. I put on weight in college and my bra size went up, but I never got properly fitted until a year ago. Now at almost 30, they're DDD. I really hope they're done growing  blink.gif Oh, and then there's getting my period at 11 (the first of my friends) and I confided in my best friend at the time and she told EVERYONE. I was mortified. 

The one thing I couldn't do fast enough was start shaving - I've always been really hairy, and of course no one else was. I felt like a big-boobed, smelly, hairy, pimply freak (hell, sometimes I still do  wink.gif ) It really seemed like all of those hallmarks of "growing up" were traumatic. I was just resistant to the whole process- like anna k said, I just want to be a "kid" still and look and act like the other girls. 

Polly, I new a girl like that in jr high - she had some big boobs then, probably Ds and everybody thought she was a "slut." Honestly, she kind of embraced her bad reputation and had a great "don't fuck with me vibe" (I think I had a girl crush on her), but even then I thought - are we really going to assume a 14 yr old is sleeping around? 

Ah yes, and public showers in Jr high gym class. What the fuck were they thinking? Matt Groening was right - it really is the lowest pit in hell.
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 post Oct 10 2008, 02:37 PM
Post #221

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

What the hell is a "pussy bow?" Should I buy one for my cat?

I remember staying home sick from school one day and I heard a noise at my window. I opened the curtain and there were about 4 boys standing there trying to get a peek in where I normally would be changing my clothes. It took me awhile to figure out what they were there for. These were the same boys who would call me "fat and ugly" at the bus stop but I guess they liked my naked 6th grade breasts as long as my face wasn't attached to it.  mad.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Oct 10 2008, 01:47 PM
Post #222

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

They don't dress it up this way, but it's all about humiliation. They think it puts us all on the same playing field. It doesn't! It makes us feel shamed for being women. We don't all develop at the same rate. But gym forces us to compare ourselves to others. Which engenders physical dissention. It was fucked up. It created a dissention. I felt so dirty & ugly because I developed early. But it wasn't like girls KNEW better. We were just horribly uninformed at birth.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Oct 10 2008, 12:48 PM
Post #223

Too many mutha uckas, Uckin' with my shi-
Posts: 4,631
From: Chicago

Did you have the group shower in gym class? Why would it have been so fricking hard to put up dividers and curtains? Why did they have to make everything so traumatic? They always told us, "everyone's as uncomfortable as you are and everyone's going to be avoiding looking at everyone else." Yeah, lotta freaking difference that made when you were the one who was a good 20 pounds heavier than the little waifs I went to school with, who was getting the stares. I quickly became a master at getting into my gym uniform and showing as little skin as possible.

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird.
Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?
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 post Oct 10 2008, 12:27 PM
Post #224

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Our scoliosis check was held in the library. We all had to remove our shirts & I was mortified. Nobody else had bags of flesh on their chests. All prepubescent skin & my Playboy-esque rack. It was so AWFUL. I mean, I've always known I was a freak inside, but to have my tits be used to single me out?! I was used to being too smart. But to suddenly have my body betray me? Something that was beyond MY control? ABJECT HUMILIATION. I felt dirty, & ugly & gross. 

My FATHER'S friends would make passes at me. He nearly took a guy's head off his neck for insinutating that he'd dumped my mom for a fresh model. I was thirteen.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Oct 10 2008, 12:13 PM
Post #225

Too many mutha uckas, Uckin' with my shi-
Posts: 4,631
From: Chicago

Oh god, the scoliosis test. We got to keep our bras on for them, but they did it in the gym teacher's office, which had a big window overlooking the gym. One day, while in gym class, they did all the girls and the next gym class they did all the boys. Even though they covered the window with sheets of construction paper, I'm still convinced they missed some edges and for fucks sake, I don't know why they didn't do it on a day when the rest of the class would be outside or something. I'm sure everyone was as panicked as I was. They'd bring one girl in at a time and close the door while the rest were lined up outside, meanwhile all the boys are playing dodgeball or something and making jokes about being able to see through the window. It was torture. 

I developed at a pretty average rate; I think my first bra was a 32A in 5th grade, but I've always carried my weight in other places...I was always wider, hippier, so my boob size wasn't quite as obvious. I had a friend in junior high, who was probably a C or so and, she could have been a Bustie- I wonder what happened to her....anyway, she'd wear bodysuits and stuff (very in style in 1993/94) and the principal, a man, called her into his office to tell her that she needed to "minimize" herself because she was causing a disturbance or something.

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird.
Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?
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anna k
 post Oct 10 2008, 10:30 AM
Post #226

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

I hated getting breasts. I had been a thin child, then it felt like I got big boobs at 12 out of nowhere, and felt like a freak. I already was treated as different by peers and school officials for years, and having C-cups at 12/13 didn't help. I would try to go to school without a bra, wearing a baggy shirt, and a girl could tell. Or I liked baby tees, but thought I looked like Pamela Anderson when I tried one on. I felt jealous of the other thin, adolescent girls who didn't have round hips and big boobs like I did, me wanting to remain childlike and small. I mostly wore cardigans and big coats and big shirts a lot to cover up having big breasts, until I finally got comfortable with them at 16/17 and wore more fitted shirts. Incidentally, that's when boys started to like me more. smile.gif
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 post Oct 10 2008, 10:20 AM
Post #227

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

It's weird. A lot of the "feminine regimen" me ma didn't teach me. Makeup, moisturizing, etc. But when it came to bras, she was on her shit. I had the rack of a twenty-two year old when I was twelve. We got that stuff strapped down tight.

I was so horrified when I got boobs. Nobody else had them yet & I tried to pretend mine weren't there & fought wearing a bra. Until. We had a scoliosis test that required that we be shirtless. I was the only girl in the room with tits. I was eleven. I felt so shamed. I felt like an ugly, misshapen freak. All of these smooth, lithe bodies & poor lil AP had juggs & big fat nipples. And because I am beige, they weren't a nice, rosy pink. I still carry that weight to this day. I love my boobs, but I still hate the man that first made me feel dirty for having them.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Oct 10 2008, 09:47 AM
Post #228

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

I thought the same thing too and when I went in for a fitting the bra lady told me to use the loosest hook, that was the first I heard of it. The wash and wear reasoning definitely makes sense, though. 

I remember Trinny and Susannah of the UK what not to wear saying that polo necks (turtleneck in american , right?) are très mal for busty ladies. Tends to create the dreaded uniboob and makes you look more top-heavy over all. 

Good to know about pussy bows - I will be sure to avoid them  wink.gif
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 post Oct 10 2008, 12:48 AM
Post #229

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Weirdly, I was taught about the last hook being the one to use. But then, my mommy & her mommy before her were prodigiously lunged. Taking me to JCP's for a fitting was like going into combat. I remember my mom pushing me over to bend at the waist & saying, "That's it. Now SHAKE into it!"

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Oct 9 2008, 11:13 PM
Post #230

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 142
From: Vancouver, BC

QUOTE(pollystyrene @ Oct 9 2008, 12:49 PM) *
Here's something I didn't know- "Always fasten a new bra on the loosest hooks." I think I'd heard the opposite before, that the band size is based on the tightest set of hooks and if you're having to loosen it, you have the wrong size.

I thought you should use the middle hooks so you can tighten or loosen it slightly if you shift sizes slightly. hmm.
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 post Oct 9 2008, 07:54 AM
Post #231

Posts: 11,350
From: Oh boobs

I normally stay out of this thread and the small breast thread, because neither really pertains to me, I got boobies, but I, unfortunately, cannot offer any support to either because I am not in the position of either. It is of my opinion that me posting int either thread would be inappropriate because, simply put, do not know what these groups of women are going through. this is coming from a woman with breasts. See, even I respect the space (except now, when I couldn't resist the urge to keep my big mouth shut). 

I am going to have to whole heartedly agree with AP, what the fuck is it with men who come in here and tell women, regardless of breast size, that all we need to do is getting a proper fucking fitting. 

To reiterate what you've already been told, this thread isn't *just* about getting a bra that fits properly. There are a whole slew of other issues that come along with larger breasts. But, you wouldn't haved any clue about them, because last time I checked, MEN DON"T HAVE BREASTS!

And why don't you go dispense advise in the small tittie* thread, since you seem to know so much about big titties. Why don't you go tell them to get professional bra fittings so they'll all feel better too? If you took your head out of your ass for 13 seconds you'd see this is not merely a vanity issue.

I have a lot of friends who are men, and when I bitch an complain about tenderness or whatever, they don't dispese advice, they listen.

So, litvak, my suggestion to you is go get your prostate checked out and make sure youdon't have testicular cancer. Also, make sure you have a well fitting jock strap and also if you want kids, ensure that you don't wear briefs. I am surprised how many men don't do this. Am I being condescending enough yet or should I go on? 

Stop dispensing advice about a woman's body because YOU DON'T KNOW. 

*I say titties, because I like the word, and I'm a big fan of titties all around. I like them of all sizes, shapes whatever.

Hatred does not cease in this world by hating, but by not hating; this is an eternal truth. --- Buddah, The Dhammapada
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 post Oct 9 2008, 07:49 AM
Post #232

Too many mutha uckas, Uckin' with my shi-
Posts: 4,631
From: Chicago

QUOTE(hcbeck @ Oct 9 2008, 03:25 AM) *
Every few months UK breakfast TV covers bra fitting tips. Here is the most up-to-date version of the what they had to say:

Here's something I didn't know- "Always fasten a new bra on the loosest hooks." I think I'd heard the opposite before, that the band size is based on the tightest set of hooks and if you're having to loosen it, you have the wrong size.

This is also a new one on me:
Large bust : DON'T wear a polo neck or clothes with an empire line as your bust will look even bigger; or anything overtly smocky; or anything with a fussy pussy bow


Good to know.  tongue.gif

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird.
Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 9 2008, 03:25 AM
Post #233

Posts: 56
From: Babylon and Ting

Every few months UK breakfast TV covers bra fitting tips. Here is the most up-to-date version of the what they had to say:
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 post Oct 8 2008, 04:16 PM
Post #234

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Gee, tard-boy, you are ever so endearing. Always with the "angry" feminists, the retardo-cock set are. 

I had a goddamn right to pissed when somebody talked out their ass about something they really know nothing about. You opened a lingerie store. Big fuckin' whoop. You still don't have tits.

First of all, you came off as a MWET. Since you're likely too ignant to know what that means, it's "Men Who Explain Things". Y'know, because you came to a FEMINIST, pro-women website & actually told us that you're "surprised that what women don't know is . . ." Thanks for making broad, sweeping generalisations. Um, we aren't Natashas.

Yeah, I was trying to chase you off. You're an asshat. Any man that comes into the Lounge & automatically makes his first un-educated post in the large boob thread isn't somebody I want hanging around because he's *that guy*: The pervy, fetishistic idiot in poor "nice guy" sheep's clothing. Had you bothered to read, I dunno, two/three pages back, you'd have known that you post was pure tonyafoolery & unfucking welcome. 

You think you're the first, Litvak? HAH! You're not. We know how to deal with MWETs that don't actually bother to read threads & then denigrate us around here. 

And about "talking to [our] audience"? Of course we are. You've made four posts. I've been around for YEARS. So have many of us. So yeah, we don't post like we're farting in the wind like you. We post because we are talking to ACTUAL people. People with breasts! I EXPECT some Busties to read this, so I AM talking to them directly & calling you out for being a douche up in here. 

Why you came here doesn't matter to me. What you said when you got here was my issue. You came onto a feminist board & the first thing you picked up on was big breasts & tried to "educate" us about something you don't even understand. Just because you opened the first commie bra store doesn't mean that we should be told that we, as women, apparently know nothing about our finding the right underpinnings to fit our bodies. We're smarter than you seem to think.

And Kittenb, I love you, too. I offer you many motorboatings of affection. BRRRRR!

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Oct 8 2008, 01:33 PM
Post #235

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

QUOTE(crazylitvak @ Oct 8 2008, 05:44 PM) *
Interesting how you're talking to your audience. Yes, I stated a fact.... I didn't say that "how little women know" . I said how little women really know about getting fit properly. I also happened to open the first women's lingerie store in what used to be the good ole USSR. So you say you know everything. Well, i wish I did. I actually believe that discussions between men and women only lead to more openess and understanding. Since you say this is for women only, that's fine too and I respect that. Love you all!!

...just like the rest of them, you don't get it. Did you expect us to overwhelm you with replies about how grateful we are for your sensitive-male schtick? Funny how you're all about openness, understanding and discussion between the sexes, and yet you don't seem to have made a genuine attempt to understand why we got so defensive before you decided to make passive-aggressive comments about us apparently thinking we "know everything (when did I say that?). I CAN tell you that as the owner of a pair of breasts, I DO know more about them than you, regardless of your lingerie store. Like AP already said, I would never claim to know what it's like to have a pair of balls... even if I opened the first jock-strap store in America.

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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 01:27 PM
Post #236

Too many mutha uckas, Uckin' with my shi-
Posts: 4,631
From: Chicago


Any woman would tell you that a professional fitting is not what would solve all the problems of being large breasted.

You think you're giving us some profound revalation. Sorry to damage your ego.  dry.gif

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird.
Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?
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 post Oct 8 2008, 01:00 PM
Post #237

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

this is really unbelievable - dude, regardless of *exactly* what it was you said, you still made a ridiculous and unfounded generalization. I don't care what your expertise is, you can't possible know anything about ALL women. I don't recall anyone in this thread asking you specifically or just generally how to "get properly fit." I think it's safe to say that we do not need or want you advice. Take a hike.
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 12:44 PM
Post #238

Posts: 4

QUOTE(hellotampon @ Oct 8 2008, 12:16 PM) *
This is a site intended for mostly women, and it covers a really broad range of topics. So when a man shows up and his 1st and only post is in the big breast thread, we are not exactly welcoming. Especially when his first words are "I'm amazed at how little women know." Gee, how flattering. Do you think this is the first time this has happened? It's not. And wouldn't you know, these types of posts from men like you almost exclusively make an appearance in either this thread or the ones about sex. Again, not something that's going to get you a warm reception around here. So sorry if our "anger" and "presumptiveness" are offending your delicate sensibilities. Now bug off.
Interesting how you're talking to your audience. Yes, I stated a fact.... I didn't say that "how little women know" . I said how little women really know about getting fit properly. I also happened to open the first women's lingerie store in what used to be the good ole USSR. So you say you know everything. Well, i wish I did. I actually believe that discussions between men and women only lead to more openess and understanding. Since you say this is for women only, that's fine too and I respect that. Love you all!!
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 12:25 PM
Post #239

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

auralpoison and hellotampon - I don't think I've ever loved you more. At first, when I read the post, I thought it was pointless but didn't quite get the outrage. But you are both sooooooo right. I tend to not notice how men so often explain and tell women things in ways that flat out make it clear that women are never going to figure something out themselves because we lack the mental skills. This is clearly one of those times that I've been forced to regonize how much I don't notice the influence of patriarchal views on both men and women.

Thank you for the lesson. You are wonderful!

In times of destruction, create something.
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 12:16 PM
Post #240

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

This is a site intended for mostly women, and it covers a really broad range of topics. So when a man shows up and his 1st and only post is in the big breast thread, we are not exactly welcoming. Especially when his first words are "I'm amazed at how little women know." Gee, how flattering. Do you think this is the first time this has happened? It's not. And wouldn't you know, these types of posts from men like you almost exclusively make an appearance in either this thread or the ones about sex. Again, not something that's going to get you a warm reception around here. So sorry if our "anger" and "presumptiveness" are offending your delicate sensibilities. Now bug off.
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 post Oct 8 2008, 11:56 AM
Post #241

Posts: 4

QUOTE(hellotampon @ Oct 8 2008, 09:52 AM) *
Hey do they find these threads? When you search for "big breasts" on google, shouldn't 1747563757563 porn results come ahead of this thread?

All you had to do is ask and I would tell you how I found the thread
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 11:54 AM
Post #242

Posts: 4

Sooooooooo much anger !!! and so many assumptions. What a great solution!! Let's chase him off.
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 09:52 AM
Post #243

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

Hey do they find these threads? When you search for "big breasts" on google, shouldn't 1747563757563 porn results come ahead of this thread?
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 8 2008, 12:50 AM
Post #244

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


Look, Litvak, this isn't a conversation for you. YOU DON'T HAVE BREASTS & THIS ISN'T ABOUT MEN. People are not dogs & we DO NOT NEED TO BE "TRAINED" & I resent the implication.

The reason so many women don't know their bodies is because such shame is ascribed to being female. Many women feel embarassed & uncomfortable asking others about something so basic because we are ridiculed or fetishized by a large portion of the population. 

No man will walk a mile in my ddcups just like I won't walk a mile in their jocks. I suppose that the flipside of your comment is that I like a nice ass, so I should pay for part of my man's gym membership? Invest in getting him some new running shoes, maybe? The idea of body ownership not belonging to the person in said body galls me.

Fucking A. I'm going to go away before I go all Funktastic on yo fool ass. Stick to the non-sexual, non-body issue, non-things you just don't understand threads, huh, Litvak. I don't doubt that you meant no ill will, but this is not a topic for you. Trust me. You'd be doing yourself as well as Busties a favor. The last guy that came up in here spouting his nonsense was verbally eviscerated quite nicely.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Oct 7 2008, 04:13 PM
Post #245

Posts: 4

I'm always amazed at how little women know about getting properly fit for bras and then, not having to pay a fortune for them. Seems that if more men understood the difficulty that large breasted women have with their bras, they would learn that it's a great present if you know what you're shopping for. So besides training women how to find the right fitting bra..........maybe we should be training the men too, and let them absorb some of the cost. Hell, the only underwear we men buy are undershorts
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 28 2008, 02:55 PM
Post #246

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

I just wanted to come in and say that after reading the last few pages, I love you Busties!
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 28 2008, 01:38 AM
Post #247

Posts: 4

QUOTE(funk0039 @ Sep 18 2008, 04:29 AM) *

Apparently, men seem to prefer a size 12 female, while women want to have a size 8 body. See the survey results for yourself. Oddly, men don't seem to be as critical of women's bodies as they themselves seem to be.

Kinda bears out what I was writing about earlier, doesn't it? We like you curvy, we really do!

I'm a size 10, with 36DDs...whatcha think about that?
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 28 2008, 01:34 AM
Post #248

Posts: 4

QUOTE(prophecy_grrl @ Sep 26 2008, 06:06 PM) *
Spreading the big boob love today . . . . I <3 div="" from="" joan="" mad="" men.="" nbsp="">

I like to think that at my age and level of social consciousness that I am immune to the soul-crushing advertising/media/hollywood images of tiny (in all respects) women, but I get a little lift in self confidence every time I see Joan on the screen. x-posted this in the Mad Men thread - check out the Office Manager tshirt from glarkware.

and check her out at the emmys (hot!)

OMG I love Christina Hendricks! She's so lovely, and her breasts are so sexy! I adore Mad Men.
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 post Sep 26 2008, 07:40 PM
Post #249

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

I think I need to buy that shirt. I'll just tell people I posed for it. biggrin.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Sep 26 2008, 05:06 PM
Post #250

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 201
From: Chicago, Illinois

Spreading the big boob love today . . . . I <3 div="" from="" joan="" mad="" men.="" nbsp="">

I like to think that at my age and level of social consciousness that I am immune to the soul-crushing advertising/media/hollywood images of tiny (in all respects) women, but I get a little lift in self confidence every time I see Joan on the screen. x-posted this in the Mad Men thread - check out the Office Manager tshirt from glarkware.

and check her out at the emmys (hot!)

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 post Sep 25 2008, 10:40 AM
Post #251

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

I am so feeling the love in here. Thanks everybustie! biggrin.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Sep 23 2008, 05:31 PM
Post #252

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

Oh Lord, don't you just love tha advice? I think this is my brother in law, the dckhead without a degree telling me how to publish work I've done. For my Masters. That is already published.

i do love the "noooooooooooooooooo don't get rd of your boobies just because people are mean and they hurt because you might get a guy with them!" - as if the guy I married did it because I have a rack, rather than because I am a smart arsed bitch...

In any case, I absolutely love the rec for figleaves I got form here ages ago - I can order shit cheaper from them, posted to Oz, than I can buy. Mind you, I'm stuck withone brand and style, the rest don't suit my odd shaped bod.

And Kitten? You'll aways be BBB to me!!
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 post Sep 22 2008, 03:51 PM
Post #253

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

tha's right. *smacks her forehead, looking at her super secret htk wi-fi locater ring.*

silly me.


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 22 2008, 03:38 PM
Post #254

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Hot Twat Keyboard. HTK.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 22 2008, 03:06 PM
Post #255

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

uh.... what's htk? and as a charter member in bfb, i would be over the moon to have you as a member. i've been trying to catch up on my sleep and it'd be fantastic to know that "ye old shop of bustie bitchin'" has someone behind the counter while a have my 7am night cap and pass out in a pool of my own spittle. 

*(bloodshot) eyes her morning long island ice tea, before raising it*

i'll drink t' that! *hic* barkeep, an drink fer mah bionic bustie bee-oches!

*passes out*

[sally kellerman appears for a lovely, sassy, gravel voice over] back to our previously scheduled program...


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 22 2008, 11:55 AM
Post #256

A symphony of atrocities. 
Posts: 1,437
From: The Sage Brush Steppes

I told him to take off his asshat and sit in the corner, but nooooo. 


"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." -Exodus 22:18
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 post Sep 19 2008, 11:46 AM
Post #257

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Poor KittenB! In my eyes you will always have BFB/HTK street cred.

*passes superiority pipe to GT, nods sagely*

You're never alone as long as you've got your jones!


"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 19 2008, 11:11 AM
Post #258

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

i know, right? god kitten, it's like we had our "freaky friday" moment on thursday. i'm pissed that i didn't get credit for being nice. mouse thought i was gonna go off on her last night, cos of another dumb ass troll... and Voooop! i discovered all my nicety had left the building. 

at least he didn't try to call me fluffy, like merlin. hmph.

pssssst! aural.... pass that superiority, yo! stop hoggin' it!


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 19 2008, 11:04 AM
Post #259

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

Dammit! I actually call somone out on this board and do I get any of the credit? NOOOOOOOOOO! It's always auralpoison and girltrouble stealing my thunder! I'll even own up to "hunting" him, although I prefer to consider it "research." 

Anyway, now I am mad and pouting. I need a pouting emoticon! Sometimes I want to be known as one of the Bust Board Bitches too, you know!

GirlTrouble, considering your tag, maybe instead of referring to yourself as "a hotheaded bitch" we should just call you a "hot twated bitch?" I think we can take it to mean the same thing.  smile.gif 

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Sep 19 2008, 07:22 AM
Post #260

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Didn't he, though?! I feel so very chastised now. I am going to change my name to auralniceness & mend my petty, prideful, unforgiving, vicious ways.


No. Wait. That was just gas. My bad. Carry on then.

Me thinks the boy doth protest too much. 

I must say it's amusing that he feels he's being "hunted". I am assuming it's because I posted in the Insomnia thread (He gave me excellent directions on how to cut a pill in half!), dunno 'bout the Depression thread, that weren't moi. Um, I posted in a LOT of threads yesterday since I hadn't been on in a few days. It had nothing to do with Funk. Self-important & paranoid much?

Since we have been given *tacit* permission to crow: You can give a monkey a keyboard & he's most likely gonna type gibberish.

Damn. That first morning hit of superiority is the best hit of the day!

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 19 2008, 01:46 AM
Post #261

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

well he certainly told us.

and in crowing, you know you've let the terrorists win.  dry.gif whatever.

perhaps i should have been mean. at least i would have had fun.

believe it or not, funky, that was me being nice. oh well. so much for that. now we return you to girltrouble being a bitch, again, already in progress. 

hey, let's review, shall we?
Flame me all you wish, nothing you say or do will hurt me in the slightest. I just stopped caring.which is why he wrote this long post. because he doesn't care tongue.gif
I'm not going to flame you, but [here comes the flaming] I do think each of you has a deserved reputation for being unforgiving and rather petty. hee hee. oh i'm not petty, i'm just a hot headed bitch. biggrin.gif
... the fact that your own pride in your current worldview may be getting in the way of your own happiness but then
Never once did I think I knew what was best for any of you. oh really? you don't read your own posts, do you? if you go back and read them they are full of these know-what's-best-for-you pronouncements that came out of nowhere. see the thing that you don't understand....bah. never mind. you wouldn't bother to listen. i've tried to explain it to you in my other posts to you, and you never heard a word, you just did what you accuse others of: you got defensive.
I've noticed a lot of viciousness directed towards me actually, speaking only for myself, i was very careful to couch my posts saying i wasn't coming down on you, and that i thought you meant well. i think you are a bit defensive. honestly, that was me being nice to you. ask anyone. you'd know if i was pissed off at you. i curse like a sailor, call you names and talk smack about your mother. do me a favor, go back and read my posts in this thread. i was not insulting you at all. i was kinda defending you. 

good bye funk, we hardly knew ye.


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 19 2008, 01:29 AM
Post #262

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

girltrouble, anna k, auralpoison, etc, I have just one thing to say to each of you:

Your recent behavior explains quite a lot about yourselves and why you live the way you are. I'm not going to flame you, but I do think each of you has a deserved reputation for being unforgiving and rather petty.

Flame me all you wish, nothing you say or do will hurt me in the slightest. I just stopped caring.

As for the rest of you:

Never once did I think I knew what was best for any of you. THAT was an attitude which was inferred, but never implied. A LOT of problems can be solved simply by changing your perspective, and one of the hardest things in the world to admit is the fact that your own pride in your current worldview may be getting in the way of your own happiness. I gave up mine, and thought you might be the same way I was years ago. Never once did I think I knew what was best for each of you because each of you would have to figure that out for yourselves. 

I didn't know if you had thoroughly examined yourself, thirtiesgirl, I had no idea, but I thought it might be a possibility so I tried to suggest it. Too bad you took it as an insult. Funny thing was, that's the furthest thing from my mind. I never ONCE believed I was better than you, so if I came across that way it wasn't intentional! I was trying to help, not assert myself over you! I dunno, you seem really defensive as if I was trying to attack or hurt you. I'm sorry if that was my effect. That's the exact opposite of my intentions. Keep in mind I only knew about what you had posted and had managed to find.

This is the last time I will be posting in a lot of things and perhaps never again, simply because I've noticed a lot of viciousness directed towards me, maybe it's because I word things oddly, or maybe it's because I'm male and couldn't possibly comprehend what it's like to be judged based on appearance, eh? Many of you made assumptions as to my nature and intentions, and I'm tired of the offensive nature I seem to be stirring up. Obviously nothing I write will help at all if I'm being flamed incessantly by people like girltrouble etc, they aren't listening so what's the point? If my intent is to help, there's no point in going onward. Yes, this includes the depression and insomnia threads. Apparently I'm being hunted.

I did learn a lot about the nature of women in packs, however, and for that I thank all of you. If this is what it's like to interact with one, I just don't think I want to be a part of it. I'm quite sorry I managed to inspire a flame war. Maybe I just don't have the stomach for it, or maybe it's just that it's awfully hard to give a damn when you're under fire for simply existing and making mistakes, no matter how well intentioned they might have been. I continually stumble across unwritten codes of etiquette that I had no idea existed!

So yeah, you win. Feel free to crow your victory, the more you do, the more you prove my point about your nature. Assure yourselves of your superiority, I'm sure you deserve whatever's coming to you, for better or for ill.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 11:23 PM
Post #263

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

Lately, I've gotten back to wearing the old lady comfort bras, Bali's wireless soft cup bras for big boobs. I went through a stage in college where I got rid of all my underwire bras in favor of more comfortable soft cup bras, and I'm apparently back there now. I haven't gotten rid of my underwires this time, though. I'm keeping them around for when I need a little uplifting, but I'm so enjoying the soft cup comfort and support these old lady bras provide.

Funk, I hope you stick around. I wasn't trying to scare you away, but I will assert myself when I feel people are underestimating me or women in general. As will the people on this forum. I like the idea of including other male opinions and voices on the forum, particularly well thought-out ones. I respect differences of opinion and feel that they keep the forum conversation vital and interesting. But again, I don't appreciate someone acting as if they think they know what's best for me and underestimating my own power of self-reflection and the choices I've made in my life.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Sep 18 2008, 09:07 PM
Post #264

Posts: 1,200
From: societal fringe

QUOTE(girltrouble @ Sep 18 2008, 05:29 PM) *
not to derail anymore, but um..... 
i love busties.
you should see the big ol' smirk on my face right now...
I so agree.
I heart me some big (or not) boobied busties.

has anyone else tried the hanes her way bra's?
I have a cotton one that my mom gave me and it's wonderful. not the uber best quality for lasting, but is good for wearing around the house for comfort on my 'fluffy' days.

I'm gonna let it shine
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 post Sep 18 2008, 06:13 PM
Post #265

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

See, I usually sleep on my stomach (I know, I know, I shouldn't sleep that way, but I always have.) but when I've got my date with Captain Bloodsnatch, I have to lay on my side & use my body pillow.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 18 2008, 05:04 PM
Post #266

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 211
From: N to the C

QUOTE(auralpoison @ Sep 18 2008, 05:05 PM) *
I actually have a bra that I only wear during my period that's a REALLY old, threadbare tshirt bra because it's murder otherwise. I use this Lush stuff to keep them moist & that seems to help, too. But that dull, throbbing ache remains.

Yah, I can't not wear a bra when I have my period, unless I am laying down sleeping, so ouchie.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 04:29 PM
Post #267

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

not to derail anymore, but um..... 

i love busties.

you should see the big ol' smirk on my face right now...


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2008, 04:05 PM
Post #268

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I actually have a bra that I only wear during my period that's a REALLY old, threadbare tshirt bra because it's murder otherwise. I use this Lush stuff to keep them moist & that seems to help, too. But that dull, throbbing ache remains.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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anna k
 post Sep 18 2008, 03:56 PM
Post #269

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

Yeah, I'd rather talk about how much we love/hate our boobies than have some noob come in to give his "enlightened" opinion on what we're thinking.

My boobies are annoying me because of PMS. I hate that feeling when my boobs feel fuller and my nips are popping out.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 03:38 PM
Post #270

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

He dropped some valuable science in the Committed thread, too. 

Eh, he ain't the first, he won't be the last. I remember the assclown that suggested that if I was annoyed by people not being able to understand my passport, perhaps I should use my DL instead. Cos y'know, I never thought about using something I *didn't* have.


"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 18 2008, 03:24 PM
Post #271

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

QUOTE(girltrouble @ Sep 18 2008, 02:12 PM) *
ok. we've offically entered bizarro world when i'm the one NOT attacking someone. lol

I was thinking that.  wink.gif I try to often stay out of the fray, I think, but I just felt like I needed to speak up. 

It looks like he is making friends in the "Frustrated Singles" thread too. Maybe his heart is in the right place but his tendancy to speak as though he has all the answers really muddles whatever point he is trying to make.

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 03:20 PM
Post #272

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...



"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 18 2008, 03:17 PM
Post #273

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Awwwww! Poor fwuffy!

The mens *always* find their way in here one way or another, natch. Most of them just lurk & jerk, though.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 18 2008, 02:59 PM
Post #274

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

bitch? that's fluffy to

that said, why was he in here in the first place? funk has posted in about 3 threads and he was reading this one? why for? i'm not judging....ok i am....heh...


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 18 2008, 02:44 PM
Post #275

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Heh, I'm picking up your slack, bitch.

I don't think his intentions were bad, just misguided/misinformed. I mean, how much of the thread did he actually READ? I know the lil' gals thread has some bitching to the effect that they don't dig their mates interest in big boobs because it makes them feel insecure, but um, not us. I just find it galling that he obviously didn't take the time to read & he seems to think this thread is about our lack of mates/dates, whatever. 'There are lots of guys out there will love you for you!' Well, no shit Sherlock. That ain't the fuckin' point. What goes on in here isn't about finding/keeping a man. It's purely NOT. It's more about, "Where can I find a sexy EEE bra?" or "Some creep on the street made me feel really marginalized today" or "I caught sight of my tits in the gym today & realized how awesome they are!" or "Has anybody tried this sports bra?" It has very little to do with love or relationships or MEN & their opinions on breast size.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 18 2008, 02:12 PM
Post #276

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

ok.......we've offically entered bizarro world when i'm NOT the one attacking someone. lol

look, honestly i think funk means well, he's like a lot of n00bs who bust on into bust, and mistake it for your run of the mill forum. 

we all know it's not. 

funk i wasn't misinterpreting anything you said. i just think you are falling into a trap that lots of people do when they start posting here. they think, ok, i got this, and they post away. the lounge isn't like that. there are some threads you can just jump in and no one will mind. lots of ones in the media whores section are like that. there are other threads where, you'd be best to take your time, not post broadsides and just post a couple of lines at first to get the tone of the place correctly. otherwise you'll get swarmed. 

i'm not interested in coming down on you, but rather suggesting that you stick to the wading end of the pool until you are a bit more used to the way things work round these parts, k?


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 18 2008, 02:10 PM
Post #277

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Look, Funk, it's obvious that *you're* the one that isn't grokking here. The main point is: It's tiresome when some guy comes in & thinks he can solve all of our issues by telling us "that what women don't get is . . . " It's arrogant & condescending to play armchair psychologist/Dr. Phil/Mr. Fixit unless you've walked a mile in a gal's dd cups. You have no idea what you're talking about/what you've walked into.

I've looked over what you wrote carefully & while a few good points were made, you didn't tell us anything we haven't already heard/didn't know before. There was no revelation, nothing new to chew on. Thirties responded to your thoughts pretty specifically & thoughtfully, so I don't know where you're coming up with "misinterpretation". 

You came off as an asshat by basically telling us that our boobs aren't our problem, it's all in our minds. You even suggested that Thirties talk to a psychologist to back yourself up! Lemme tell you, my MIND isn't what makes my fucking back ache, bucko. It doesn't cause permanent grooves in my shoulders, it doesn't make it hard for me to buy a shirt that fits properly. Strange men don't shout, "Look at the big fuckin' tits on that bitch!" from across the street because of my mind. No, it's my tits that are responsible for that. If a psychologist can fix all that, then by all means get me to a shrink.

Although, I must admit, sometimes my mind makes it hard to buy a hat. Gotta have a big skull to hold all them brainsis.

Anyway, GT tried to give you a bit o' help/the 411 & you pouted like an infant. Way to get yourself taken seriously, dude. If you gotta take your ball & go home, feel free.

And for the record, you did come across as having all the answers.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Sep 18 2008, 01:32 PM
Post #278

A symphony of atrocities. 
Posts: 1,437
From: The Sage Brush Steppes

Funk, may I suggest you take your asshat off and go sit in the corner for a while?

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." -Exodus 22:18
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 post Sep 18 2008, 01:23 PM
Post #279

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

It is so arrogant to just step into a conversation and start telling people what should make them happy or that they even are unhappy. That's some male privilege right there. And I want to point out that girltrouble's efforts to help you were a lot nicer than I think she has any need to be. And the best response you have is, "Fine, whatever you want." What are you, 12?

It seems to me, funk, that you either have misunderstod what has been talked about here or just don't want to know. I doubt that the men who freak out hellotampon by leering at her breasts really give a damn that she feels pleasure when someone that she cares about touches them. They are leering because in the male gaze all breasts belong to the men who see them. 

So don't even try to pathologize thirtiesgirl. She's fine. You, however, seem to have some issues with women. 

And why is it whenever a woman seems to be looking for someone withwhom she can share her life and her love it is always described as, "looking for a husband"? It is not the same thing in any way. 

You are on a feminist board. Figure out what that means before you try and tell us what is wrong with the world.

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 12:53 PM
Post #280

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

You've completely misinterpreted. I never once said nor implied that I have all the answers.

Fine, whatever you want.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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ly need it!)
Options V
 post Sep 18 2008, 12:03 PM
Post #281

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

funk, you might try reading more, talking less. i don't mean to come down on you, but, it's been my experience that sometimes people aren't looking to be handed a solution, so much as be heard. many of the threads here on bust are people talking about their shared experience. if you don't have that shared experience, it's probably best just to listen. i'm not saying that you can't post in those threads, but rather, come from a place of humbleness, as one who is here to learn, to understand things, rather than somebody who's got all the answers.

just a thought.


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2008, 09:58 AM
Post #282

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA


"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 18 2008, 08:53 AM
Post #283

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

Funk, you write as if I don't know these things already. I *know* men like fat girls. I wouldn't have gotten half the play I've had if they didn't. As far as my weight goes, I trust only one person: me. *I* know how I feel about my body; my doctor does not. I'll trust my general practitioner to prescribe antibiotics when I have the flu, or offer remedies for the common cold, but I don't discuss how I feel about how my body looks with my doctor, and I've specifically chosen a doctor who will not preach to me about weight loss and 'healthy eating habits.' That's not what I see her for.

Nor do I need someone to tell me to 'figure out what's making me unhappy.' I figured that one out on my own long ago. I have a strong relationship with my personal therapist. Again, it's offensive to me when a guy feels he 'knows what's best' for me and speaks/writes as if I don't have the critical thinking skills to reflect on my own life and make the changes I need to make for myself. Don't assume we're unintelligent creatures who can't reflect on our lives simply because we choose to kvetch about something or make an issue of it. We don't need you to fix it. ...Or, at least *I* don't, at any rate.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Sep 18 2008, 03:29 AM
Post #284

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

Apparently, men seem to prefer a size 12 female, while women want to have a size 8 body. See the survey results for yourself. Oddly, men don't seem to be as critical of women's bodies as they themselves seem to be.

Kinda bears out what I was writing about earlier, doesn't it? We like you curvy, we really do!

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 12:40 AM
Post #285

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

Then, what are you looking for?

As for men just looking for physical relationships, this is by no means a male only phenomenon. I've encountered a lot of women who are the same way, and I agree it really hurts to find that your mate doesn't feel the same way as you do.

Personally, I like "overweight women", they're fun to snuggle with and are frequently ticklish. smile.gif
As long as I can find the essentials of her anatomy and it isn't a health risk, I'm quite happy with any woman with a few extra pounds. But that's not what I was writing about.

As for the medical industry, I wasn't referring to them in general. I have a lot of hatred for those damn weight loss commercials. Frequently I prefer the "before" to the "after." They actually LOOK female, IMHO.(I'm sorry, but I'd be scared of hurting a stick woman, and little boy bodies do absolutely nothing for me personally) I was talking about your doctor, whoever you trust with your health. That's usually a general practitioner, a family doctor, and a person YOU CHOSE to trust.

I'm not claiming to know what's best for all of you! Never did, in fact I'm confused as to where you got that inference. What I was saying is that each one of you has to figure out what is making you unhappy, and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, AND DON'T GIVE UP. I used the example of weight because you brought it up. Hell, I need to lose some weight too, but that's not what's making me unhappy at all, so why would I spend all my efforts in losing weight when I have bigger fish to fry? I'm not telling you to lose weight, I'm telling you to figure out what's making you unhappy. It MIGHT be you, I dunno. Just don't automatically discount the possibility that it might be your perspective(or more likely, one you absorbed from someone else) that makes you feel that your breasts are too large.

I prefer women as they are, I don't even like it when they dye their hair. So, I have no stake in this whatsoever, I just had an idea and thought it might help.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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 post Sep 18 2008, 12:17 AM
Post #286

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

QUOTE(funk0039 @ Sep 17 2008, 09:26 PM) *
I don't doubt your competence. However, what you need to know is that most of humanity is nothing like you. I'm not talking about your breasts or your body weight. I'm talking about your head and your heart. What you're looking for is far more than a simple date, and you know it. You want a husband, and that entails someone who is a match for you intellectually as well as spiritually/emotionally.
Um... I'm *not* looking for a husband.

QUOTE(funk0039 @ Sep 17 2008, 09:26 PM) *
Can you afford to condemn half of the human population, when you know full well that each and every one of humankind is different?
I'm not sure where you got the idea that I'm 'condemning half the population.' At no point have I written that "all men are bad." I'm writing about my own experiences, not generalizing about 'all women.' My own experiences have shown me that there are a lot of men out there who are looking for physical relationships. As far as I'm concerned, that's neither bad nor good. It just is.

QUOTE(funk0039 @ Sep 17 2008, 09:26 PM) *
Finally, if you don't like something in your life, then find out what it is, and set about changing it. If you are overweight, then go to a doctor and explain that you are willing to radically change your life to lose weight. But only do this if it's what is making you miserable, you won't have the commitment to do otherwise.
I know I should move this to the "take it outside" thread, but it's too late; I'm all in.
(1) I speak for some fat people when I say the word 'overweight' is offensive. It implies that extra weight is a bad thing, when some fat activists don't believe it is. That was your assumption, not mine. 
(2) As a fat activist, the medical industry is the last group of people I'd trust to manage my weight. Do your research, hon, and know who you're writing about before you go there.

I know your intentions are good, funky-man. I don't think you're a bad person. But I feel like you're writing as if you know what's best for all women, and that's the first mistake men make, to think they know what's best for all of us. Until you know me, until you know my heart, you can't speak for my desires, my personality or my body.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Sep 17 2008, 11:26 PM
Post #287

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

I don't doubt your competence. However, what you need to know is that most of humanity is nothing like you. I'm not talking about your breasts or your body weight. I'm talking about your head and your heart. What you're looking for is far more than a simple date, and you know it. You want a husband, and that entails someone who is a match for you intellectually as well as spiritually/emotionally. Because you are inherently unique, this is a difficult thing to find in anyone, male or female. Ever stopped and asked yourself, among your friends/family, who among them can you count on when things get desperate? Not many, and you know that. Now find someone who is also male, you are attracted to physically, can be the very best friend you've ever had.... That narrows the field considerably, doesn't it?

It doesn't matter where you live, you will always find it nearly impossible to find men that are a specific match for you. It's even harder if you are seeing what you want to see, rather than what's actually there. That is a very human tendency you know, fooling yourself. I can't see your eyes so I can't be more specific with you, thirtiesgirl. But ask yourself if the bad things that happened are coloring your opinions about men? Can you afford to condemn half of the human population, when you know full well that each and every one of humankind is different?

Finally, if you don't like something in your life, then find out what it is, and set about changing it. If you are overweight, then go to a doctor and explain that you are willing to radically change your life to lose weight. But only do this if it's what is making you miserable, you won't have the commitment to do otherwise.

I have endured pain well beyond the point of sanity. I've wandered all my life long, watching people, trying to learn and adapt. All I ask is that you try what I suggest rather than simply toss it away because I'm male or whatever other reason. I have no possible means of profiting from what you decide to do, and you, from what you've posted, have little to lose. Just think about it, ok? Give it a serious think, look at yourself and start asking questions.

Just please try. Your budding relationship is a step in the right direction, it means you haven't entirely given up hope. If you want to be happy, then you have to try to be happy, as trite as that sounds. But you've got to be willing to see yourself for what you are, and then try to build into what you want to be.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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 post Sep 17 2008, 09:08 PM
Post #288

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

QUOTE(funk0039 @ Sep 16 2008, 11:43 PM) *
I'm not sure you understand men in this particular area. 

If women could detach their breasts and hand them to us, we wouldn't want them. It's because they seem to give a woman so much pleasure that we love to caress them. Sometimes I see women with huge latex breasts on the internet, and I'm not attracted at all because I know there's no sensation at all in those things for her.
FYI, fetishization of a particular body part or body type doesn't mean seeing the body part as separate from the body as a whole. It means separating the body type from the person who inhabits it. I've spent nearly 10 years in the dating scene, off and on, and have met more guys than I care to count who can't seem to combine their appreciation for fat women with big boobs (my particular body type) with an appreciation of everything else a I can bring to a relationship or casual dating. So I think I know a thing or two about men. It's taken me that long to find a guy who (so far) is able to combine his appreciation for my body with an appreciation of my intelligence, independence, sense of humor, pop culture geekery and indie music snobbery. I think any woman would experience some discouragement and feelings of hopelessness after 10 years of dating nothing but frogs (so to speak). I certainly did, and often gave up and gave in to dating guys who were interested in a physical connection only. Sometimes it was ok, and sometimes it wasn't. But until you've walked a mile in my moccasins, or any single woman's with body, self confidence and dating issues, I might refrain from judgment.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Sep 17 2008, 05:23 PM
Post #289

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

Sorry. I was trying to help but not preach.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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 post Sep 17 2008, 12:39 PM
Post #290

A symphony of atrocities. 
Posts: 1,437
From: The Sage Brush Steppes

Good message funk, but a little bit preachy.

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." -Exodus 22:18
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 post Sep 17 2008, 04:42 AM
Post #291

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

You know something funny, ladies? I"ve read many of the posts on this thread, and I realized something odd.

Ladies, I think maybe your problem has nothing to do with the size of your breasts, nor does it really have anything to do with how men stare at you.
Ultimately, wearing minimizers and surgical reductions so you can fit in socially have more to do with your desire to control how other men and women see you! And, even more oddly, there's a truism none of you seem to realize:

No matter how hard you try, you can't force anyone to think or react the way you want them to. Ask a psychologist about it. For example, ever try to force or manipulate someone(in any way, including talking with them honestly) into loving you?

It's that same hard truth I had to learn about my family a long time ago, as I wanted my parents to essentially love me, and realize what they had done. So yeah, I know what I'm writing about.

Maybe your solution is the same one I came up with, one I took from therapy and extended further. Maybe your solution is changing your perspective, change the way you see your bodies? This sort of thing takes a lot of effort, and doesn't come easily. I've seen VERY few posts where women actually feel sexy or attractive because of the way their bodies look to them.

If I were a busty woman, I'd be looking at them and thinking that "Yes, they are physically a pain in the butt sometimes. And yes, men stare at them and other women get jealous so they call me a slut to make themselves feel better. Wait a minute, if men are fascinated with my chest, then maybe I could use it to attract the kind of man I've always dreamed about? You know, the kind that makes me feel like I'm floating on air? Large breasts can be a source of power, of sorts. Maybe if I stopped looking at myself with other women's eyes, and started looking at them the way men seem to, I might feel better about myself? Or maybe if I stop and look into the eyes of those people who seem prejudiced against me because of my chest, I might notice that they have a lot of deep seated insecurities. So maybe their opinions don't really matter to me because they don't make any sense?"

That's just a suggestion, just me riffing on the idea. Ultimately you have to decide how YOU want to view your bodies. Don't allow anyone or anything to ever make up your mind for you! Personally, I think women like the recently pregnant Salma Hayek, or America Ferrera, or Madison Michele are stunning creatures, far more attractive than the stick women that seem to be in fashion these days. Whose opinion about your bodies are you going to listen to? Have you figured that out yet, if not, maybe you should think about just who you're listening to? 

Free will is a wonderful thing, exercise it! CHOOSE what you want to feel about yourself.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 17 2008, 01:43 AM
Post #292

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA

I'm not sure you understand men in this particular area. 

If women could detach their breasts and hand them to us, we wouldn't want them. It's because they seem to give a woman so much pleasure that we love to caress them. Sometimes I see women with huge latex breasts on the internet, and I'm not attracted at all because I know there's no sensation at all in those things for her.

The instant that I discover a woman is.... sick inside, selfish, just not a good person at all, I get grossed out and can't look at her at all. Once upon a time, I thought that Anna Nicole Smith was incredibly gorgeous. Then I saw a few episodes of her reality show and I grew nauseous every time I accidentally caught sight of her from then onward.

In the end I think it's also pure instinct that drives us to love women's breasts no matter what their size, since all men have different preferences. 

You may laugh at this, but I've been used for sex by women before too, and it hurts me more profoundly than anything else that a woman doesn't give a damn about making me happy or being near me, she just want me to please her and then go away. Men are like that too you know, we're just taught to fight that instinct by our society. After a lot of attempted relationships, I realized something.

I'm the only common element in all of them. Therefore, it's my judgment that's flawed because I chose them. Perhaps I was subconsciously thinking that I deserved pain, or that this was how relationships were supposed to be. I struggled to keep what my head wanted apart from what my perception/instincts saw in a woman. It's really hard to see not what I want to see, but instead what's actually there. I don't know if the people in your city really are that shallow, but there's a possibility that you were only attracted to the men that would treat you poorly, for whatever reason I don't know. 

Since I tried to learn how to keep my wants separate from what I see, my relationships of ALL kinds have improved greatly. Still I know that I'm lonely despite my learning and my friends, and so I'm vulnerable to being fooled. That's how I lost my savings, you know. Have you ever wondered why all those "phone sex" lines and strip bars exist? Because we're lonely, so we imagine the women we meet there desires us, instead of our money. A long time ago I tried going to a strip club, but I knew it was an illusion. If a woman's being paid to pay attention to me, or if she only is near because she can get money from me, then it's an illusion. Unlike most men, I can't fool myself like they can.

I wish I could.

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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+Quote Post
 post Sep 17 2008, 12:35 AM
Post #293

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

My issue is that while I've met plenty of men interested in my big boobs, or who "appreciate a curvy woman," they tend to fetishize my body type specifically for those reasons. I find that they're not really interested in me as a person (the whole package: brain, bod, emotions), but just in my boobs or, *ahem*, curves. It's been a long road, weeding out the guys who fall into that trap. I think I've finally met one with a more 'holistic' attraction to me, but he lives 5 hours away. Such is the price one pays for living in a city where shallowness is the norm.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Sep 11 2008, 06:00 PM
Post #294

Posts: 60
From: St Cloud MN, USA


I'm a man, and I've been recently wandering about the internet. I found a website called, and I read a lot of articles there. Apparently there is a lot of pressure on the part of women on other women to conform their bodies, especially their breasts to the Hollywierd ideal. I want you to know that men do exist out there that are kind, loving, and would happily put a huge smile on your faces each and every morning. I know what it's like to be picked on since I'm not exactly average myself. Technically they say I'm a genius(a fact I don't like talking about), but at least I can keep my mouth shut and delay being found odd. You busty ladies can't even do that! I wish I could help. Don't reduce your chests or hack up your bodies for other women. I for one would give anything to date a chesty woman (no matter how large) who has the strength NOT to succumb to this kind of crap. I get angry every time I see ads extolling the stick thin boyish figure on tv or in magazines. I LIKE big bust curvy women, so long as it isn't a health risk be whatever weight you like! Yes of course I want a woman with a brain and a good heart more than anything, but that's off topic. I'd be happy to reply to any messages you send. You ladies need all the emotional support you can get. No, I don't have anything sneaky in mind, I never was good at being manipulative and I can prove it, sigh. At least one man out here would love you AND your chest just as you are, dammit. I hate bullies! mad.gif

"Know thyself." Socrates
"This above all to thineownself be true." William Shakepeare
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." the Bible
These 3 laws govern who I am, whether or not you like it.
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anna k
 post Sep 10 2008, 11:52 AM
Post #295

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

Is it weird that whenever I read posts on Jezebel that are praising big full breasts of stars like Salma Hayek's (who are rumored to be implants btw), Lindsay Lohan's, and Halle Berry's mommy boobs, I feel really good about my own, like mine are really voluptuous and sexy and awesome?
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anna k
 post Sep 4 2008, 09:45 PM
Post #296

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

Ananke, I spent my teen years hiding my breasts by wearing big shirts and cardigans and coats, and felt embarassed about having what felt like large breasts to me. I finally got comfortable with them when I was 17, having lost some weight and felt more grown-up, and wore form-fitting shirts that were very flattering, and I ended up getting flirted with more and not realizing the new attention. I regret feeling so covered up back then, but I had a lot of mental crap to get through and hated my teen years.
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 post Sep 4 2008, 09:27 PM
Post #297

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 266

Back to swimsuits, I'm a 38M (Aust/US sizing, J in the UK apparently...sizing is so bloody confusing) so I gave up. Instead I've got a pair of boyleg trunks, a microfibre singlet and I just wear a bra. It's got a real 40s kind of vibe, but comfy and covers what I want covered.

If you want sexy, I have no idea.

As far as male attention goes, my mother is horrified by how much I cover up, but I spent my teen years being leered at, I still get leered at, I'd rather be somewhat covered. I use it as a kind of armour though - the more covered I am, the better I feel. Which is all knds of fucked up I know.
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 post Sep 4 2008, 01:46 PM
Post #298

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

i posted this in the smawl bewbies thread, but i think i should xpost it here:
as for that Pavlovian saliva response to other women, most guys do it because they are taught that is acceptable. that "that's what men do." and just like most women were socialized around women, most guys were socialized around guys. with guys lots of there bad habits are what i like to call "proofs." proofs are a way for boys to prove they are masculine, that they aren't gay. with boys you have to think about some animal that needs to make a show about their virility to spook off their competitors. i've said it before, contrary to what most people think, masculinity is a very fragile thing-- it is constantly needing repair, and defending. at any moment guys masculinity can be called to the floor for a vote. i'd imagine the closest thing-- or the first thing that comes to my mind is mothers. they are perpetually having their motherhood into question. by ads, other people, friends, etc. the same with men. everything he does becomes a proof. think about it. he can look good, but not too good. he can have interests, but only certain interests. everything-- even who he dates, and the car he drives are proof to some degree. most guys are terrified of looking gay. i wouldn't even call it homophobia, because i think i fear of the feminine enters into it too, but they can't see how it's a sucker's game. so as boys they get in this habit of proving that masculinity, and eventually men-- and women-- think it's genetic wiring. i suppose to a degree it is. but only a small degree. ritual becomes habitual.

that said, i think if i guy oggles you, you should lay into him. call him a perv, a shit head and anything else that crosses your mind. the above is not meant to be an excuse, but just to understand the behavior. i wish that more women would lay into guys, they equate bad behavior with masculinity. the need to be disabused of this.


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Sep 4 2008, 01:16 PM
Post #299

Posts: 1,200
From: societal fringe

I will admit that sometimes I wear t shirts that fit not snugly, but well, yes- make my girls look good.
but I get tired of wearing shapeless tents in order to what- disguise that I have breasts?
you're so right ht, it gets Old.

esp when wearing said fitted t the other night, and creepy pizza delivery dude gawked at me or should I say them and made me feel sooooo skeevy!  mad.gif 
I wanted to yell ' hey- I'm not wearing this for YOU bozo, I'm wearing it for ME ' bc it's one of my favorite shirts that just Happens to be fitted. I'm not trying to draw attention, not showing off, I wanted to wear a shirt that shows I still have a waisteline, something the tent shirts obliterate.

let's all get t-shirts printed w/ really small print that says " my eyes are up here " w/ a small arrow pointing up.
and maybe the word 'jerk' on back too?  laugh.gif

I'm gonna let it shine
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 post Sep 2 2008, 12:00 AM
Post #300

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I've been insanely stressed out lately because of my job. Like, I just want to cry all the time, and I have this constant nagging anxiety.

I already hate it when guys stare at my chest, and lately I just cannot deal with it. The other night at the state fair everyone and their frigging dad had to gawk at my boobs. Yes, I had a tanktop with some cleavage showing, but what the hell is the difference? My boobs are big. They look even bigger in a turtleneck than a low-cut shirt, which is at least more comfy and less restrictive. Thankfully I was with my boyfriend and a guy friend, so all the men did was stare- no muttering disrespectful things under their breath as I passed or anything. 

How hard is it to look away? You would think we grew boobs just for them! One of these days I'm going to tell someone if he doesn't stop staring I'm gonna scratch his eyes out.
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 post Aug 29 2008, 10:35 PM
Post #301

Posts: 1,200
From: societal fringe

sniggles: check out a site called .
it's got clothes & a line of bathing suits (called 'Always for me' ?) and I think is based in the Us.
have not ordered from them before (so cannot vouche for anything) but have been getting their emails & their prices look pretty good.

I'm gonna let it shine
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 post Aug 29 2008, 02:30 PM
Post #302

Posts: 14

Hello Big Busties,

Does anyone know of anywhere that sells fitness swimsuits for us larger busted girls?? I'm just starting to get into swimming and am psyched about that, but I am seriously bummed out cuz I'm having so much trouble finding a comfortable one-piece. Nothing fancy, just something comfy to swim laps in. I found one on the Speedo website, but it's in the UK and doesn't deliver to US, and the US site has no such suits!! There has got to be some other big boobed swimmers out there, right??! This is really depressing.  sad.gif
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 post Aug 29 2008, 12:27 AM
Post #303

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

The other day I was sweaty, so I put powder in my cleavage. Such an old lady thing to do, but it worked like a charm! haha.
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 post Aug 26 2008, 03:52 PM
Post #304

new highs in personal lows daily!
Posts: 4,307
From: wherever ink is put in skin...

wait a second...
GT has penis & she doesn't have big boobies. She's still gorgeous & a bigger girl than I am. I love her as she is. In fact, I am deeply envious of her because she is so fucking gorgeous, tiny boobies & all. She owns her shit as a woman.*checks her panties*


alright.... who put a hotlink in my pants?

my ears were burning and i couldn't figure out what thread it was in, and i pop in here looking to harass aural (tag, now you have to call me!) and i hear she has been talking me up! hmph!

you stop that, aural. here i am sitting infront of my computer wearing my official bustie muu muu, a green mud mask, a bean mustache from my lunch, picking my butt and i'm told i'm gorgeous? sorry that'll take a good hour of hosing off from crew of firemen.  tongue.gif

btw:aural i am ready to have your interweb babehs again!


"what a swell farewell party! we said goodbye to everything, including the lining in my stomach." - garvey, from the film, born bad

"That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not: being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it, no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted." --margo channing, all about eve
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 post Aug 26 2008, 11:48 AM
Post #305

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't meant it. I'm not one for just making stuff up.

ETA, I must admit I find it interesting that that was the only thing you actually glommed onto from what I said. You took none of the positive stuff, none of the love & just picked up on the one thing that could be possibly construed as negative.

It's not constant & I'm sure it's not everybody, but the one time I ventured in there, there \ was one particular post that wasn't very nice. I understood that the gal was frustrated & angry, but it's not my fault that genetics decided to give me huge boobs & her small ones.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Aug 26 2008, 11:45 AM
Post #306

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 182

ETA, I almost NEVER go into the small bust thread. It makes me feel bad about myself because there is a lot of harshness there. Somehow it hurts more when another woman calls you a slut/disrespects you simply because you have big boobs.

I had never seen harshness towards large ladies in there. Have you, honestly?
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 post Aug 24 2008, 10:35 PM
Post #307

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 460
From: the galatic center

hey thanks, AP! I think it was AnnaK who mentioned being in admiration of your razor sharp wit & intellect (in another thread), I second that emotion. Sometimes, I'm like "dammmnnnnnnnnn!" at some of the things that you write. 

Your comments below about breasts were sooooooo right on! I mean, excellent. excellent points!


Now it's my turn, "Brrrrrrr!", motorboat, right back at ya!

crinoline, this, *swiftly duct tapes tiny boobs together to facilitate motorboatin'*, made me smile. you got jokes! Woot!

Earth: A Satanically ran planet where 98% of it's inhabitants are unquestioning, conformist idiots who are totally controlled and manipulated by the Satanic governments of the world and have been made complacent by said governments, through rigorous brainwashing.
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 post Aug 24 2008, 10:13 AM
Post #308

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 622
From: Deep South, U.S.A.

awww, thanks AP! I'd motorboat you too! *swiftly duct tapes tiny boobs together to facilitate motorboatin'*

-------------------- Handmade accessories for the SuperCute!
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 post Aug 24 2008, 01:31 AM
Post #309

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

A little Russ Meyer/Tura Satana action set to one of my favorite songs evah ~ check it out, ladies:

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Aug 23 2008, 11:06 PM
Post #310

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

Word, AnnaK! Faster pussycat, KILL KILL!

Neurotic.Nelly, we haven't always been on the same page. But you back your shit up. You don't pussyfoot & you aren't weak on your positions. That makes me respect the hell out of you. I don't care what kind of boobies you have, I'd motorboat you into tomorrow for having the ovaries to get up on your hind legs & make some points. Brrrrrrrr!

And Crino, you are particularly sensitive to others needs. You are so insightful. Christ, I wish I had even a tenth of what you have going on. I'd motorboat you, too.

I just want us to love us as we are & to be unified. WE ARE FUCKING HOT! Anybody that's managed to stay a Bustie is a badass force to be reckoned with. She is a hurricane, a tidal wave, a trial by fire. Her tits are to be worshipped like the gloriousness that they are, big or small or none at all. You can't handle that then you better step, junior!

ETA, I almost NEVER go into the small bust thread. It makes me feel bad about myself because there is a lot of harshness there. Somehow it hurts more when another woman calls you a slut/disrespects you simply because you have big boobs.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Aug 23 2008, 07:25 PM
Post #311

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 460
From: the galatic center




Earth: A Satanically ran planet where 98% of it's inhabitants are unquestioning, conformist idiots who are totally controlled and manipulated by the Satanic governments of the world and have been made complacent by said governments, through rigorous brainwashing.
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 post Aug 23 2008, 04:19 PM
Post #312

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 622
From: Deep South, U.S.A.

I don't usually intrude here, but AP - you seriously rule. 
Know that not all of us tiny tits judge our larger breasted sisters for their mammary advantage. Some of us are rootin for all the members of the same team. WOOT! TEAM TITTIE!!!!

-------------------- Handmade accessories for the SuperCute!
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anna k
 post Aug 23 2008, 04:14 PM
Post #313

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

Thank you auralpoison for saying that about me. It means a lot coming from you, since I have been fascinated by your life experiences and razor-sharp intelligence.

Whenever I love my breasts, I can feel so sensual and happy. I can feel like a Russ Meyer babe, a comic book heroine (I watched a special on superhero comic books on the History Channel, and afterwards looked in the mirror and loved that I had big breasts and a fit shape like the comic babes), a Victorian dame with pale skin and big bosoms, or any other kind of fantasy figure with big breasts that would make me feel sexy and happy within myself.

Girltrouble is sexy and gorgeous and badass, and we have great conversations about film, she's turned me on to filmmakers and styles I've barely heard of, but want to explore via Netflix because of her.

thirtiesgirl, I've had the same feeling too of lying down and feeling my breasts sink on my chest, like a heavy weight, then catching myself in a mirror (like at the gym) and feeling dead sexy.
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 post Aug 23 2008, 01:30 PM
Post #314

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


I know a lot of our tiny tit sisters have issues with their little boobies & our big ones. THEY ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL! We spend so much time hating our bodies & wanting to be something else instead of loving ourselves. The big boobie girls want to be smaller, the little boobie girls want to big. Why not be happy with what you've got? We're all sexy as HELL. Tiny pillows of flesh are gorgeous, so are more meaty ones. It's the brains behind them that make them so great. 

It bothers me so much that we feel the need to divide & conquer when it comes to tits. The little girls feel unfeminine; the big girls feel marginalized. I hate that they create a divide amongst us. I'd never refer to my small boob sisters as frigid, but it seems okay for them to regard us as whores because we are prodigiously lunged. It's fucked! We're all on the same team! TEAM TITTIE! 

Think about if we had wangs. Wangs are not very sexy. But breasts . . . I don't care if you have little pencil erasers or fat nips, they are all GOOD. A lovely tiny tit is sexy, a fleshy one is too. Your boobs are fucking hot whether you feel weird about them or not. 

Breasts are a target because they are visible. Our pussies are tucked away neatly. They aren't threatening because they can't be seen. But our boobs are right out there, ready to be judged. LOVE YOURSELF! Don't let assholes devalue you over some skin & fat!

I have to give props to AnnaK. She posts the most positive, body affirming things. We've seen her pics, she's HAWT! And she'd still be hot if she were an Acup because she loves her bod & recognizes her strength as a woman. Big boobs don't make you a woman. Only *YOU* can make yourself feel womanly.

GT has penis & she doesn't have big boobies. She's still gorgeous & a bigger girl than I am. I love her as she is. In fact, I am deeply envious of her because she is so fucking gorgeous, tiny boobies & all. She owns her shit as a woman.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Aug 23 2008, 12:27 PM
Post #315

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

<3 div="">

...Seriously, I was looking at my big ones in the mirror the other day while lying on my bed (no, I don't have a mirrored ceiling; I was using a hand mirror!) and I have to say, I developed a new appreciation for them. I've always been concerned about the way they kind of flop over when I'm lying flat on my back, but after looking at them in the mirror, I began to realize it's not as horrible as I assumed and they still retain their shape quite nicely. They're just a little bit more...on the side.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Aug 23 2008, 10:16 AM
Post #316

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

This is funny, I was taking my laundry down this morning thinking about corsets and how nice it is that someone invented the bra (I don't know why my mind went here but anyway). I really like my breasts. They are pretty and soft and a nice color (god they are white! All the paleness in my body is focused right there.) And I love how, when I wear one of Lane Bryant's Cachique Balconnette bras, they make me look a little bit thinner.  tongue.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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anna k
 post Aug 22 2008, 10:56 AM
Post #317

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

AP, mine are a 38DDD as well, and I love them too. They're beautiful and they fit my body perfectly and they'e gorgeous.
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Queen Bull
 post Aug 21 2008, 08:42 PM
Post #318

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 228
From: the rainbow of self discovery

WOOHOO! IM with AP, hooray boobies!

I love gentiles. In fact, protestant spotting is one of my favorite pastimes. :) ooh.. whats that? me thinks its a blog
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 21 2008, 07:59 PM
Post #319

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I just want to give a shout out to boobies. We're so negative up in here. I know it's hard to find a decent bra or bathing suit, it sucks when somebody says/does something shitty to make you feel bad or fetishizes you. But for five minutes, FIVE minutes, will you give your tetas some props, ladies? Even if it's just in the privacy of your bedroom, just love yourself, ALL of yourself for five minutes. 

Y'know what? I LIKE MY TITS, ALL 38DD OF THEM! If some dillhole wants to marginalize me for it, she/he better expect to hear about it because not only do I have a tremendous rack, but a tremendously LOUD voice & katana verbal skillz. My breasts do NOT DEFINE ME! They do not make me a whore. They don't make me loose, they don't make me lucky. They aren't perfect by a long shot, but they are MINE! AND I LOVE THEM!

That is all.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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 post Aug 20 2008, 10:36 PM
Post #320

A symphony of atrocities. 
Posts: 1,437
From: The Sage Brush Steppes

QUOTE(anna k @ Aug 20 2008, 05:23 PM) *
I get uncomfortable if I feel like men who flirt with me or are interested me are looking at my breasts first, like that's the most attractive part of me. It felt like for years I was either hit on for my breasts (breasts first, face second, it felt like) or would try talking to a guy who I liked and he would just stare at me and not talk to me normally. I usually wear a button-down shirt over a tank top, not wanting to draw attention to them. 

Even if I'm in a sexual situation and having them played with, if I'm with a guy I'm not into, it can make me feel bored and slightly disgusted, like feeling like my breasts are big playthings for them.

I'm with you on that. I feel unlikeable or uninteresting. The only good part about me was my tits. It was one of the reasons I stopped having relationships with men. They were only in it for my tits.

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." -Exodus 22:18
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group (cuz we actually need it!)
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anna k
 post Aug 20 2008, 12:23 PM
Post #321

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,687
From: NYC

I got this quote from the small-breasted thread, but felt it was more appropriate here:

And you're right men are very visual. My girlfriends who look at porn, all acknowledge that we look at porn differently than the men in our lives. We can take it or leave it.

I get uncomfortable if I feel like men who flirt with me or are interested me are looking at my breasts first, like that's the most attractive part of me. It felt like for years I was either hit on for my breasts (breasts first, face second, it felt like) or would try talking to a guy who I liked and he would just stare at me and not talk to me normally. I usually wear a button-down shirt over a tank top, not wanting to draw attention to them. 

Even if I'm in a sexual situation and having them played with, if I'm with a guy I'm not into, it can make me feel bored and slightly disgusted, like feeling like my breasts are big playthings for them.
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Queen Bull
 post Aug 13 2008, 10:32 AM
Post #322

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 228
From: the rainbow of self discovery

QUOTE(LoveMyPugs @ Jul 30 2008, 09:54 AM) *
Has anyone ever heard of the Enell Sports bra??


very expensive but i'm seriously considering getting one. they look great.
Um, im not sure how delayed this is, but to anyone that wonders, Enells are apparently amazing. My mother, a DDD uses them when she runs, and LOVES it. she has gotten to the point, where she actually wheres them most of the time. [ she not much for showing off the girls] But, yes. take the leap, and get an Enell, because while wearing it, you will be able to do so without poking your eye. XD 

<3 div="" s="">

I love gentiles. In fact, protestant spotting is one of my favorite pastimes. :) ooh.. whats that? me thinks its a blog
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 12 2008, 05:32 PM
Post #323

Posts: 1
From: Michigan

I had a breast reduction when I was 23 (I'm 31 now). I did it while I was still under my parents insurance and I've never regretted it for a second. I'm a full c (down from probably a g) and I love it. I do have some scarring and I do lack sensation, but I can run! I can wear normal clothing and look normal, not slutty (unless I want to). It was scary and it is a big deal, but I'm glad I did it!

QUOTE(BustiRubi @ Aug 6 2008, 11:21 PM) *
I removed some worry from my life today. I have decided it's time for a breast reduction! 

I can only do this because my insurance covers it. And believe me I qualify for this. I have a petite frame i'm 19 and about a G cup size i'm only 5'2"! i have suffered from back pain and all the negative associated with it for 5 years,ever since i began to develop. I'm so fed up.

but really, that adds a little worry about the outcome. Its a big change for me. Any busties out there who have had one or about to have one with any advice to calm the anxiety?????

I have always been comfortable with my body and with who I am. it also took a loong time to get here, to accept myself..and now I'm changing it..
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 post Aug 12 2008, 05:06 AM
Post #324

Posts: 56
From: Babylon and Ting

I haven't been around for a while and have only checked back the last two months for this link and haven't found it yet, but some of you may find it interesting: three bra-fitting videos on a UK lingerie site:

The first shows how to measure your band size and stops there, but the other two might be useful.
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+Quote Post
 post Aug 6 2008, 10:21 PM
Post #325

Posts: 53
From: Santa Cruz, CA

I removed some worry from my life today. I have decided it's time for a breast reduction! 

I can only do this because my insurance covers it. And believe me I qualify for this. I have a petite frame i'm 19 and about a G cup size i'm only 5'2"! i have suffered from back pain and all the negative associated with it for 5 years,ever since i began to develop. I'm so fed up.

but really, that adds a little worry about the outcome. Its a big change for me. Any busties out there who have had one or about to have one with any advice to calm the anxiety?????

I have always been comfortable with my body and with who I am. it also took a loong time to get here, to accept myself..and now I'm changing it..
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 post Jul 31 2008, 09:07 PM
Post #326

Posts: 13

QUOTE(LoveMyPugs @ Jul 31 2008, 03:36 PM) *
mamsack - they custom make you one if you don't fit into one of the sizes they have listed. that's why i'm so psyched about them.

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LoveMyPugs post Jul 31 2008, 03:36 PM
Post #327

QUOTE(mamsack @ Jul 30 2008, 07:45 PM) *
I take it back, they only go to DDD. Now hear ye, BRA MAKERS! Swimsuit designers! Sports bra constructors! Women over DDD NEED SUPPORT! dang it.

mamsack - they custom make you one if you don't fit into one of the sizes they have listed. that's why i'm so psyched about them.
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 post Jul 30 2008, 10:57 PM
Post #328

Posts: 5

QUOTE(mamsack @ Jul 30 2008, 06:45 PM) *
I take it back, they only go to DDD. Now hear ye, BRA MAKERS! Swimsuit designers! Sports bra constructors! Women over DDD NEED SUPPORT! dang it.

Try this Freya sports bra, in sizes up to H in UK sizes, which is a K in US cups. ( on sale here: ) I just got it recently and love it, because it is one of the few smooth styles that is underwire and keeps the girls from getting that uni-boob look.
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 post Jul 30 2008, 06:45 PM
Post #329

Posts: 13

QUOTE(mamsack @ Jul 30 2008, 06:42 PM) *
Holy cow, I could go into space with that bra.

I take it back, they only go to DDD. Now hear ye, BRA MAKERS! Swimsuit designers! Sports bra constructors! Women over DDD NEED SUPPORT! dang it.
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 post Jul 30 2008, 06:42 PM
Post #330

Posts: 13

QUOTE(LoveMyPugs @ Jul 30 2008, 08:54 AM) *
Has anyone ever heard of the Enell Sports bra??


very expensive but i'm seriously considering getting one. they look great.

Holy cow, I could go into space with that bra.
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 post Jul 30 2008, 10:08 AM
Post #331

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 532
From: Baltimore

i can't find the link anymore, but it was on a list of top ten sport bras for big-breasted women. they're supposed to be good support for high impact activities.
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+Quote Post
LoveMyPugs post Jul 30 2008, 08:54 AM
Post #332

Has anyone ever heard of the Enell Sports bra??


very expensive but i'm seriously considering getting one. they look great.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 24 2008, 07:28 PM
Post #333

Posts: 13

QUOTE(suburbangirl @ Jul 23 2008, 09:36 PM) *
mamsack, try Breakout Bras. I just bought that swimsuit on clearance and with the 25% off coupon, it only cost me $42, and free shipping is standard. The only catch is that there are no returns on clearance items. If it doesn't fit me I will simply list it on eBay or something. That Panache suit, and other UK lines are different in the cup sizes for anything above a D, but there is a conversion table there....but you probably already knew this. I still wish there was a local brick and mortar store that sold a variety of suits like our smaller busted girlfriends have access to.

great, thank you! too bad they have so few styles, but nice to have a choice. Glad they have a conversion table--I understood Euro sizes were different but would totally have forgotten about it! Thanks.
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 post Jul 23 2008, 08:19 PM
Post #334

Posts: 5

QUOTE(mamsack @ Jul 23 2008, 07:10 PM) *
Ok, I was logging in to post WTF gives with trying to buy swimwear??! and I saw this. Yes, have had that experience. Alot. (Victoria's Secret, blow me.) I thought I found a good line (today) of swimwear called Coco, but they appear to only go to 40D or 40DD. WTF, again, I say? anyone have any luck with swimwear (tops)?

mamsack, try Breakout Bras. I just bought that swimsuit on clearance and with the 25% off coupon, it only cost me $42, and free shipping is standard. The only catch is that there are no returns on clearance items. If it doesn't fit me I will simply list it on eBay or something. That Panache suit, and other UK lines are different in the cup sizes for anything above a D, but there is a conversion table there....but you probably already knew this. I still wish there was a local brick and mortar store that sold a variety of suits like our smaller busted girlfriends have access to.
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 23 2008, 05:53 PM
Post #335

Posts: 13

Ok, I was logging in to post WTF gives with trying to buy swimwear??! and I saw this. Yes, have had that experience. Alot. (Victoria's Secret, blow me.) I thought I found a good line (today) of swimwear called Coco, but they appear to only go to 40D or 40DD. WTF, again, I say? anyone have any luck with swimwear (tops)? 

QUOTE(suburbangirl @ Jul 19 2008, 10:58 PM) *
What a small world. I kid you not. After months and months (years, really) of looking for a store that sells large cup bra-sized swimwear, I decided this morning to stop into the Betty Schwart'z store in Buffalo Grove (NW of Chicago, for the non-natives). A lady at Nordstrom told me try them.

I had a really bad experience. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by an older brunette and she asked what I was looking for. I asked if they had bra sized swimsuits. She asked what size and I told her 36H or I in a 14. She sneered at me as she said, "We never carried that size. You'd think I'd asked her to sniff dog poo. Then she grabbed the tag of a 40D swimsuit and said, "We have these." Ummm....okay. Idiot.  mad.gif Then I asked her if she knew of another retailer that did sell large cup swimwear. She said, "I don't know of any place that has things like that."

Rude, rude, rude. I left in such a pissed off mood. And now I am surfing the net looking for something, anything, that doesn't involve me ordering 20 swimsuits and returning 19 of them in the off-chance that one will fit.

I live in the third largest city in the United States, and not one fricking store carries my size! And to add insult to injury, I have to put up with rude, insulting salespeople who think I'm some sort of freak of nature. What gives?
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 post Jul 22 2008, 08:19 PM
Post #336

Posts: 9

I really wish there was a bravissimo in the US. Nothing would make me happier.
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 post Jul 22 2008, 08:05 PM
Post #337

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

wow, suburban girl, it sounds like you grew those boobs on purpose, just to piss that lady off.
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 post Jul 21 2008, 04:23 PM
Post #338

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,103
From: chi town

suburban girl,
I'm sorry you had such a shitty expirence at Scharwtz's that sucks. which suburb are you in?
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 post Jul 20 2008, 05:20 PM
Post #339

Posts: 5

I have tried some of the clothes that the UK based sells and they really are great! But the shipping can get costly for those of us in North America, especially if we need to return something. Does anyone know of a US or Canadian based company like this that sells tailored clothing specifically for busty women who aren't sized 18+? Since I am plump in the hip and rear I have had limited luck with the smaller sizes from, as they allow for bustier figures, but sometimes their tops are too long or more ample in the waist where I don't need it.
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 post Jul 20 2008, 02:20 AM
Post #340

Posts: 9

suburbangirl, I am so sorry! That is horrible! I have also had horrible experiences at several places so I know how you feel. In a similar situation I scoured the internet looking for something that would work. I finally stumbled on I was really afraid of ordering swimsuits online/over the phone but I called (with my measurements) and the woman I talked to sent me the most detailed email of my life explaining my size and what swimsuit would work best. I have a lot of difficulty fitting correctly in bras and swimsuits so I told her my issues and still didn't hold out a lot of hope. I received my swimsuit and it fit BETTER than my own bras! It was amazing. I highly recommend them!

And as a bonus all of the sales people I talked to were extremely nice!
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> large breast support group (cuz we actually need it!)
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 post Jul 19 2008, 09:41 PM
Post #341

Posts: 5

QUOTE(missladyj @ Feb 24 2008, 09:11 AM) *
If you are anywhere near Chicago I would suggest my favorite bra store Schwartz's Intimates which I googled and found this link:
I hope you find a place near y ou! Good luck! 


What a small world. I kid you not. After months and months (years, really) of looking for a store that sells large cup bra-sized swimwear, I decided this morning to stop into the Betty Schwart'z store in Buffalo Grove (NW of Chicago, for the non-natives). A lady at Nordstrom told me try them.

I had a really bad experience. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by an older brunette and she asked what I was looking for. I asked if they had bra sized swimsuits. She asked what size and I told her 36H or I in a 14. She sneered at me as she said, "We never carried that size. You'd think I'd asked her to sniff dog poo. Then she grabbed the tag of a 40D swimsuit and said, "We have these." Ummm....okay. Idiot.  mad.gif Then I asked her if she knew of another retailer that did sell large cup swimwear. She said, "I don't know of any place that has things like that."

Rude, rude, rude. I left in such a pissed off mood. And now I am surfing the net looking for something, anything, that doesn't involve me ordering 20 swimsuits and returning 19 of them in the off-chance that one will fit.

I live in the third largest city in the United States, and not one fricking store carries my size! And to add insult to injury, I have to put up with rude, insulting salespeople who think I'm some sort of freak of nature. What gives?
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 post Jul 16 2008, 11:12 AM
Post #342

Posts: 9
From: anywhere but here

Girl, frustrated, I had a reduction just about 2 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I have made regarding my body. I was miserable (at the chiropractor on average 4 times a week). My medical insurance actually covered most of it as "medically necessary." Recovery wasn't too bad. Just make sure you find a doc you're comfortable with. Looking back on it, I almost wish I had had the guts to take off a little more! I was so used to having these enormous breasts that I was scared to go too "small" (I went from an DDD to a C). Good luck!

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get less than you settled for. (Maureen Dowd)
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 post Jul 11 2008, 02:01 PM
Post #343

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 2,336
From: Canada

kittenb, I once had a massage therapist who would massage my pec area. I mostly saw her for my back but during the massage she would have me turn over and massage me just above my breasts. It was crazy how tight those muscles felt! I kind of wish I could find someone like her again because she was really good at deep tissue massages.

I haven't lost any weight yet (I haven't really been trying very hard) but I'm curious about how it will affect my bra size. Right now I'm a 40DD and I just want to be a bit smaller! I'd be happy being a 38D.
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 post Jul 10 2008, 07:42 PM
Post #344

Posts: 4

QUOTE(mamsack @ Jul 6 2008, 11:47 AM) *
[quote name='auralpoison' I'd rather be judged on my supersize boobs than live in a mudhut in Rawanda, y'know what I mean? 
that's for dang sure. good answer

Two things: 
1) AP, did you send me that quote for the clothes (comment, below)? could you post it here? 
2) blackscorpion, sorry you're having a rough time. i, for one, don't care if you're a lesbian and got my own boobs to stare at wink.gif ignore everyone else and just enjoy your girlfriend and your boobs. and her boobs. smile.gif

Thanks so much, mamsack. I am really glad for this site, it really makes me feel comfortable. And yes, I do enjoy my girlfriend's boobs very much wink.gif. We had a ton of fun ordering bras online the other day, actually. Anyone know a site where we can find some cheaper ones? (My g/f is a 32 G, she's just as difficult to shop for as I am).
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Girl, frustrated
 post Jul 10 2008, 10:25 AM
Post #345

Posts: 10

I think this is a great forum. everyone is talking about getting bigger boobs...but women with large breasts know it is not a walk in the park... i am 5'6, 110 pounds...with a 34DD. i have considered reduction...but the cost, time off work, the is not an easy decision to make.
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 post Jul 10 2008, 03:51 AM
Post #346

Posts: 9

I have horrible posture. It's something I try to think about and correct, but it's impossible to think about it 24 hours a day. Sometimes I pass by mirrors and think to myself: Oh dear God, I need to fix my posture!
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 post Jul 9 2008, 09:46 AM
Post #347

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

It can really be an act of courage to stand straight. Everything looks different in your figure. However, as you noticed, it is something that is within your control.
Having watched my mother get diagnosed w/degenerative arthritis in her neck and knowing that the women in my family tend to shrink as they get older, I really try hard not to slouch. I don't want to be in that kind of pain. I think that is why people tend to think I weigh less than I do. I don't carry myself the way a 185 person is "supposed" to. 
People can watch out for their own I eyes I figure.  wink.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Jul 9 2008, 08:08 AM
Post #348

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 1,018
From: Connecticut

I do get back/neck pain from my boobs, but I think my bad posture is mostly my own fault. I constantly roll my shoulders forward and round out the top of my back to minimize my bust. I look like quasimodo and it gives me a gut but it's so automatic. when I stand up straight I feel weird, almost naked, and when I look in the mirror I am horrified. It looks like I could poke someone's eyes out.
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 post Jul 8 2008, 09:13 PM
Post #349

There is nothing ironic about Show Choir!
Posts: 3,261
From: Chicago

I went from a 38DDD to a 38DD last year. Loosing weight can make a difference but not as much for some of us. I don't know if my breasts actually look that much different or if they just seem to fit into clothes better now. 
This is all my opinion, btw. I think that larger breasts often look quite lovely.
One thing I would like to suggest for women having posture issues related to breast size is pectoral massage. Find a massage therapist who you trust and who is willing to work within your comfort level (pec massage can hurt like a mofo the first couple of times. Never trust a therapist who does not respect your pain. There might be discomfort but you will know the difference. Take it from a professional.) Maybe look for an MT who deals with fibromyalgia. They are used to working w/people with a lower pain tolerance.
Pec massage can open and loosen the muscles that spent all the waking hours supporting our busts. As these muscles tighten and compress, our upper back muscles are forced to over stretch and work too hard to hold us upright. Pec massage can feel like the therapist has given you permission to breathe again.  smile.gif

In times of destruction, create something.
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 post Jul 8 2008, 07:04 PM
Post #350

Posts: 13

QUOTE(vesta @ Jul 8 2008, 08:07 PM) *
Hey ya'll, I'm finally back to the lounge after a mental sabbatical and need your help! On Thursday (yes, as in 2 days from now) I have to get a portrait taken with my sister (Note: STICK figure) that will forever hang on my parent's wall. I'm at a point right now that I absolutely HATE my body and since we're having the pic taken in a garden, we've been instructed by the photographer to wear white (yeah, right) or a lighter color top. So, not only can I not wear black but I have to stand next to my sis who I've got about 60 pounds on (and we're supposed to match). My dilemma is what in the hell to wear that will not make me look like a complete blimp. Any suggestions? I'm 'only' a 38D (post-reduction) and I just for one day (screw that, one hour!) want to feel beautiful so that I don't have to worry about crying every time I see this picture (which will be 16" X 20" on the freakin' wall!).

something tailored around the waist, pick a collar that suits you (square neck?), stand 3/4 to side with hands on hips if possible, chin down. might as well make the girls look tall and proud, if you're next to the stick. anthropologists will find that picture later and feel sorry for her that she was clearly too small to breed. wink.gif
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 post Jul 8 2008, 06:50 PM
Post #351

Posts: 9
From: anywhere but here

Hey ya'll, I'm finally back to the lounge after a mental sabbatical and need your help! On Thursday (yes, as in 2 days from now) I have to get a portrait taken with my sister (Note: STICK figure) that will forever hang on my parent's wall. I'm at a point right now that I absolutely HATE my body and since we're having the pic taken in a garden, we've been instructed by the photographer to wear white (yeah, right) or a lighter color top. So, not only can I not wear black but I have to stand next to my sis who I've got about 60 pounds on (and we're supposed to match). My dilemma is what in the hell to wear that will not make me look like a complete blimp. Any suggestions? I'm 'only' a 38D (post-reduction) and I just for one day (screw that, one hour!) want to feel beautiful so that I don't have to worry about crying every time I see this picture (which will be 16" X 20" on the freakin' wall!).

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get less than you settled for. (Maureen Dowd)
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 post Jul 8 2008, 05:59 PM
Post #352

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

QUOTE(mamsack @ Jul 8 2008, 04:39 PM) *
I have exactly the same physical profile, but taller with bigger chest. however. i would argue/caution/wonder: does the tunic over pants exaggerate the "barrel on stilts" effect we have (I have) going on????
Personally, I think it depends on the tunic. The uber-long ones that hit below my hips and butt often have that effect. The shorter ones that reach just to my hips, or right above them are generally pretty good, as long as the top is cut so that the fabric under the bust line and down isn't too flowy and billowy. To quote Clinton's line from 'What Not To Wear,' as long as it 'floats gently away from the body,' it tends to look ok on me. Too flowy & billowy and I start looking like I'm about to do a Stevie Nicks twirl, looking like a barrel on stilts. And that just ain't right.

Oh, and I also wear a lot of kimono-type tops, too. Which are sort of tunic-y tops, but with less billow going on below the bustline. Those work well for me, too, and look tres dramatique!

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Jul 8 2008, 05:22 PM
Post #353

Posts: 13

I have exactly the same physical profile, but taller with bigger chest. however. i would argue/caution/wonder: does the tunic over pants exaggerate the "barrel on stilts" effect we have (I have) going on????

QUOTE(thirtiesgirl @ Jul 8 2008, 01:07 PM) *
Just thought I'd join in on the big boob thread, since I'm often a big boob. Tee hee! wink.gif

Seriously, though (ach...can I get a rimshot please?), mine would fall under the description of big but not huge, as I have the 'apple shape' body type, with broader shoulders, torso & waist, with slimmer hips and a flat ass. In proportion to my shoulder width and torso size, my boobs don't look huge, but they definitely stand out. I'm not quite 5'5" tall, and wear a 40D bra. 

In my favor, I have fairly long leg bones, particularly my thighs, and my torso is rather short. This enables me to get away with the tunic top/dramatic top over long pants look, which is what I most frequently wear to work. The tunic elongates my mid-section while kind of disguising my tummy (I say kind of, since it doesn't *always* work, depending on the top). Lately, a lot of mid-price designers have started making all sorts of cotton jersey and cotton t-shirt like tops with cute details like puff and raglan sleeves, cross-over necklines, shirring, etc., so it's just like wearing a t-shirt with a little more flair. For casual and work, I do a lot of shopping for tops & pants at places like Old Navy, JCPenney, Mervyns and sometimes Lane Bryant. I also like to have kind of a vintage flair to my style (I don't call myself thirtiesgirl for nothing!), so I try to look for pieces that have some kind of vintage detail, or something that you might have seen on Norma Shearer or Joan Crawford in The Women. Maybe not the stiff fabrics they wore, but something in a similar shape.

I alternate between wearing underwire bras for the lift and support, particularly Playtex seamless support bras that won't show under cotton material, and wire-free bras, particularly Bali's double support seamless bras. They're not all that sexy, but for comfort and support, I haven't found anything better. And they don't show a thing under t-shirt material, not even a high beam headlight on a nippy day. Some of them even come with a 'spa back' closure that's supposed to be more comfortable than their regular bra closure, but I honestly can't tell the difference.

Thanks for the heads-up on the Bravissimo site. I'm definitely going to check out some of their intimates and clothes. Yay! (As if I needed to do more online shopping!)
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 8 2008, 11:50 AM
Post #354

Hardcore BUSTie
Posts: 580
From: Loss Angeles

Just thought I'd join in on the big boob thread, since I'm often a big boob. Tee hee! wink.gif

Seriously, though (ach...can I get a rimshot please?), mine would fall under the description of big but not huge, as I have the 'apple shape' body type, with broader shoulders, torso & waist, with slimmer hips and a flat ass. In proportion to my shoulder width and torso size, my boobs don't look huge, but they definitely stand out. I'm not quite 5'5" tall, and wear a 40D bra. 

In my favor, I have fairly long leg bones, particularly my thighs, and my torso is rather short. This enables me to get away with the tunic top/dramatic top over long pants look, which is what I most frequently wear to work. The tunic elongates my mid-section while kind of disguising my tummy (I say kind of, since it doesn't *always* work, depending on the top). Lately, a lot of mid-price designers have started making all sorts of cotton jersey and cotton t-shirt like tops with cute details like puff and raglan sleeves, cross-over necklines, shirring, etc., so it's just like wearing a t-shirt with a little more flair. For casual and work, I do a lot of shopping for tops & pants at places like Old Navy, JCPenney, Mervyns and sometimes Lane Bryant. I also like to have kind of a vintage flair to my style (I don't call myself thirtiesgirl for nothing!), so I try to look for pieces that have some kind of vintage detail, or something that you might have seen on Norma Shearer or Joan Crawford in The Women. Maybe not the stiff fabrics they wore, but something in a similar shape.

I alternate between wearing underwire bras for the lift and support, particularly Playtex seamless support bras that won't show under cotton material, and wire-free bras, particularly Bali's double support seamless bras. They're not all that sexy, but for comfort and support, I haven't found anything better. And they don't show a thing under t-shirt material, not even a high beam headlight on a nippy day. Some of them even come with a 'spa back' closure that's supposed to be more comfortable than their regular bra closure, but I honestly can't tell the difference.

Thanks for the heads-up on the Bravissimo site. I'm definitely going to check out some of their intimates and clothes. Yay! (As if I needed to do more online shopping!)

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. 
-Mae West
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 post Jul 6 2008, 01:45 PM
Post #355

Posts: 13

QUOTE(auralpoison @ Jul 6 2008, 12:06 PM) *
I bumped the thread again. It's in AbFab.

I see, sorry--I thought you meant you were going to bump it... over here. thanks!
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 6 2008, 10:49 AM
Post #356

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world

I bumped the thread again. It's in AbFab.

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 6 2008, 09:30 AM
Post #357

Posts: 13

[quote name='auralpoison' I'd rather be judged on my supersize boobs than live in a mudhut in Rawanda, y'know what I mean? [/quote]
that's for dang sure. good answer

Two things: 
1) AP, did you send me that quote for the clothes (comment, below)? could you post it here? 
2) blackscorpion, sorry you're having a rough time. i, for one, don't care if you're a lesbian and got my own boobs to stare at wink.gif ignore everyone else and just enjoy your girlfriend and your boobs. and her boobs. smile.gif
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 6 2008, 07:06 AM
Post #358

Big Fat Bitch
Posts: 4,932
From: Citizen of the world


Um, no reason to feel nervous around here, Blackscorpion, it's the big bust thread for a reason. Skip back to June 9th (Top of page three) to skip all the big/small boob kerfuffle & read backwards. You'll see that you're not alone. Engage in conversation with us & you'll get a response.

Oh, & it's not a good idea to include an email addy in your post or your profile. We get a lot of trolls & stuff, so I'd go back & delete that from your post unless you want drama.

And Catherine9188, you do not look like a "skank". Saying that perpetuates the male-founded stereotype that those of us bustier gals are more promiscuous than those less prodigiously lunged. I understand that you feel uncomfortable with your appearance in *average* clothes (Scroll through the archives & you'll finds loads of tips/websites for bigger busts.), but I assure you, you do not look like a "skank" for being overly gifted genetically in the tata area. There is no correlation between a big bust & whoredom.

Through all the pain, frustration, & ungodly amounts of money we spend to keep the girls happy, we need to remember first that they are OUR breasts & nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody should make you feel bad about them. I know we all sometimes want to bang our heads against the wall & wail in pure misery, but it could be worse. I'd rather be judged on my supersize boobs than live in a mudhut in Rawanda, y'know what I mean?

"You're cute, like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like a gas chamber, a real fun gal."
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+Quote Post
 post Jul 6 2008, 01:53 AM
Post #359

Posts: 4

Hey all, I'm a little nervous about posting this, but I have to b/c I really need some people who can understand where I'm coming from. I'm an 18-year-old w/38 F breasts who also happens to be a lesbian. I have a wonderful girlfriend (also on the busty side, but she doesn't want me revealing her size, at least not yet), but the two of us feel so alone in a world where half the populace can't look us in the eye because they think we're doing something sinful, and the other half can't look us in the eye because they're too busy staring at our chests. I love my breasts, I think that I have them for a reason, and I realize that guys are pigs and religious nuts are religious nuts. I would, however, like some other women to talk to (for me and possibly for my girlfriend) who understand. You don't have to be a lesbian too, and I don't care if you just want to talk about breasts. I'm just looking for someone to talk to. Thanx. smile.gif

My name's Lissa (not short for anything).
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 post Jul 2 2008, 09:09 PM
Post #360

Posts: 1

Hey. I'm new on here, just getting the feel of things. Its nice to know there are girls out there like me. I'm 19, 140 lbs, and am a 32-I. Its nearly impossible to buy clothes or bathing suits. Everything, with the exception of turtlenecks, makes me look like a skank. Does anyone know of any good stores for busty but small girls? I'd love to be able to look normal in clothes again, although I can't tell you the last time I could shop trouble free. I was a C cup in 7th grade, so I've always had a rough go of things. I finally did manage to find a good store to buy bras in though. If anyone is from Cincinnati, they should check out Candace's, near Kenwood. That woman is a miracle worker!
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